Neural Network: Is it possible to reverse an output tensor in a layer to an input image in PyTorch? - neural-network

How to reverse an output tensor in a layer to an input image? I can imagine the reversed input image will be different than the original one because of the dropout, etc. However, I want to do an experiment so I appreciate a possible method in PyTorch. I am currently using the pre-trained ResNet. If the answer involves some knowledge in a paper, kindly provide a citation or link.


Can I use the flatten layer in Deep Network Designer Matlab?

I'm trying to translate a neural network that I wrote in Keras Python, but Matlab says that I can't use the Flatten layer together with the Image Input Layer. How can I solve this problem
Unfortunately, I could not find an answer to my question on the Internet.

can we make a convolution network that use more than one image to make a prediction

I cropped the following image from a tutorial.
this diagram shows a rough structure of a standard neural network. takes one image as input and make a prediction.
what I am thinking about is some kind of parallel structure. think about something like the following image.
not exactly as in the above image. But you can see I am trying to use two images to make one prediction. this image is for you to get an idea about what I am trying to ask.
is it possible to use more than one (two, three ..) images like this or any other way in order to make one prediction. now, this is not to be used in actual photo classification. But I think such a technique can be used in a file like audio classification where a graphical representation of data is used with image classification techniques.
any advice, guidance or opinion on this?
if we consider implementing exactly what is in the diagram, if I use a high-level API like Keras (Keras.model.sequential) all we can do is keep adding a layer one after the other.
so what kind of technology can I use to implement the parallel structure
Yes, you can use more than one image as input. See for example the Siamese Neural Network which takes as input 2 images and passes them through a shared network architecture.
If instead you want to have an arbitrary and variable number of images as input you can use an architecture based on Recurrent Neural Networks like Convolutional LSTM, which essentially applies a CNN to every image of the input sequence using an LSTM recurrent network.

How to create a neural network that receive multiple input images in Matlab

I'd like to know if it's possible to create a neural network that receive multiple input images (imageInputLayer)
For example a Siamese architecture for computing the disparity (stereo correspondence) out of two image patches. The network input is two images and the output is a scalar that represent the disparity.
Currently matlab supports a single imageInputLayer for each neural network.
I'd like to to classify a 3D object by projecting the 3D object through 3 angles, Therefor converting the problem to classification of 3 images.
I'm trying to create a network that looks like the attached image.
Please let me know what you think and how to work things out with the network input
This is simply not possible in Matlab 2018B

Train Neural network with image pixels as input and get the screen coordinate value as output in MATLAB

I am a newbie in the neural network, in my project I need to implement a neural network that uses image pixels as input and will give screen coordinate value as output. I am having Dataset which I have collected by performing an experiment by many volunteers. In details, I need to give only cropped eye pixel into the neural network for training. the cropped eye is of size 30*30 (approx) after resizing. I have created a dataset of users looking at a different specific point on the screen. Each point is on a specific coordinate and that is known to me. It is basically an implementation of one research paper.
If you can suggest me, how should I process to create the Neural network that it would be a great help?
If you want to use input image as input to neural network, you can use Conventional Neural Network. CNN can gives image as input.
If you want to extract feature from image, you can use MLP neural network.

How do I use a pre-trained Caffe model?

I have some questions about how to actually interact with a pre-trained Caffe model. In my case I'm using a model for scene recognition.
In the caffe git repository, there are some code examples in Python and C++ on the implementations of Image Classifiers. However, those do not apply to my use case (since they only classify the input image as ONE class).
My goal is an application that takes an input image (jpg) and outputs the highest predicted class label for each pixel in the input image (e.i., indices for sky, beach, road, car).
Could anyone give me some pointers on how to proceed?
There already seem to exist implementations for this. This demo ( is kind of what I what.
Thank you!
What you are looking for is not image classification, but rather semantic segmentation.
A recent work, by Jonathan Long, Evan Shelhamer and Trevor Darrell is based on Caffe, and can be found here. It uses fully convolutional network, that is, a network with no "InnerProduct" layers only convolutional layers, thus capable of producing outputs with different sizes for different sizes of inputs.