Connect server and client via sockets in different nets - sockets

I'm using the "signalserver" and "signalclient" scripts from the attached zip from this article in Metatrader 5. It based on socket connection. The function of those is to copy orders from one MT5 terminal to another. The problem is that the scripts connects to each other (via Metatraders 5) if both PCs are connected to the same net (same WI-FI), but when I'm trying to launch signalserver on remote server and signalclient somewhere else, it fails to connect. There are "Host" and "Port" inputs in both scripts. When both devices connected to same wifi, I'm writing my local IP (from router's page at in "host" in the client script. What should I do to connect the server and client in different nets?


How to create a virtual network interface on a remote machine bridge to an interface on a local machine?

I have a local Linux machine (L), with a network interface (eth0) connected to (currently) only one device (D).
L/eth0 only has an ipv6 link local address.
D also only has an ipv6 link local address.
Client software on L discovers D's link local address by sending a custom multicast packet over eth0. The response contain the device link local address as well as some configuration information. From there it communicates with the device using various UDP or TCP port.
My goal is to be able to use the device from a remote machine (R). The remote machine being most likely a Linux docker container running on some host - although it could be a native macOS or other.
That means running both the discovery protocol and communicate with the device. I definitely cannot modify software on the device, and cannot modify most of the client software running on the local Linux or remote machine (Limited modification could possibly be requested)
My idea was to somehow create a virtual interface on the remote machine, that would remotely be bridged to the the local machine, so that the multicast discovery works from the remote, and so that I can just connect to D link local address from the remote.
I'm not sure which tool(s) I should be using.
I'm googling various things about VPN and tunnel, TUN/TAP interfaces, bridges, VETH, VLAN, etc... but I'm having trouble connecting the dots here... I have no budget for this, so I'm looking for open source tools, or just something I can cobble up together with common tools.

azure - How to connect to socket server program running on virtual machine

I have a socket based game server running on a virtual machine in Azure.
And Azure provides IP(public) and port(public) which is used for remote control.
I tried to connect to the server program with the IP and port. The client socket is connected but apparently not to the server program. client does not receive any and the server program told me there was nothing.
How do I connect to a server program running on Azure's virtual machine?
(the server program is a console project made by Visual Studio.)

Data transfer Windows Embedded Compact 7 & Computer VIA USB connection

I made an app using the barcoding for inventory management, now i need to transfer that data to the computer. For this purpose i used TCP/IP Host client sample applications given in windows mobile 6.5.3 SDK samples.
When i run the application its' fine no errors, shows connected to the Host IP but no data is transferred, When i debugged there is no exception code just works fine but there is no functionality performed. My connection is USB connection. IP shown in host application is correct, my device is also having IP (check through ipconfig). Now when i ping my host computer from device, it is giving error
PING: transmit failed, error code 11010
Is my approach right towards this situation using this data transfer over this socket ? If yes then how can i make this connection successful ? If not what is the other solution for this data transfer from device to computer. (software on device is using SQL CE and application on computer is ASP.NET application using SQL Server database.)
I saw various similar questions about this problem but unable to find any suitable solution. PS i am new this platform of windows mobile/embedded
If not what is the other solution for this data transfer from device
to computer. (software on device is using SQL CE and application on
computer is ASP.NET application using SQL Server database.)
These are some common solutions for client/server communications on Windows Mobile:
Use RAPI or RAPI2 to communicate with the mobile device and host PC using the USB ActiveSync/Windows Mobile Device Center connection. You could use this option to export a CSV file from the mobile device to the host PC. Then you can import the CSV file into the host database. Requires physical access to host PC via USB.
Call a web service to transmit the data to the server. You can write a simple RESTful web service using ASP.NET Web API. If you're using C++ you can use WinInet API, but it's kind of painful. If you're using C# then you have built-in support and it's not an issue.
Use SQL CE Replication.

how to access client desktop and to control mouse using tcp/ip protocol from server machine

I'm working on project to develop an software using the TCP/IP protocol. The basic function of the software is to access the client activity running on client machine from server machine, for example information about current running applications.
Also, I want to access desktop screen and mouse from client machine to server machine using TCP/IP protocol. What are the basic steps that I can follow to access the desktop and could handle client mouse from server machine using TCP/IP.
It sounds like you want to build a VNC or RDP -like program. There have been an explosion of these services/programs in the time since you asked the question, though I don't know how many might be open source. I would start by investigating an Open Source VNC client and then see about adding an encrypted tunnel to keep the connection secure.
UltraVNC and TightVNC are popular Open Source VNC clients.

log4j: SocketAppender and network link down

I have a Java application that use log4j.
The application run on a linux server. I can (with script) add socket appender in the server.
I use the log viewer Chainsaw. This log viewer works on my computer (on windows XP)
I follow step below :
Open Chainsaw (on my computer) and configure it to simpleSocketReceiver
Open a Socket Appender (server) to connect to chainsaw.
Disconnect my computer from network.
With a second computer : try to connect to the server : can't connect to him
On the first computer : chainsaw was bloked (except if reconnection delay of socket appender is set to 0)
Reconnection of my computer to the network
With the second computer : the connection is now possible.
I don't know why the second computer can't connect to the server.
If anyone can help me ^^
Thanks a lot