PySpark input_file_name() into a variable NOT df - pyspark

I want to store the value from input_file_name() into a variable instead of a dataframe. This variable will then be used for logging and troubleshooting.etc

You can create a new column on the data frame using withColumn and input_file_name() and then use collect() operation, something like below:
df ="/FileStore/tmp/part-00000-tid-6847462229548084439-4a50d1c2-9b65-4756-9a29-0044d620a1da-11-1-c000.csv")
| _c0|
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
df1 = df.withColumn("file_name", input_file_name())
|_c0 |file_name |
Now, creating a variable with file_name using collect and then split it on /
file_name = df1.collect()[0][1].split("/")[3]
Please note, in your case index for both collect as well as well as after split might be differ.


How to read multiple nested json objects in one file extract by pyspark to dataframe in Azure databricks?

I have .log file in ADLS which contain multiple nested Json objects as follows
Need to read the above multiple nested Json objects in pyspark and convert to dataframe as follows
EventType Timestamp Data.[Id] ..... [Data.Properties.CorrId] [Data.Properties. ActionId]
3735091736 2019-03-19 event-c2 ..... d69b7489 d0e2c3fd
3735091737 2019-03-18 event-d2 ..... f69b7489 d0f2c3fd
3735091738 2019-03-17 event-e2 ..... f69b7489 d0d2c3fd
For above I am using ADLS,Pyspark in Azure DataBricks.
Does anyone know a general way to deal with above problem? Thanks!
You can read it into an RDD first. It will be read as a list of strings
You need to convert the json string into a native python datatype using
Then you can convert the RDD into a dataframe, and it can infer the schema directly using toDF()
Using the answer from Flatten Spark Dataframe column of map/dictionary into multiple columns, you can explode the Data column into multiple columns. Given your Id column is going to be unique. Note that, explode would return key, value columns for each entry in the map type.
You can repeat the 4th point to explode the properties column.
import json
rdd = sc.textFile("demo_files/Test20191023.log")
df = x: json.loads(x)).toDF()
# +--------------------+----------+--------------------+----------+
# | Data| EventType| Id| Timestamp|
# +--------------------+----------+--------------------+----------+
# |[MessageTemplate ...|3735091736|event-c20b9c7eac0...|2019-03-19|
# |[MessageTemplate ...|3735091737|event-d20b9c7eac0...|2019-03-18|
# |[MessageTemplate ...|3735091738|event-e20b9c7eac0...|2019-03-17|
# +--------------------+----------+--------------------+----------+
data_exploded ='Id', 'EventType', "Timestamp", F.explode('Data'))\
.groupBy('Id', 'EventType', "Timestamp").pivot('key').agg(F.first('value'))
# There is a duplicate Id column and might cause ambiguity problems
# +--------------------+----------+----------+--------+-----+---------------+--------------------+
# | Id| EventType| Timestamp| Id|Level|MessageTemplate| Properties|
# +--------------------+----------+----------+--------+-----+---------------+--------------------+
# |event-c20b9c7eac0...|3735091736|2019-03-19|event-c2| 2| Test1|{CorrId=d69b7489,...|
# |event-d20b9c7eac0...|3735091737|2019-03-18|event-d2| 2| Test1|{CorrId=f69b7489,...|
# |event-e20b9c7eac0...|3735091738|2019-03-17|event-e2| 1| Test1|{CorrId=g69b7489,...|
# +--------------------+----------+----------+--------+-----+---------------+--------------------+
I was able to read the data by following code.
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
DF ="demo_files/Test20191023.log")'Id'),col('EventType'),col('Timestamp'),col('Data.Id'),col('Data.Level'),col('Data.MessageTemplate'),
| Id| EventType| Timestamp| Id|Level|MessageTemplate| CorrId|ActionId|
|event-c20b9c7eac0...|3735091736|2019-03-19|event-c2| 2| Test1|d69b7489|d0e2c3fd|
|event-d20b9c7eac0...|3735091737|2019-03-18|event-d2| 2| Test1|f69b7489|d0f2c3fd|
|event-e20b9c7eac0...|3735091738|2019-03-17|event-e2| 1| Test1|g69b7489|d0d2c3fd|

How to parse column (with list data) within a DataFrame?

