How to solve "Ingress Error: Some backend services are in UNHEALTHY state"? - kubernetes

I am working on deploying a certain pod to GKE but I am having an unhealthy state for my backend services.
The deployment went through via helm install process but the ingress reports a certain warning error that says Some backend services are in UNHEALTHY state. I have tried to access the logs but do not know exactly what to look out for. Also, I already have liveness and readiness probes running.
What could I do to make the ingress come back to a healthy state? Thanks
Picture of warning error on GKE UI

Without more details it is hard to determine the exact cause.
As first point I want to mention, that your error message is Some backend services are in UNHEALTHY state, not All backend services are in UNHEALTHY state. It indicates that only a few of your backends are affected.
There might be tons of reasons, if you are using GCP Ingress or Nginx Ingress, your configuration of externalTrafficPolicy, if you are using preemptive nodes, your livenessProbe and readinessProbe, health checks, etc.
In your scenario, only a few backends are affected, the only thing with current information I can suggest you some debug options.
Using $ kubectl get po -n <namespace> check if all your pods are working correctly, that all containers within pods are Ready and pod status is Running. Eventually check logs of suspicious pod $ kubectl logs <podname> -c <containerName>. In general you should check all pods the load balancer is pointing to,
Confirm if livenessProbe and readinessProbe are configured properly and response is 200,
Describe your ingress $ kubectl describe ingress <yourIngressName> and check backends,
Check if you've configured your health checks properly according to GKE Ingress for HTTP(S) Load Balancing - Health Checks guide.
If you still won't be able to solve this issue with above debug options, please provide more details about your env with logs (without private information).
Useful links:
kubernetes unhealthy ingress backend
GKE Ingress shows unhealthy backend services

In GKE you can define BackendConfig. To define custom health checks. you can configure this using the below link to make the ingress backend to be in a HEALTHY state.

If you have kubectl access to your pods, you can run kubectl get pod, and then kubctl logs -f <pod-name>.
Review the logs and find the error(s).


kubernetes logs for service or deployment

I am having real trouble understanding how I am suppose to debug my current situation. I have followed the setup instructions from
There is a backend service which was created as a ClusterIP, and therefore can not be accessed from the host.
I created a load balancer for this purpose. using the command
kubectl expose deployment deployment_name --port=8000 --target-port=8000 \
--name=lb_service --type=LoadBalancer
However, the attempt to access the backend service failed when I use the LoadBalancer Ingress ip and NodePort port with a connection timeout. I like to see the relevant logs to check where the problem occurred. However, apparently kubectl logs service only shows logs for pods, whereas the load balancer, according to the kubectl expose command is attached to the deployment. Therefore, I am not able to see any logs related either to the load balancer service, or the deployment component.
When I looked at the pod which is supposed to be hosting the deployment, the log showed no error.
Can someone point out where do I look for logs that can debug this failed connectivity?
You probably need to look at the ingress logs, se this page from the documentation:
it is true that you can only get logs from pods. However, that is sufficient to see the relevant error messages.

Kubernetes on GCP - Getting message "Does not have minimum availability"

I deployed the images of microservices currency-conversion and currency-exchange on Google cloud but in the Kubernetes Engine, I see that the pods/replica sets are not available.
When I check under Workload tab, I see that the service shows a message "Does not have minimum availability"
I added additional availability zone to increase the resources but that did not help.
How do I fix this ?
Many reasons could be there behind failure:
Low Resources so POD are not starting or pending
Liveness or Readiness failing for PODs
Configmap or secret which POD require to start is not available
You can describe the POD or check the logs of POD to debug more issue
kubectl describe pod <POD name> -n <Namespace name>
The pod is crashing hence why you're getting "Does not mean minimum availability"
You should look at the logs of the container first and see why its crashing
kubectl logs -n default {name of pod}

debug gke loadbalancing error - some backend services are in UNHEALTHY state

Started seeing this error for the first time in a year and unsure how to debug (not very familiar with k8s)
{#type:, statusDetails: failed_to_pick_backend}
failed_to_pick_backend - The load balancer failed to pick a healthy backend to handle the request.
Debug tips:
List the pods the load balancer pointing to.
Make sure that probes (ie. readiness, liveness) are configured.
Describe the pods ( kubectl describe pods <pod_name> -n <namespace>) to see why the health check is failing.
Fix the health check problem. Once the pods are healthy, give the load balancer some time (sometimes it takes hours) to update the status.

Kubernetes pods in pending state for indfinite time..?

I'm using digital ocean kubernetes cluster service and have deployed 9 nodes in cluster but when i'm trying to deploy kafka zookeeper pods few pods get deployed other remain in pending state. i've tried doing
kubectl describe pods podname -n namespace
it shows
its not getting assigned to any nodes
check if your deployment/statefulset might have some node Selectors and/or node/pod affinity that might prevent it from running .
also it would be helpful to see more parts of the pod decribe since it might give more details.
there is a message on your print screen about the PersistentVolume Claims so I would also check the status of the pvc objects to check if they are bound or not.
good luck

Kubernetes - which pod receives request from load balancer?

I have a load balancer service for a deployment having 3 pods. When I do a rolling udpate(changing the image) by the following command :
kubectl set image deployment/< deployment name > contname=< image-name >
and hit the service continuously, it gives a few connection refused in between. I want to check which pods it is related to. In other words, is it possible to see which request is served by which pods (without going inside the pods and checking the logs in them)? Also, Is this because of a race condition, as in when a pod might have got a request and had just been terminated before receiving that(almost simultaneously - resulting in no response)?
Have you configured liveness and readiness probes for you Pods? The service will not serve traffic to a Pod unless it thinks it is healthy, but without health checks it won't know for certain if it is ready.