Running Postman collection in Jenkins gives me "'newman' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." - rest

When running my Postman collection in Jenkins, i get error message 'newman' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I saved my postman collections locally and given the path, but it's not working. I tried saving the json link and that too isn't working. What could be the problem?

Newman is not installed on the machine that is running Jenkins.
If not already installed, you need to download npm first and install it. You can download it here:
You can do so by running npm install -g newman in your CLI.


mongo is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I have installed MongoDB with its compass and respective mongosh on two separate computers one with version 5 (since I read that from similar posts to this that the older version would not have that sort of issue) and other with version 6. I followed all the steps from serveral videos and posts on how to properly install.
I have installed MongoDB as a service.
I have set it's path on system enviroment variables copying the location of their respective executables.
I am unable to make them function on my cmd.
I would apreciate the help.^^

imported powershell module not visible when running via ssis package

I installed the ImportExcel module as described here:
Then I wrote a simple ps1 file that loops though certain folder and converts each xlsx file in that folder to csv format (using ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet method from the above module).
Finally, I wrapped that ps1 script into a .bat file.
That batch script works fine when executed manually via windows command line.
However, when the same batch file is executed from an SSIS package (on the same computer, under my credentials, using the standard Execute Process Task ), when the powershell script reaches the line calling ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet method, I am getting the following error:
The term 'ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
The PC was restarted after module installation.
The module was installed with the AllUsers scope.
Elevated shell during module installation.
Any hints what I can do to get this module working in SSIS? Or at least, where to start looking?
PowerShell 5.0.10586.117
Windows 7 Enterprise x64
Visual Studio 2012
Problem solved by moving the installed module to user's module folder i.e. %USERPROFILE%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
There is still no clear explanation why the module was not working from shared modules folder but at least the issue is now gone.

Error while installing Elasticsearch 5.6.4 as a Windows service

This is ridiculous:
I downloaded the ElasticSearch 5.6.4 zip file from the official website, unzipped it into a folder and then run the command
in both PowerShell and standard Windows console
The output is an error message:
Syntax Error
I haven't change anything, just downloaded and run it out of the box. Adding the install and servicename parameters doesn't change anything
I've just encountered with the similar issue. Although the error message is different. It is something like
'x64).exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command
Try to run .bat without ./ prefix.

Zend-framework Creating module using zf.php

I installed zf-tool using composer but i am unable to create module using zf.php command.
Please help me.It always show,
zf.php is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
In command prompt, in your project directory, try this instead of zf.php
php vendor/zendframework/zftool/zf.php
and after it you can put any zf command you like e.g creating a module
php vendor/zendframework/zftool/zf.php create module moduleName

Why can't PowerShell find the gcloud cmdlets?

I've updated the Google Cloud SDK (gcloud), both in general with:
gcloud components update
And just for PowerShell with:
gcloud components update powershell
Running gcloud --version shows:
Google Cloud SDK 122.0.0
beta 2016.01.12
bq 2.0.24
bq-win 2.0.24
bundled-python 2.7.10
core 2016.08.16
core-win 2016.08.05
gsutil 4.20
gsutil-win 4.20
powershell 0.1.3
windows-ssh-tools 2016.05.13
When I open PowerShell and try Get-GcsBucket though, I see this error:
Get-GcsBucket : The term 'Get-GcsBucket' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
How can I get PowerShell to recognize the gcloud cmdlets?
The simplest fix for most people will be to uninstall and reinstall the Google Cloud SDK. This doesn't lose any configuration information, so you don't need to run gcloud init or gcloud auth afterwards.
As an alternative, you can run the command that the installer would normally run. Find your Google Cloud SDK installation directory (e.g. %AppData%\..\Local\Google\Cloud SDK or %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Google\Cloud SDK). Within that directory, find google-cloud-sdk\platform\GoogleCloudPowerShell. In there, there's a script called AppendPsModulePath.ps1. Run that, and it will modify the PSModulePath environment variable for your current user. From then on, new PowerShell windows will have the cmdlets available.