TypeError: Cannot interpret 'Float64Dtype()' as a data type - linear-regression

I imported statsmodels.formula.api and try to run a regression model. But it turned out
TypeError: Cannot interpret 'Float64Dtype()' as a data type
How to solve this problem?


Cannot cast array data from dtype('O') to dtype('float64') according to the rule 'safe' in Ode solver

I have a function which needs to be simulated by using a scipy 'odeint' solver. I am providing initial values as an numpy array which contains 13 parameters which are different in sizes. Also, all are integer values. But, I am getting an error msg as "Cannot cast array data from dtype('O') to dtype('float64') according to the rule 'safe'".
If I try to use dtype=float or astype.float, then it gives me a new error as "setting an array element with a sequence."
Can someone help me to find a way to fix this problem?. Highly appreciate if you can show a solution by mentioning codes as well.

MATLAB add_line with for loop gives invalid Simulink object name error

I have MATLAB Simulink model where "Subsystem" is connected with "Add" block. I want to add Data type conversion block in between Subsystem and Add block using script. I implemented as shown in the code below. But I am getting error Invalid Simulink object name in the add_line of the code.
for i = 1:n;
delete_line('myModel',strcat('Subsystem/',num2str(i),'/'), strcat('Add/',num2str(i)));
add_block('simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Data Type Conversion', strcat('myModel','/Data Type Conversion',num2str(i)));
add_line('myModel', strcat('Subsystem/',num2str(i),'/'), strcat('Data Type Conversion',num2str(i)),'autorouting','on');
add_line('myModel',strcat('Data Type Conversion',num2str(i),'/1'),strcat('Add',num2str(i)),'autorouting','on');
You aren't specifying the destination port number for the Data Type Conversion block.
add_line('myModel', strcat('Subsystem/',num2str(i),'/'), strcat('Data Type Conversion',num2str(i),'/1'),'autorouting','on');
You may also need to do this for the line to the add block as I'm guessing it has multiple ports too.

How to Fix undefined function "createpde"

I run a program about partial differential equation in MATLAB, so I used
model = createpde();
But there's an error:
Undefined function 'createpde' for input arguments of type 'double'.
I tried to search the solution and based on another forum, I should use which createpd -all to determine the path of the function. But when I tried to used that command, I got this error:
createpde not found
So how can I fix this error?

Error while using Matlab logical operators and tables

I am trying to use a very simple logical argument using the following code:
for i=1:size(A)
if A.VariableName(i)==0
however I get the following error:
Undefined operator '==' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
Any ideas on how to overcome this strange issue?

xlsread error - Undefined function 'biffread' for input arguments of type 'char'

For one of my Matlab routines, I receive the following error message when reading an xls file with Matlab 2012b:
Undefined function 'biffread' for input arguments of type 'char'. Error in xlsread (line 71). biffvector = biffread(filename);
The relevant line of code reads as follows:
[a,b] = xlsread('sheet.xls','sheetName')
When I modify the code as follows:
[a,b,c] = xlsread('sheet.xls','sheetName')
I receive another error message:
Error using xlsread. Too many output arguments.
The puzzling part is that exactly the same lines of code work fine in another Matlab code of mine (apparently the problem is not related to the xls-file).
Can anyone explain this to me and how I can possibly solve this problem?