How can I set a background image to vs code? - visual-studio-code

I am currently using Vs Code. But I don't know much about the IDE. I want to set a background image to IDE. Is it possible?
I've been searching for weeks.
I installed an extension named background from shalldie. I have changed the json code with this:
"editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": true,
"background.enabled": true,
"background.loop": false,
"background.useDefault": false,
"background.useFront": false,
"": {
"content": "''",
"pointer-events": "none",
"position": "absolute",
"z-index": "99999",
"width": "70%",
"height": "100%",
"background-position": "right",
"background-size": "cover",
"background-repeat": "no-repeat",
"opacity": 0.1
"background.customImages": [
after this, vs code wanted me to reload the IDE and I did. but nothing have changed.
After all this, I got another notification that says "Bracket Pair Colorizer is no longer being maintained.". But I don't know what does it mean.
I am using windows 10.
what do I need to do now?

your path should add a '/' before drive letter


In reportState of the Google SmartHome API, temperatureK & spectrumRgb doesn't seem to work together

I'm trying to make the Google Smart Home API work on Gladys Assistant (it's an open-source home automation software), and I struggle to make Google Integrations tests pass.
This is my onSync:
"requestId": "9164924531720238290",
"payload": {
"agentUserId": "9aba8230-9e8d-47b7-9d1c-f4dd8725aad3",
"devices": [
"id": "mqtt-lamp-temperature",
"type": "action.devices.types.LIGHT",
"traits": [
"name": {
"name": "Lampe Temperature"
"attributes": {
"colorModel": "rgb",
"colorTemperatureRange": {
"temperatureMinK": 2000,
"temperatureMaxK": 9000
"deviceInfo": {
"model": null
"roomHint": "Grand Salon",
"willReportState": true
This is what I'm sending to reportState:
online: true,
color: { temperatureK: 3000, spectrumRgb: 8388863 },
on: true
This is what the onQuery is returning to the Google API:
'mqtt-lamp-temperature': {
online: true,
color: { temperatureK: 3000, spectrumRgb: 8388863 },
on: true
But this is what Google sees in the integrations tests:
AssertionError: Expected state to include:
actual state: {"color":{"spectrumRGB":8388863},"on":true,"online":true}: expected false to be true
It seems Google completely ignores the temperatureK attribute when the spectrumRgb attribute is here.
To confirm my theory, I tried to create a lamp that has only spectrumRgb and a light that has only temperatureK, and then it works perfectly. The problem is, in that case, some tests are skipped and I think I won't get validated by Google with that.
My question is:
Why does those attributes do not work together? Can't a light be controlled by its temperature and by it's RGB ?
Do you see anything weird in my implementation?
Thanks a lot for your help!
From the docs:
Color temperature is a linear scale and a subset of the RGB/HSV full spectrum color models.
You're currently trying to send two different color settings to your light (orange-ish in kelvin, deep pink in rgb), which is part of the issue you're running into.
You have set your device up in your SYNC to support both RGB and temperature, but in your QUERY/EXECUTE intents, you need to send either temperatureK or rgb spectrum values, not both.
Hi Your JSON format of Query and ReportState is different, include the device id in the ReportState as well, read the google report state docs for more info.

vscode is not respecting editor.quickSuggestions setttings

In vscode, I have the following setttings:
"editor.quickSuggestions": {
"other": true,
"comments": true,
"strings": true
"[markdown]": {
"editor.quickSuggestions": {
"other": true,
"comments": true,
"strings": true
I am debugging this issue for plugin Markdown Notes.
I believe at some point the settings value for editor.quickSuggestions changed from a boolean to the new mapping. In any case, in a document I have the text:
And this used to autocomplete the tag text immediately, respecting the quickSuggestions preference.
Now, I don't get an automatic autocomplete, BUT I DO get the correct autocomplete values when I triggerSuggest (⌃Space by default).
So vscode DOES know the correct completion values, but it just will not respect the quickSuggestions settting.
Is there some other new setting I need to toggle to get quickSuggestions working correctly?
Maybe you have
"editor.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": true
set to false?

facebook messaging templates - text and background color

is there any option to set color of background or text in list messaging template. I have this element in payload:
"title":"priority #2: and this is clickable title",
"subtitle":"And here’s some text, makes no sense, but I need it here",
"default_action": {
"type": "web_url",
"url": "",
"messenger_extensions": false,
"webview_height_ratio": "tall"
but unfortunely I wasn't able to find in docs the info how to set these colors. Maybe somebody have already done this, and could tell me what I have to add.
Nope, background and text color is not supported.

How change the color of rulers in Visual Studio Code

Not sure if this feature is included in the VSCode settings yet, but I'd love to change the ruler color from it's default grey.
"editor.rulers.color": "color"
But got an "unknown configuration setting error.
From the February 2020 v1.43 release, you can set per-ruler colors. Use like this:
"editor.rulers": [
"column": 80,
"color": "#ff00ff"
100, // a ruler with the default or editorRuler.foreground color at column 100
"column": 120,
"color": "#ff0000"
See the release notes here:
In settings.json:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editorRuler.foreground": "#ff333388"
File -> Preferences -> Settings Or cntrl+,
type "rulers" and click Edit Setings.json
3. Add the size value by ',' As you wish
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editorRuler.foreground": "#0ddf73"
Like this(Gif)

Plugins HighlightWords in Sublime Text 3 How to configure?

Hello I have downloaded the Plugins HighlightWords to use it with Sublime Text 3 that promises to highlight words using some of the colors. Download it from here:
Could someone help me to change the color of highlighted by default. What I have tried I have not been able to do. This is the file to modify:
// The colors to highlight texts are specified by a list of theme scope names,
// and HighlightWords uses this list in circular order.
"whole_word": false,
"use_regex": false,
"ignore_case": false,
// Keywords to be always highlighted, clear the list to disable it.
// "keyword" are literally matched, and "color" refers to theme scope names.
// Note that json has some special characters like '\' should be escaped.
//{"keyword": "TODO", "color": "support.function"},
//{"keyword": "FIXIT", "color": "support.function"},
You can override default plugin settings in plugin user settings. Goto menu Preferences > PackageSettings > HighlightWords > Settings-User , then add the words and colors you want overriding permanent_highlight_keyword_color_mappings property. Example content:
{"keyword": "stackoverflow", "color": "variable.parameter"},
{"keyword": "sublime", "color": "string"},
{"keyword": "plugin", "color": "invalid.deprecated"},
Save the file and maybe you need to restart sublime. Result: