Server selection Timeout error-Mangodb atlas - mongodb

I Started learning MongoDB atlas recently,and was trying to connect it with Jupyter notebook. im facing Server selection timeout error, and I’m unable to resolve it.
help me get rid of this. Im new to this arena,so,in need of basic explanation.
ServerSelectionTimeoutError: [SSL:
CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: certificate has
expired (_ssl.c:1125),
[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed:
certificate has expired
(_ssl.c:1125), [SSL:
CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: certificate has
expired (_ssl.c:1125), Timeout: 30s, Topology Description:
<TopologyDescription id: 621f7d6cb87ad4090bfca8ca, topology_type:
ReplicaSetNoPrimary, servers: [<ServerDescription
('', 27017) server_type:
Unknown, rtt: None,
[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed:
certificate has expired (_ssl.c:1125)')>, <ServerDescription
('', 27017) server_type:
Unknown, rtt: None,
[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed:
certificate has expired (_ssl.c:1125)')>, <ServerDescription
('', 27017) server_type:
Unknown, rtt: None,
[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed:
certificate has expired (_ssl.c:1125)')>]>


tls: bad certificate after certificate updates

I have Hyperledger Fabric (1.3) network which had expired certificates.
I was not able to execute peer chaincode commands.
I have generated certificates using same ca server and replaced. Now I am able to run query commands but still getting following error on peer for invoke,
2022-11-23 15:07:01.440 UTC [grpc] createTransport -> DEBU 0be grpc:
addrConn.createTransport failed to connect to {orderer1:7050 0 <nil>}. Err :connection error:
desc = "transport: authentication handshake failed: remote error: tls: bad certificate". Reconnecting...
Kindly help. Any suggestion will be appreciated.

MongoDB BI Connector (mongosqld) - OVH [SSL error]

I am trying to deploy MongoDB BI-Connector (mongosqld) as a service to connect Power-BI to a MongoDB hosted in OVH cloud service. But when trying to launch the service and request a connection this error appeared :
[initandlisten] connection accepted from ..., but could not initialize: unable to connect to MongoDB: no servers available: server selection error: context deadline exceeded, current topology: { Type: Unknown, Servers: [{ Addr:, Type: Unknown, Average RTT: 0, Last error: connection() error occured during connection handshake: SSL errors: 14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed }, ] }

MongoDB and python using Motor, read and write operations to the database shows error

pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1129), [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1129), [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1129), Timeout: 30s, Topology Description: <TopologyDescription id: 60b1c9b0c4a5874ea362693e, topology_type: ReplicaSetNoPrimary, servers: [<ServerDescription ('', 27017) server_type: Unknown, rtt: None, error=AutoReconnect(' [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1129)')>, <ServerDescription ('', 27017) server_type: Unknown, rtt: None, error=AutoReconnect(' [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1129)')>, <ServerDescription ('', 27017) server_type: Unknown, rtt: None, error=AutoReconnect(' [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1129)')>]>
This is the error it is producing.
I am using FastApi, Motor, and uvicorn to the run server. The database I use is a free cluster provided in Mongo Atlas. It was working fine the last time I updated the server that is 2 days ago, but from yesterday onwards the error is produced. I've tried to update the above mentioned packages as of now.
I am new to mongodb.
I have found a fix that works but I don't if its the best way.
client = motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient(MONGO_DETAILS)
The above line is how I connected to my cluster. I changed the line to:
client = motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient(MONGO_DETAILS, tls=True, tlsAllowInvalidCertificates=True)
It works as it did earlier there is no issue.
Anyway I would like to know why this error occurs!

Connect to Mongo db with URI not work with parameter tlsAllowInvalidCertificates

I try to connect to mongo with the following uri:
mongo 'mongodb://mongoadmin:mxmxmxmxm#server:27017/?tls=true&tlsInvalidHostNameAllowed=true&tlsAllowInvalidCertificates=true&authMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-1'
but anyway server validate the certificate:
2020-07-30T09:06:59.250-0400 E NETWORK [js] SSL peer certificate validation failed: Certificate trust failure: CSSMERR_TP_NOT_TRUSTED; connection rejected
2020-07-30T09:06:59.250-0400 E QUERY [js] Error: couldn't connect to server bcicrtlmongodb001:27017, connection attempt failed: SSLHandshakeFailed: SSL peer certificate validation failed: Certificate trust failure: CSSMERR_TP_NOT_TRUSTED; connection rejected :
in the server config file:
-- network interfaces
bindIpAll: true
port: 27017
-- bindIp: # Listen to local interface only, comment to listen on all interfaces.
mode: requireSSL
PEMKeyFile: /etc/ssl/server.pem
CAFile: /etc/ssl/certs/
disabledProtocols: TLS1_0,TLS1_1
allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates: true
authorization: enabled
javascriptEnabled: false
enableLocalhostAuthBypass: false
Server and client validate each other's certificates independently.
tlsAllowInvalidCertificates is the client-side option for the client to not validate the server's certificate. It has no effect on whether the server validates the client's certificate, which is configured in server settings.

Can't connect to mongodb with self-signed certificate, mongodb in docker container

