How to make script that only will run when the player joins for the first time?(roblox) - roblox

So basically I need to make a script, and when the player joins the game for the first time, script will activate only once and then never again. How can I achieve this?

local Users, DataService = game:GetService("Players"), game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local Store = DataService:GetDataStore("IsPlayerNew") -- we make a store storing if they played already or not.
Users.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(User) -- this is when they join!
local HasJoined = Store:GetAsync(User.UserId) -- DataStoreService (DSS) uses keys to store data. Using the player's userid makes all keys unique and won't mess with the code!
if HasJoined then return end -- this will stop the code if they already joined the game before!
Store:SetAsync(User.UserId, true) -- if this data exists when they next join then it will stop the code. but since it does exist it will then add a value(s) for next time.
Storing data is important for a lot of reasons which is why a lot of simulators use it! :O (it can be used to save progress on your favourite puzzle game too).
I hope this helped you and if it did mark the answer as the answer that helped you! IF you need an explanation I'll be happy to :)


How to determine when to start a counter to ensure it never catches the previous counter

I have a problem where I have several events that are occurring in a project, the events happen semi-concurrently, where they do not start at the same time but multiple can still be occurring at once.
Each event is a team of people working on a linear task, starting at the beginning and then working their way to the end. Their progress is based on a physical distance.
I essentially need to figure out each events start time in order for no teams to be at the same location, nor passing eachother, at any point.
I am trying to program this in MATLAB so that the output would be the start and end time for each event. The idea would be to optimize the total time taken for the project.
I am not sure where to begin with something like this so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
If I understand correct, you just want to optimize the "calendar" of events with limited resources (aka space/teams).
This kind of problems are those called NP and there is no "easy" way to search for the best solution.
You here have two options:
Greedy like algorithm: You will have your solution in a resonable time but it won't be the best one.
Brute force like algorithm: You will find the best solution but maybe not in the time you need it.
Usually if the amount of events is low you can go for 2nd option but if don't you may need to go for the first one.
No mather which one you choose first thing you will need to do is to compute if a solution is valid. What does this mean? It means to check for every event wheter if it collisions whith others in time, space and teams.
So lets imagine the problem of making the calendar on a University. There you have to think about:
So for each event I have to check if another event have same students, teacher or classroom at the same time. First of all I will check the events that match in time with the actual event. Then I will compare the actual event with all the others.
Once you have this done you could just write a greedy algorithm that starts placing events on time just checking if it collides with some other.

Saving only modified fields

I am working on a game where a player is switched between servers based on their location in the game world to give the illusion of a single server while maintaining scalability. When a player joins the server their data is loaded from a database (MongoDB) and when they quit or change server their data is saved.
My problem arises from cases where a players data is modified from a separate server from the player which needs to happen occasionally. The data in the database is changed but when the player leaves or changes server the data is overwritten:
To solve this problem I was thinking of storing only modified data as usually the data you want is the most recently changed. However when trying to find ways to do this I have noticed a lack of cases where this has been done. Is there any good reasons not to do this and use another method to ensure modified data is not overwritten? The only problem I could think of is data consistency where fields are updated and only some of them are overwritten potentially putting the player in an invalid state, which could be avoided fairly easily by updating all dependent fields together.
If there any other reasons against persisting only a selection of an object or any other ways to solve this problem that doesn't introduce any major problems I would love to hear of them.
This is a classic example of underlying state change between DB and code.
Add an integer to your player profile/data document; call it v. Let's assume v = 6.
When the player joins, the server loads the record. The server knows it's "local" view of the data is v = 6. When the player leaves, the code will call
findAndModify({query: {"userID":"ID1","v":6}, update: {"$inc": { v: 1}, "$set": { fldtochange: newval, anotherfldtochange: newval2 } } });
We show literal 6 here for simplicity but it would be a variable populated during the server load. This command will succeed ONLY if the original value of v = 6 is intact. If someone has changed it, no update will occur. You can take a variety of paths to recover including a re-read of the data and doing a delta to the state in your local server. If v = 6 is still there, it is atomically incremented +1 (e.g. to 7) and the rest of the fields set with new values.

How to prevent table from being dropped?

In PostgreSQL, how can I prevent anyone (including superusers) from dropping some specific table?
EDIT: Whoa, did we have some misunderstanding here. Let's say there is a big, shared QA database. Sometimes people run destructive things like hibernate-generated schema on it by mistake, and I'm looking for ways to prevent such mistakes.
anyone (including superusers) from dropping some specific table?
Trust your peers.
You can do that by writing some C code that attaches to ProcessUtility_hook. If you have never done that sort of thing, it won't be exactly trivial, but it's possible.
Another option might be looking into sepgsql, but I don't have any experience with that.
A superuser is precisely that. If you don't want them to be able to drop things, don't make them a superuser.
There's no need to let users run as superusers pretty much ever. Certainly not automated tools like schema migrations.
Your applications should connect as users with the minimum required user rights. They should not own the tables that they operate on, so they can't make schema changes to them or drop them.
When you want to make schema changes, run the application with a user that does have ownership of the tables of interest, but is not a superuser. The table owner can drop and modify tables, but only the tables it owns.
If you really, truly need to do something beyond the standard permissions model you will need to write a ProcessUtility_hook. See this related answer for a few details on that. Even then a superuser might be able to get around it by loading an extension that skips your hook, you'll just slow them down a bit.
Don't run an application as a superuser in production. Ever.
See the PostgreSQL documentation on permissions for more guidance on using the permissions model.
I don't think you can do that. You could perhaps have super super users who are going to manage the dropping of everything first. OR have backups constantly, so the higher member of the hierarchy will always have the possibility of retrieving the table.
I don't know what the real original intention of this question is... but a lot of people seem to have hypothetical answers like trusting your peers or using least permissions models appropriately. Personally, this misses the point altogether and instead answers with something everyone probably knew already, which isn't particularly helpful.
So let me attempt a question + answer of my own: How do you put in safety locks to prevent yourself or others from accidentally doing something you shouldn't? If you think that this "should never happen" then I think your imagination is too narrow. Or perhaps you are more perfect than me (and possibly a lot of other people).
For the rest of us, here is a solution that works for me. It is just a little lock that is put wherever you want it to - using event triggers. Obviously, this would be implemented by a super-user of some sort. But the point of it is that it has no bearing on permissions because it is error-based not permission based.
Obviously, you shouldn't implement this sort of thing if production behavior is dependent on it. It only makes sense to use in situations where it makes sense to use. Don't use it to replace what should be solved using permissions and don't use it to undermine your team. Use common sense - individual results may vary.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION manual_override_required() RETURNS event_trigger AS
obj record;
FOR obj IN SELECT * FROM pg_event_trigger_dropped_objects()
RAISE INFO 'object_oid: %, object_type: %', obj.objid, obj.object_type;
RAISE info '%', obj.object_name;
IF obj.object_type = 'schema' and obj.object_name = 'testst' THEN
RAISE EXCEPTION 'You have attempted to DROP something which has been hyper-locked and requires manual override to proceed.';
LANGUAGE plpgsql
ON sql_drop
EXECUTE FUNCTION manual_override_required();
-- produces error: "ERROR: You have attempted to DROP something which has been admin-locked and requires manual override to proceed."
-- To override the admin-lock (you have the permission to do this, it just requires two turns of a key and positive confirmation):
-- now it works!
An example of how I use this is in automation workflows. I have to switch between dev and prod environments a dozen times a day and I can (i.e. have) easily lost track of which is which despite the giant flags and banners I've put up to remind myself. Dropping certain schemas should be a rare and special event in Prod (thus the benefit of a active-confirmation approach) whereas in dev I rebuild them all the time. If I maintain the same permission structures in Dev as in Prod (which I do) then I wouldn't be able to solve this.

Class design for weapons in a game?

I enjoy making games and now for the first time try myself out on mobile devices. There, performance is of course a much bigger issue than on a nice PC and I find myself particularly struggling with weapon (or rather projectile) class design.
They need to be updated a lot, get destroyed/created a lot and generally require much updating.
At the moment I do it the obvious way, I create a projectile object each time I fire and destroy it on impact. Every frame all active projectiles get checked for collision with other objects.
Both steps seem like they could definitely need improvement. Are there common ways on how to handle such objects effectively?
In general I am looking for advice on how to do clean and performant class design, my googling skills were weak on this one so far.
I will gladly take any advice on this subject.
When you have lots of objects being created and destroyed in a short timespan, a common approach is to have a pool of instances already allocated that you simply reinitialise. Only if the pool is empty do you allocate new instances. Apple do this with MapKit and table views, among others. Studying those interfaces will probably serve you well.
I don't think this is about class design. Your classes are fine; it's the algorithms that need work.
They need to be updated a lot, get destroyed/created a lot and generally require much updating.
Instead of destroying every projectile, consider putting it into a dead projectile list. Then, when you need to create a new one, instead of allocating a fresh object, pull one from the the dead-list and reinitialise it. This is often quicker as you save on memory management calls.
As for updating, you need to update everything that changes - there's no way around that really.
Every frame all active projectiles get checked for collision with other objects.
Firstly - if you check every object against every other then each pair of objects gets compared twice. You can get away with half that number of checks by only comparing the objects that come later in the update list.
for obj1 in all_objects:
for obj2 in all_objects:
if obj1 hit obj2:
for obj1 in all_objects:
for obj2 in all_objects_after_obj1:
if obj1 hit obj2:
How to implement 'all_objects_after_obj1' is language specific, but if you have an array or other random access structure holding your objects, you can just start the indexing from 1 after obj1.
Secondly, the hit check itself can be slow. Make sure you're not performing complex mathematics to check the collision when a simpler option would do. And if the world is big, a spatial database scheme can help, eg. a grid map or quadtree, to cut down the number of objects to check potential collisions against. But that is often awkward and a lot of work for little gain in a small game.
Both steps seem like they could definitely need improvement.
They only 'seem'? Profile the app and see where the slow parts are. It's rarely a good idea to guess at performance, because modern languages and hardware can be surprising.
As Jim wrote you can create a pool of objects and manage them. If you looking a specific design pattern there is Flyweight .Hope it will help you.

What are some of the advantage/disadvantages of using SQLDataReader?

SqlDataReader is a faster way to process the stored procedure. What are some of the advantage/disadvantages of using SQLDataReader?
I assume you mean "instead of loading the results into a DataTable"?
Advantages: you're in control of how the data is loaded. You can ask for specific data types, and you don't end up loading the whole set of data into memory all at the same time unless you want to. Basically, if you want the data but don't need a data table (e.g. you're going to populate your own kind of collection) you don't get the overhead of the intermediate step.
Disadvantages: you're in control of how the data is loaded, which means it's easier to make a mistake and there's more work to do.
What's your use case here? Do you have a good reason to believe that the overhead of using a normal (or strongly typed) data table is significantly hurting performance? I'd only use SqlDataReader directly if I had a good reason to do so.
The key advantage is obviously speed - that's the main reason you'd choose a SQLDataReader.
One potential disadvantage not already mentioned is that the SQLDataReader is forward only, so you can only go through the records once in sequence - that's one of the things that allows it to be so fast. In many cases that's fine but if you need to iterate over the records more than once or add/edit/delete data you'll need to use one of the alternatives.
It also remains connected until you've worked through all the records and close the reader (of course, you can opt to close it earlier, but then you can't access any of the remaining records). If you're going to perform any lengthy processing on the records as you iterate over them, you may find that you impact other connections to the database.
It depends on what you need to do. If you get back a page of results from the database (say 20 records), it would be better to use a data adapter to fill a DataSet, and bind that to something in the UI.
But if you need to process many records, 1 at a time, use SqlDataReader.
Advantages: Faster, less memory.
Disadvantages: Must remain connected, must remember to close the reader.
The data might not be concluesive and you are not in control of your actions that why the milk man down the road has always got to carry data with him or else they gona get cracked by the data and the policeman will not carry any data because they think that is wrong to keep other people's data and its wrong to do so. There is a girl who lives in Sheffield and she loves to go out and play most the times that she s in the house that is why I dont like to talk to her because her parents and her other fwends got taken to peace gardens thats a place that everyone likes to sing and stay. usually famous Celebs get to hang aroun dthere but there are always top security because we dont want to get skanked down them ends. KK see u now I need 2 go and chill in the west end PEACE!!!£"$$$ Made of MOney MAN$$$$