I got error from React Native Expo webview : Domain undefined - react-native-webview

I'm using Expo webview for my react project.
But i got an Error when i turn off my phone an hour and my app was still on foreground.
Error message was like
Error loading page
Domain : undefined
Error Code : -2
Description: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
I guess this error occurs because when user's access token expires, i reload the page to reconnect websocket.
Please help this stupid junior developer 😢
enter image description here


Invoking error handler due to Uncaught abort(59) at Error. How can I solve this?

So I am trying to create a Unity game for WebGl. In this game I need auth0 for the authentication part.
This is the code for the authentication part:
var client = new AuthenticationApiClient(new System.Uri("..."));
var authorizationUrl = client.BuildAuthorizationUrl()
.WithResponseType(AuthorizationResponseType.IdToken, AuthorizationResponseType.Token)
To make my page work I have a local server in XAMPP.
So the idea with this is that I need to click a button on the game redirect the page to an Auth0 authentication page and once I enter my username and password (for example gmail account) I go to the game again.
The problem is that whenever I click in this button, I get this error:
Invoking error handler due to
Uncaught abort(59) at Error
at jsStackTrace (htdocs.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:22295)
at stackTrace [Object.stackTrace] (htdocs.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:22466)
at Object.onAbort (http://localhost/Build/UnityLoader.js:4:11047)
at abort (htdocs.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:484763)
at wasm-function[56208]:3
at wasm-function[16961]:46
at wasm-function[43219]:1456
at wasm-function[56097]:16
at dynCall_iii [Object.dynCall_iii] (htdocs.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:459875)
at invoke_iii (htdocs.wasm.framework.unityweb:8:339724)
at wasm-function[43216]:388
at wasm-function[43215]:75
at wasm-function[43213]:99
at wasm-function[43212]:7
at wasm-function[43531]:69
at wasm-function[43530]:7
at wasm-function[28791]:330
at wasm-function[16681]:48
at wasm-function[23219]:1236
at wasm-function[16681]:48
at wasm-function[23267]:1090
at wasm-function[28454]:534
at wasm-function[48795]:330
at wasm-function[23210]:101
at wasm-function[22913]:152
at wasm-function[28604]:71
at wasm-function[28603]:128
at wasm-function[23091]:1169
at wasm-function[22398]:52
at wasm-function[22915]:11
at wasm-function[56135]:22
at dynCall_viiiii [Object.dynCall_viiiii]
And there is more from where this came from. I tried to solve this by searching for that error in google but failed. Any suggestions?

Facebook login WinJS Store app issues

I tried following this blog post
Which explains how to setup up facebook login on a WinJS app.
I got it all working, got the app ids set and the authentication dialog is showing the correct app name and authentication stuff, however when the app redirects the app receives this error (after closing the dialog: "The specified protocol is unknown") and the dialog shows the error message: "We can't connect to the service you need right now. Check your network connection or try this again later".
the error stack:
"WinRTError: The specified protocol is unknown.\r\n\n at getResultsOfAsyncOp (Function code:338:5)\n at op.completed (Function code:427:21)
Actual calling code:
var loginURL = "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=[snip]&display=popup&scope=user_about_me&response_type=token&redirect_uri=ms-app://s-[snip]/"
new Windows.Foundation.Uri(loginURL))
.then(function success(result) {
}, function error(error) {
Hopefully anyone here has any idea why this error message is thrown.
We managed to solve the issue.
The sid from the store was different from the sid of the app during local debugging. By changing the appmanifest -> packaging -> publisher certificate to a local certificate with the CN provided in the store settings the sid is updated to be equal to the one in the store.
et voila, it works.

API Error Code: 100 Error Message: Some content in this message has been reported as abusive by Facebook users

Today, out of nowhere, my app has stopped working.
I'm getting this message and when i click ok, he redirect and get a server error.
API Error Code: 100
API Error Description: Invalid parameter
Error Message: Some content in this message has been reported as abusive by Facebook users.
I use Facebook php sdk.
How to fix this?

Facebook API Error Code: 191 on facebook application

I'm developing a Facebook app. When I attempt to get an access token, I get the following message:
An error occurred with test. Please try again later.
API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
Error Message: Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.
I've configured the
Site URL https://safe-gorge-5005.herokuapp.com/
Canvas URL same as above
Canvas Page URL
and my php code has define("FACEBOOK_CANVAS_URL", 'URL');
What is causing this error, and how do I fix it?
Did you give App Domains in app settings page , this may be one of the reason for getting this error

Having trouble getting facebook sample to work - the one called "Feed Dialog".

Does anyone have a working xcode project they could upload / share?
I'm having trouble getting this to work clean without errors.
The example is located here.
I have the project working to this extent -
The main viewcontroller is displayed with a button that allows the user to send a post to facebook.
When clicked, facebook indicates that the user has already authorized the app to post to their page. He clicks OK on the facebook message and then the user sees the 'share' dialog and is allowed to enter text for his post.
As the sharedialog is presented to the user, I get this warning in my console
2012-09-29 11:04:25.190 gw_fakeapp[8016:fe03] FBConditionalLog: handleOpenURL should not be called once a session has closed
My problem comes when the user clicks "share", I get the error:
2012-09-29 11:04:32.217 gw_fakeapp[8016:fe03] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'com.facebook.sdk:InvalidOperationException', reason: 'FBSession: an attempt was made reauthorize permissions on an unopened session'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x14c9022 0xfe2cd6 0x14c8ee1 0x171d1 0x14367 0x3ad8 0x14cae99 0x14814e 0x386a0e 0x14cae99 0x14814e 0x1480e6 0x1eeade 0x1eefa7 0x1ee266 0x16d3c0 0x16d5e6 0x153dc4 0x147634 0x1da9ef5 0x149d195 0x1401ff2 0x14008da 0x13ffd84 0x13ffc9b 0x1da87d8 0x1da888a 0x145626 0x28ed 0x2815)
terminate called throwing an exception(lldb)
Does anyone have a working project I could compare mine with?
Thank you!
You can download sample of codes from developer.apple.com which describe about Facebook post publishing.
Here is the link: https://github.com/downloads/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk/FacebookSDK-3.1.pkg