Managed Apple ID creation through REST API - apple-id

I am wondering if it is possible to create a company Managed Apple ID through some Apple REST API? I feel like I've browsed through the internet without any success...


Instagram API Usage

I'm currently working on a project where I'm "tracking" down public instagram users' statics.
But I'm encountering an issue, I'm able to get my own profile but not other's profile, even if their profile is public.
On my Facebook developer's app I don't have the authorizations to use their API (basic / graph profile), but to fill the form I need to show to Facebook how I'm using it on my website, but everything is currently backend, and I can't work on a frontend page if I can't test my api on other profile.
What am I supposed to do ?
PS: I don't mind the language, if it's functional I will adapt it to my system's language.
Best regards :)
I don't think you will get API approval for such purpose (but who knows..) so your best bet might be unofficial API wrappers from github.

How can we integrate our rest api into shopify?

For some additional features, i want to integrate our rest API in shopify?
suppose i have a rest API which i want to integrate into shopify liquid page.
I know this can be,but how can we do this?
can anyone explain? please help.
For free, sign-up as a Shopify partner so you get access to making your own Apps. With that, you can make an App for your shop, and use the App Proxy to add your own API to Shopify.

Facebook Continued Flow Lead Ads: How to get whitelisted?

We'd like to use the Facebook Continued Flow Lead Ads API. Integrating it into our website was quite easy. The Continued Flow Test Tool was helpful.
The last step missing is how to integrate our endpoint - the Follow Up URL - in campaigns.
In the Facebook Continued Flow Lead Ads API, the documentation says that
This feature is available by whitelist only.
Since Facebook's support doesn't provide this information, maybe someone over here can help me?
How does one get whitelisted?
As far as I know you have to go through an internal process with a FB account manager or one of the technical managers of the Lead Ads project to get your ad account whitelisted for continued flow use. I checked if this might be exposed on the FB App Review process but it's not yet, so I recommend contacting your account manager if you have one or otherwise trying to go through FB support.
in order to be whitelisted you need to have:
Managed account
$50K+ monthly spent
You can apply through this link which is available publicly -

Using windows azure authetication for mobile services

I making windows phone apps and i find out that windows azure have "identity" feature to authenticate user and getting userID,
what i want to know is:
can i use this userID to identify each user that login? (my app allow user to post a comment into the app and i looking for using this userID for tracking each user comment)
can i retrieve other data beside userID? like display name or picture and is it same like using their native sdk? (facebook or twitter)? to post into timeline?
My first approach is trying to integrate microsoft account but i don't know where to get client id and client secret
sorry for many question, i just getting very confuse about this... and after hours of watching channel9 and reading i just barely understand any of this...
have a look at the following blog posts using Azure Mobile Services and see if it helps you:
Getting user information on Azure Mobile Services
Enhanced users feature in Azure Mobile Services

how can get the mutual friend of google plus in iphone sdk

I am using the developer Google
I want to get the mutual/common friend in api.
Can it is possible?
This is not possible with the current REST APIs for Google+.
If you'd like to learn more about what is available, you can check out the reference docs. If it's an API that you need, you can also request it using the platform issue tracker.