There is a column in a DataFrame that contains a list and I want to parse that list for the first element and replace that column with it. So for example:
[elem1, elem2]
[elem3, elem4]
I want to make this:
I've tried dataFrameName.withColumn("col1", explode($"col1")) but it gives me a NoSuchElementException. What's the right way to do this?
To replace the ArrayType column col1 with its first element, explode would not be useful. You can simply replace it with $"col1"(0) (or $"col1".getItem(0)), as shown below:
import spark.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df = Seq(
Seq("elem1", "elem2"),
Seq("elem3", "elem4")
df.withColumn("col1", $"col1"(0)).show
// +-----+
// | col1|
// +-----+
// |elem1|
// |elem3|
// +-----+
Note that you may have a separate issue with the encountered NoSuchElementException, as explode-ing an ArrayType column normally wouldn't generate such an exception.

How to split column into multiple columns in Spark 2?

I am reading the data from HDFS into DataFrame using Spark 2.2.0 and Scala 2.11.8:
val df =
I see this result:
| value|
If I run df.head(), I see more details about the structure of each row:
I want to get the following output:
| id | value|
|4056 |1 |
|56 |56 |
|2056 |20 |
How can I do it? I tried using .map(row => row.mkString(",")),
but I don't know how to extract the data as I showed.
The problem is that you are getting the data as a single column of strings. The data format is not really specified in the question (ideally it would be something like JSON), but given what we know, we can use a regular expression to extract the number on the left (id) and the community field:
val r = """\((\d+),\{.*community:(\d+).*\}\)"""
F.regexp_extract($"value", r, 1).as("id"),
F.regexp_extract($"value", r, 2).as("community")
A bunch of regular expressions should give you required result.
regexp_extract($"value", "^\\(([0-9]+),.*$", 1) as "id",
explode(split(regexp_extract($"value", "^\\(([0-9]+),\\{(.*)\\}\\)$", 2), ",")) as "value"
).withColumn("value", split($"value", ":")(1))
If your data is always of the following format
Then you can simply use split and regex_replace inbuilt functions to get your desired output dataframe as
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._"value"), ",")(0)), "\\(", "").as("id"), regexp_replace((split(col("value"), ",")(1)), "\\{community:", "").as("value") ).show()
I hope the answer is helpful

I am doing a filter and count on the pyspark dataframe to store the result in another col in the same dataframe?

I want to store the result of below line in a col in the same df dataframe.
df.filter(F.abs(df.Px)< 0.005).count()
How can I do that?
The answer is you can do that using union. However, it's not a good practice to append the row below particular column because you can also have multiple columns and that will give you only one extra row with new count value.
I give an example snippet below.
from pyspark.sql import Row
df = spark.createDataFrame(pd.DataFrame([0.01, 0.003, 0.004, 0.005, 0.02],
n_px = df.filter(func.abs(df['Px']) < 0.005).count() # count
df_count = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([Row(**{'Px': n_px})]).toDF() # new dataframe for count
df_union = df.union(df_count)
| Px|
| 0.01|
| 0.02|
| 2.0|

Creating a Spark DataFrame from a single string

I'm trying to take a hardcoded String and turn it into a 1-row Spark DataFrame (with a single column of type StringType) such that:
String fizz = "buzz"
Would result with a DataFrame whose .show() method looks like:
| fizz|
| buzz|
My best attempt thus far has been:
val rawData = List("fizz")
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(rawData)).toDF()
But I get the following compiler error:
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.spark.sql.types.ArrayType cannot be cast to org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
at org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext.createDataFrame(SQLContext.scala:413)
at org.apache.spark.sql.SQLImplicits.rddToDataFrameHolder(SQLImplicits.scala:155)
Any ideas as to where I'm going awry? Also, how do I set "buzz" as the row value for the fizz column?
I get a DF that looks like:
| _1|
In 2.0 you can:
import spark.implicits._
Optionally provide a sequence of names for toDF:
In Java, the following works:
List<String> textList = Collections.singletonList("yourString");
SQLContext sqlContext = new SQLContext(sparkContext);
Dataset<Row> data = sqlContext
.createDataset(textList, Encoders.STRING())
.withColumnRenamed("value", "text");