Styling autocomplete for mapbox - autocomplete

How do you style autocomplete in MapBox? Like how do you get the title bold like in the example on the Geocoding API Playground. enter image description here


Mapbox directions textbox language change

I am building a Map with #Mapbox. Here is the link
[][1] enter code here
I would like to change the language from the text box "choose starting place"... into Spanish. How can I do that?

Get active tooltip's text in Leaflet

I'm looking for a way to get content (text) of the active tooltip on a Leaflet map.
I can bind new tooltip content, but I can't seem to find a method to get the text.
What I'm trying to accomplish is to identify an object that the user hovers over to trigger an additional action outside of Leaflet.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can get the Tooltip content with: marker.getTooltip().getContent();

How do I associate makis in a custom style with a poi-label in Mapbox Studio?

I am creating in Mapbox Studio a style from scratch. I have a poi-label layer that filters by data. I can see the filter works. I can place a text label at the location of the poi, all in Mapbox Studio.
For the life of it I cannot show an icon with the text. I have tried to paste a some_maki.svg from the Maki iconset in to the "Icon image" field. THe cursor indicates that pasting is a valid operation, the image is uploaded, but it does not show on the map. What gives?
The Maki icon set provides each icon in two SVG sizes: 11px by 11px and 15px by 15px. So, when you use the name of a particular Maki icon in the 'icon-image' layout property, you also need to append the icon's name with either -11 or -15.
For example, consider the 'icon-image' for the poi-label layer in the default Mapbox Street style when inspected in Mapbox Studio:
So, if you include & "-11" or & "-15" in your icon image formula, and the referenced icon is included in your style's sprite sheet, the icons should show up as expected. You can add and remove image's in your style's sprite with the image toolbar, as described in the documentation here.

Flutter - Is there any way to add hyperlink recognition in the textfield like "Whatsapp or google notes etc."

I building a sticky note app but I stuck with the text field in the flutter.
Is there any way to recognise the like rich text field... I would really like help...
I just want when someone put a link in the text field app use network packet to get an image and title description to make a tile.
Just like this...

Display image in Leaflet (Cloudmade) popups

I am using the default settings for the Leaflet (cloudmade) Simple project (
I have a 1300 record CSV which displays well, and on-click the attributes display text in popup window.
Two of the fields are URLs to small JPG images. I would like these to display in the popup window. I've tried but to no avail.
Link to project:
How can I show the images?
Have you tried using <img></img> tags instead of <a href></a>? they are links because they are written as links. Or you can do <img src="mySource"> dont forget to play with the styling of the img tag. The height and width.