Ion-Content Scroll horizontally with mousewheel - ionic-framework

I have a ion content with an horizontal scrollbar
<ion-content [fullscreen]="true" [scrollX]="true" (wheel)="onWheel($event)">
The scrollbar works well but the mouse wheel does not.
I would like to use mouse wheel to scroll horizontally
Here is my try :
onWheel(event: WheelEvent): void {
const element: HTMLElement = event.currentTarget as HTMLElement;
element.scrollLeft += event.deltaY;
The console log show +100 or -100, but the scroll does not make it.

The scroll is on a element under the ion-content.
This works :
onWheel(event: WheelEvent): void {
const element: IonContent = event.currentTarget as unknown as IonContent;
element.getScrollElement().then((scroll) => {
scroll.scrollLeft += event.deltaY;


How to make fixed header availabel at the focus an focusable element?

I have a fixed header, when user scroll to an offset 100px, a class add to header to make it fixed:
fixed-header {
position: fixed:
top: 0,
left: 0,
right: 0,
width: 100%;
$( window ).on( 'scroll', function() {
if ( $( window ).scrollTop() >= 100 ) {
navigation.classList.add('.fixed-header'); = "100px" // prevent page jump when fixed header
} else {
navigation.classList.remove('.fixed-header'); = "0"
On top of page, when user focus a link via tab key, I use focus event listener to check the fixed class in DOM to scroll focusable element to re-position it below fixed header:
const elements = [...document.querySelectorAll(
"a[href], area[href], input:not([disabled]), select:not([disabled]), textarea:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled])"
header = document.body.querySelector('.header-top'); // Fixed header height: 100px
const handleFocus = (e) => {
console.log(header.classList.contains('.fixed-header')); // This will false
if (header.classList.contains('.fixed-header')) {
var windowScrollTop = $( window ).scrollTop(),
focusableScrollTop = $(;
if (focusableScrollTop - windowScrollTop < 100) {
window.scrollTo({ top: focusableScrollTop - 100, behavior: 'smooth' });
for (const element of elements) {
element.addEventListener('focus', handleFocus, { once: true });
But focus callback handler fire before DOM repaint (when fixed class added to header), so it can not detect fixed class in DOM:
Wrap focus handler inside requestAnimationFrame()', don't work, if I wrap focus handler inside setTimeout()' function with 300ms, it will detect correct fixed class, but cause page scroll jump (focusable element scroll up and down).
for (const element of elements) {
element.addEventListener('focus', setTimeout(() => {
}, 300), { once: true });
Any way to make header.classList.contains('.fixed-header') come true at the focusable link focused?
I hope someone know this issue and help to fix this problem. Thank you very much.

How to add a horizontal scrollbar on top of the ag-grid

I have an ag-grid set up with a series of components in place for cell rendering. When my dataset loads the vertical scroll works well but the horizontal scroll isn't obvious unless using a trackpad or horizontal scroll enabled mouse.
I would like to be able to add a scroll bar to the top of the grid as well as the automatically generated one at the bottom?
Has anyone encountered this, come up with as solution?
Thanks in advance
This question is old but I struggled with the same issue and came up with something working.
💡 The Idea
The main idea behind my solution is to...
clone AgGrid scrollbar when grid is ready
insert the cloned scrollbar on top of the grid
add event listeners on both scrollbars to keep the scroll position synchronized
use MutationObserver to observe style attribute changes on original AgGrid scrollbar element (and child) to keep the size of the cloned scrollbar synchronized
âš¡ The Code
The following code is for Angular but the concept is the same for Vanilla JS, React or Vue.
First, get a hook on gridReady event:
In the function associated to the event use the following code to clone the AgGrid scrollbar and keep the scrollbars synchronized:
// hold the `MutationObserver` to be disconnected when component is destroyed
private mutationObserver: MutationObserver;
onGridReady() {
// css class selectors
const headerSelector = '.ag-header';
const scrollSelector = '.ag-body-horizontal-scroll';
const scrollViewportSelector = '.ag-body-horizontal-scroll-viewport';
const scrollContainerSelector = '.ag-body-horizontal-scroll-container';
// get scrollbar elements
const scrollElement = document.querySelector(scrollSelector);
const scrollViewportElement = document.querySelector(scrollViewportSelector);
const scrollContainerElement = document.querySelector(scrollContainerSelector);
// create scrollbar clones
const cloneElement = scrollElement.cloneNode(true) as Element;
const cloneViewportElement = cloneElement.querySelector(scrollViewportSelector);
const cloneContainerElement = cloneElement.querySelector(scrollContainerSelector);
// insert scrollbar clone
const headerElement = document.querySelector(headerSelector);
headerElement.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', cloneElement);
// add event listeners to keep scroll position synchronized
scrollViewportElement.addEventListener('scroll', () => cloneViewportElement.scrollTo({ left: scrollViewportElement.scrollLeft }));
cloneViewportElement.addEventListener('scroll', () => scrollViewportElement.scrollTo({ left: cloneViewportElement.scrollLeft }));
// create a mutation observer to keep scroll size synchronized
this.mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(mutationList => {
for (const mutation of mutationList) {
switch ( {
case scrollElement:
cloneElement.setAttribute('style', scrollElement.getAttribute('style'));
case scrollViewportElement:
cloneViewportElement.setAttribute('style', scrollViewportElement.getAttribute('style'));
case scrollContainerElement:
cloneContainerElement.setAttribute('style', scrollContainerElement.getAttribute('style'));
// start observing the scroll elements for `style` attribute changes
this.mutationObserver.observe(scrollElement, { attributeFilter: ['style'], subtree: true });
When destroying the component, disconnect the MutationObserver to avoid memory leaks.
ngOnDestroy() {
// stop observing
It's tricky and all based on keeping the cloned scrollbar synchronized with the original scrollbar but so far it works great for my use cases.
Good luck 😎
Update 2022
order: 1;
order: 2;
order: 3;
order: 4;
order: 5;
order: 6;

Infinite loop and dynamic content on slides [duplicate]

Hi I'm using ngFor to create an set of 3 slides while starting in the middle so I'm guaranteed to be able to slide to left or right on start.
When I slide right I can simple listen to the reachedEnd and push another slide to the array i'm looping.
but I have a problem with adding a slide to the beginning. If I do the same as above and use e.g. array.unshift() or spread to add an item to the beginning, the view think it's on position 0 and snaps the view to the new slide.
The code below would work but it animates the slide change back to index 1.
slide = [0,1,2] //example to loop
slideChanged(event) {
this.slide = [this.slide[0]-1, ...this.slide];
<ion-slides [initialSlide]="1" (ionSlideDidChange)="slideChanged($event)">
<ion-slide *ngFor="let item of slide">
<h1>Slide {{item}}</h1>
Any help is appreciated!
You can do that by using the ionSlideNextEnd and ionSlidePrevEnd events from the Slides. Please take a look at this working plunker
The view
<ion-title>Dynamic slides Demo</ion-title>
<ion-slides #slider (ionSlideNextEnd)="loadNext()" (ionSlidePrevEnd)="loadPrev()" [initialSlide]="1">
<ion-slide *ngFor="let n of numbers">
<h2>Current slide: {{n}}</h2>
The component
export class HomePage {
#ViewChild('slider') private slider: Slides;
numbers = [0,1,2];
firstLoad = true;
constructor() {}
loadPrev() {
let newIndex = this.slider.getActiveIndex();
this.numbers.unshift(this.numbers[0] - 1);
// Workaround to make it work: breaks the animation
this.slider.slideTo(newIndex, 0, false);
console.log(`New status: ${this.numbers}`);
loadNext() {
if(this.firstLoad) {
// Since the initial slide is 1, prevent the first
// movement to modify the slides
this.firstLoad = false;
let newIndex = this.slider.getActiveIndex();
this.numbers.push(this.numbers[this.numbers.length - 1] + 1);
// Workaround to make it work: breaks the animation
this.slider.slideTo(newIndex, 0, false);
console.log(`New status: ${this.numbers}`);
For you who wonder why this not works on Ionic 4, just add little bit changes on typescript component
This code below works on IONIC 4 :
if(this.firstLoad) {
// Since the initial slide is 1, prevent the first
// movement to modify the slides
this.firstLoad = false;
let newIndex=idx
this.numbers.push(this.numbers[this.numbers.length - 1] + 1);
// Workaround to make it work: breaks the animation
this.daySlider.slideTo(newIndex, 0, false);
console.log(`New status: ${this.numbers}`);
let newIndex=idx
this.numbers.unshift(this.numbers[0] - 1);
// Workaround to make it work: breaks the animation
this.daySlider.slideTo(newIndex, 0, false);
console.log(`New status: ${this.numbers}`);
Or Much more simpler you can remove getter for Active Index, use below code for Ionic 4:
if(this.firstLoad) {
this.firstLoad = false;
this.numbers.push(this.numbers[this.numbers.length - 1] + 1);
// Workaround to make it work: breaks the animation
this.monthViewData.selectedTime=new Date(this.monthViewData.selectedTime.setDate(this.monthViewData.selectedTime.getDate()+1));
this.eventSource = this.tmp_events.filter((item)=>{
if(item.startTime >= this.monthViewData.selectedTime.setHours(0,0,0,0) && item.endTime < this.monthViewData.selectedTime.getTime()){
return item;
this.numbers.unshift(this.numbers[0] - 1);
this.monthViewData.selectedTime=new Date(this.monthViewData.selectedTime.setDate(this.monthViewData.selectedTime.getDate()-1));
this.eventSource = this.tmp_events.filter((item)=>{
if(item.startTime >= this.monthViewData.selectedTime.setHours(0,0,0,0) && item.endTime <= this.monthViewData.selectedTime.getTime()){
return item;

Detect scrollHeight change with MutationObserver?

How can I detect when scrollHeight changes on a DOM element using MutationObserver? It's not an attribute and it isn't data either.
Background: I need to detect when a scrollbar appears on my content element, the overflow-y of which is set to auto. I figured that the instant the scrollbar appears the value of scrollHeight jumps from 0 to, say, 500, so the idea was to set up a MutationObserver to detect a change in this property.
What I've got so far:
<div class="body" #body>
.body {
overflow-y: auto;
export class MyWatchedContent implements AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {
#ViewChild('body', { read: ElementRef })
private body: ElementRef;
private observer: MutationObserver;
public ngAfterViewInit() { = new MutationObserver(this.observerChanges);, {
attributes: true,
public ngOnDestroy() {;
private observerChanges(records: MutationRecord[], observer: MutationObserver) {
console.log('##### MUTATION');
records.forEach((_record) => {
If I, for example, change the background color in the developer window I can see the observer firing
my-content-watcher.component.ts?d0f4:233 MutationRecord {type: "attributes", target: div.body, addedNodes: NodeList(0), removedNodes: NodeList(0), previousSibling: null…}
If, however, I change the window size to make the scrollbar appear there's no mutation detected. Is this doable with MutationObserver at all and if so, how?
Here's the answer, for anyone still looking for the solution:
As of today, it's not possible to directly monitor scrollHeight changes of an element.
The MutationObserver detects changes in the DOM tree, which could indicate a scrollHeight change, but that's a wild guess.
The ResizeObserver detects changes in the outer height of an element, but not the scrollHeight (i.e. "inner" height).
There is no ScrollHeight-Observer (yet).
BUT the solution is very close:
The Solution
The ResizeObserver detects changes in the outer height of an element...
There's no point in observing the scroll-container because its outer height does not change. The element that changes their out height is any CHILD node of the container!
Once the height of a child node changes, it means, that the scrollHeight of the parent container changed.
Vanilla JS version
const container = document.querySelector('.scrollable-container');
const observer = new ResizeObserver(function() {
console.log('New scrollHeight', container.scrollHeight);
// This is the critical part: We observe the size of all children!
for (var i = 0; i < container.children.length; i++) {
jQuery version
const container = $('.scrollable-container');
const observer = new ResizeObserver(function() {
console.log('New scrollHeight', container[0].scrollHeight);
container.children().each(function(index, child) {
Further steps
When children are added dynamically, you could add a MutationObserver to add new children to the ResizeObserver once they were added.
You can emulate this behavior by adding an internal wrapping element on the contenteditable element (eg a span) and then add the ResizeObserver listener on the internal element. The internal span has to be display:block otherwise it wont trigger the ResizeObserver.
<div contenteditable id="input"><span id="content">Some content</span></div>
#input {
max-height: 100px;
overflow: scroll;
white-space: pre-wrap;
#content {
display: block;
white-space: pre-wrap;
const content = document.getElementById("content");
const observer = new ResizeObserver((entries) => {
for (const entry of entries) {

Accessing the first image when the second image of a two image div is hover or clicked

I have a div containing two images which is wrapped with a hover event. These images are left and right arrows. When I hover on the right arrow, I need to change the opacity on the left arrow. The html code is:
<div class="arrows">
<img src="left-arrow.jpg" id="left" />
<img src="right-arrow.jpg" id="right" />
jquery code
$('.arrows img').hover(function() {
var imgId = $(this).attr('id');
if (imgId == "right") {
// change opacity on left arrow
$(this).parent().img.eq(0).css({"opacity" : .5}); // does not work
$('arrows img.eq(0)').css({"opacity" : .5}); // does not work
Any suggestion that I can try.
Try this:
$('.arrows img').hover(function() {
$(this).siblings().css({"opacity" : .5});
If you are looking to gray out the left or right arrow based on first or last page do this:
On Hover:
$('.arrows img').hover(function() {
$(this).css({"opacity" : .5});
On Click:
$('.arrows img').click(function() {
$(this).css({"opacity" : .5});