I have created a docker container with a mongodb image. I created a self-signed certificate for the secure connections to the database following this guide.
I started trying to make a connection with these certificates where rootCA.pem is the self-signed certificate of the computer that will become the certifier, in this case the same. And mongodb.pem is the .key of the server + the .crt.
root#8bc7b8cd6a0d:/# mongo --tls --tlsCAFile /data/db/certs/rootCA.pem --tlsCertificateKeyFile /data/db/certs/mongodb.pem --host
MongoDB shell version v4.2.6
connecting to: mongodb://
2020-04-29T09:21:21.255+0000 E QUERY [js] Error: couldn't connect to server, connection attempt failed: SocketException: stream truncated :
2020-04-29T09:21:21.259+0000 F - [main] exception: connect failed
2020-04-29T09:21:21.259+0000 E - [main] exiting with code 1
root#8bc7b8cd6a0d:/# mongo --tls --tlsCAFile /data/db/certs/rootCA.pem --tlsCertificateKeyFile /data/db/certs/mongodb.pem
MongoDB shell version v4.2.6
connecting to: mongodb://
2020-05-05T19:39:52.308+0000 E QUERY [js] Error: couldn't connect to server, connection attempt failed: SocketException: stream truncated :
2020-05-05T19:39:52.358+0000 F - [main] exception: connect failed
2020-05-05T19:39:52.359+0000 E - [main] exiting with code 1
The certificates are stored in the following directory, which is in a volume to the container to store the data from the database.
root#auzal-virtual-machine:/opt/mimongo# ls certs
mongodb.crt mongodb.csr mongodb.key mongodb.pem rootCA.key rootCA.pem
Finally the configuration file is structured in the following way, this file is a copy of the original, I say this in case you see that the name is different from normal:
# for documentation of all options, see:
# Where and how to store data.
dbPath: /var/lib/mongodb
enabled: true
# engine:
# mmapv1:
# wiredTiger:
# where to write logging data.
destination: file
logAppend: true
path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
# network interfaces
port: 27017
mode: requireSSL
PEMKeyFile: /data/db/certs/mongodb.pem
CAFile: /data/db/certs/rootCA.pem
# how the process runs
timeZoneInfo: /usr/share/zoneinfo
## Enterprise-Only Options:
I don't know why I get that error, could it be that I am interpreting something wrong with the certificates and not indicating the correct one? What is the error I receive?
reviewing the logs with a statement within the database I get the following error, however this ability in the main configuration file:
Error receiving request from client: SSLHandshakeFailed: SSL handshake received but server is started without SSL support.
The authentication you see is from an administrator user but without a certificate
"2020-05-06T21:46:58.796+0000 I NETWORK [conn3] end connection (0 connections now open)",
"2020-05-06T21:47:02.052+0000 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #4 (1 connection now open)",
"2020-05-06T21:47:02.053+0000 I NETWORK [conn4] Error receiving request from client: SSLHandshakeFailed: SSL handshake received but server is started without SSL support. Ending connection from (connection id: 4)",
"2020-05-06T21:47:02.053+0000 I NETWORK [conn4] end connection (0 connections now open)",
"2020-05-06T21:47:08.628+0000 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #5 (1 connection now open)",
"2020-05-06T21:47:08.629+0000 I NETWORK [conn5] Error receiving request from client: SSLHandshakeFailed: SSL handshake received but server is started without SSL support. Ending connection from (connection id: 5)",
"2020-05-06T21:47:08.629+0000 I NETWORK [conn5] end connection (0 connections now open)",
"2020-05-06T21:47:11.815+0000 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #6 (1 connection now open)",
"2020-05-06T21:47:11.816+0000 I NETWORK [conn6] Error receiving request from client: SSLHandshakeFailed: SSL handshake received but server is started without SSL support. Ending connection from (connection id: 6)",
"2020-05-06T21:47:11.817+0000 I NETWORK [conn6] end connection (0 connections now open)",
"2020-05-06T21:47:21.515+0000 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #7 (1 connection now open)",
"2020-05-06T21:47:21.515+0000 I NETWORK [conn7] Error receiving request from client: SSLHandshakeFailed: SSL handshake received but server is started without SSL support. Ending connection from (connection id: 7)",
"2020-05-06T21:47:21.516+0000 I NETWORK [conn7] end connection (0 connections now open)",
"2020-05-06T21:50:17.250+0000 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #8 (1 connection now open)",
"2020-05-06T21:50:17.251+0000 I NETWORK [conn8] Error receiving request from client: SSLHandshakeFailed: SSL handshake received but server is started without SSL support. Ending connection from (connection id: 8)",
"2020-05-06T21:50:17.251+0000 I NETWORK [conn8] end connection (0 connections now open)",
"2020-05-06T21:51:48.008+0000 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #9 (1 connection now open)",
"2020-05-06T21:51:48.009+0000 I NETWORK [conn9] received client metadata from conn9: { application: { name: \"MongoDB Shell\" }, driver: { name: \"MongoDB Internal Client\", version: \"4.2.6\" }, os: { type: \"Linux\", name: \"Ubuntu\", architecture: \"x86_64\", version: \"18.04\" } }",
"2020-05-06T21:51:54.405+0000 I NETWORK [conn9] end connection (0 connections now open)",
"2020-05-06T21:52:03.681+0000 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #10 (1 connection now open)",
"2020-05-06T21:52:03.682+0000 I NETWORK [conn10] received client metadata from conn10: { application: { name: \"MongoDB Shell\" }, driver: { name: \"MongoDB Internal Client\", version: \"4.2.6\" }, os: { type: \"Linux\", name: \"Ubuntu\", architecture: \"x86_64\", version: \"18.04\" } }",
"2020-05-06T21:52:03.682+0000 I SHARDING [conn10] Marking collection admin.system.users as collection version: <unsharded>",
"2020-05-06T21:52:03.776+0000 I ACCESS [conn10] SASL SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication failed for admin on admin from client ; AuthenticationFailed: SCRAM authentication failed, storedKey mismatch",
"2020-05-06T21:52:03.786+0000 I NETWORK [conn10] end connection (0 connections now open)",
"2020-05-06T21:52:16.138+0000 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #11 (1 connection now open)",
"2020-05-06T21:52:16.139+0000 I NETWORK [conn11] received client metadata from conn11: { application: { name: \"MongoDB Shell\" }, driver: { name: \"MongoDB Internal Client\", version: \"4.2.6\" }, os: { type: \"Linux\", name: \"Ubuntu\", architecture: \"x86_64\", version: \"18.04\" } }",
"2020-05-06T21:52:16.215+0000 I ACCESS [conn11] Successfully authenticated as principal admin on admin from client"
"ok" : 1
> db.adminCommand( { getLog: "global" } )
I followed this guide when creating my certificate. I initially used the certificate created from here but it didn't work. Using the server certificate did the trick.