Writing value 0 to a binary file - system-verilog

I am generating a binary file from a SystemVerilog simulation environment. Currently, I'm doing the following:
module main;
byte arr[] = {0,32, 65, 66, 67};
initial begin
int fh=$fopen("/home/hagain/tmp/h.bin","w");
for (int idx=0; idx<arr.size; idx++) begin //{
$fwrite(fh, "%0s", arr[idx]);
end //}
$system("xxd /home/hagain/tmp/h.bin | tee /home/hagain/tmp/h.txt");
endmodule : main
The problem is, that when b has the value of 0, nothing is written to the file. xxd output is:
0000000: 2041 4243 ABC
Same result when casting to string as follows:
$fwrite(fh, string'(arr[idx]));
I tried to change the write command to:
$fwrite(fh, $sformatf("%0c", arr[idx]));
And then I got the same value for the first two bytes ('d0 and 'd32):
0000000: 2020 4142 43 ABC
Any idea on how to generate this binary file?

You cannot have a null(0) character in the middle of a string, it is used to terminate the string.
You should use the %u format specifier for unformated data.
module main;
byte arr[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
int fh, c, tmp;
initial begin
fh = $fopen("h.bin","wb");
for (int idx=0; idx<arr.size; idx+=4) begin
tmp = {<<8{arr[idx+:4]}};
$fwrite(fh, "%u", tmp);
fh = $fopen("h.bin","r");
while ((c = $fgetc(fh)) != -1)
$write("%d ",c[7:0]);
endmodule : main
Note that %u writes a 32-bit value in least-significant bytes first order, so I reversed the bytes being written with the streaming operator {<<8{arr[idx+:4]}}. If the number of bytes is not divisible by 4, it will just pad the file with null bytes.
If you need the exact number of bytes, the you will have to use some DPI C code
#include <stdio.h>
#include "svdpi.h"
void DPI_fwrite(const char* filename,
const svOpenArrayHandle buffer){
int size = svSize(buffer,1);
char *buf = (char *)svGetArrayPtr(buffer);
FILE *fp = fopen(filename,"wb");
And then import it with
import "DPI-C" function void DPI_fwrite(input string filename, byte buffer[]);
DPI_fwrite("filename", arr);


Is there a String size limit when sending strings back to BPF code and back to userspace?

I am sending this sentence through my BPF code through a BPF Char Array here:
jmommyijsadifjasdijfa, hello, world
And when I print out my output, I only seem to get this output
I seem to be hitting some kind of String size limit. Is there any way to go over this string size limit and print the entire string?
Here is what my BPF code looks like:
#include <uapi/linux/bpf.h>
#define ARRAYSIZE 512
BPF_ARRAY(lookupTable, char**, ARRAYSIZE);
int helloworld2(void *ctx)
int k = 0;
//print the values in the lookup table
#pragma clang loop unroll(full)
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(lookupTable); i++) {
//need to use an intermiate variable to hold the value since the pointer will not increment correctly.
k = i;
char *key = lookupTable.lookup(&k);
// if the key is not null, print the value
if (key != NULL && sizeof(key) > 1) {
bpf_trace_printk("%s\n", key);
return 0;
Here is my py file:
import ctypes
from bcc import BPF
b = BPF(src_file="hello.c")
lookupTable = b["lookupTable"]
#add hello.csv to the lookupTable array
f = open("hello.csv","r")
file_contents = f.read()
#append file contents to the lookupTable array
b_string1 = file_contents.encode('utf-8')
lookupTable[ctypes.c_int(0)] = ctypes.create_string_buffer(b_string1, len(b_string1))
# This attaches the compiled BPF program to a kernel event of your choosing,
#in this case to the sys_clone syscall which will cause the BPF program to run
#everytime the sys_clone call occurs.
b.attach_kprobe(event=b.get_syscall_fnname("clone"), fn_name="helloworld2")
# Capture and print the BPF program's trace output
You're creating an array of 512 char** (basically u64). So you're just storing the first 8 bytes of your string the rest is discarded.
What you need is an array of 1 holding a 512 byte value:
struct data_t {
char buf[ARRAYSIZE];
BPF_ARRAY(lookupTable, struct data_t, ARRAYSIZE);
Also see https://github.com/iovisor/bpftrace/issues/1957

Fread/fwrite unexpected behavior

I have created a file 'meta.dat' in my current directory and want the code below to give me this output
The character B
Number of items read 1
int main() {
FILE* fp = fopen("meta.dat", "wb");
char j = 'B';
fwrite(&j, sizeof(j), 1, fp);
FILE* fp1 = fopen("meta.dat", "rb");
char i = '\0';
int n = fread(&i, sizeof(i), 1, fp1);
printf("The character %c\n", &i);
printf("Number of items read %d\n", &n);
However what I get is this output in my console (I use Windows):
The character &
Number of items read 6422304
What's wrong with the code? And what's happening behind the scenes, why am I seeing this strange output?

strncpy functions produces wrong file names

I am new in C and writing a code to help my data analysis. Part of it opens predetermined files.
This piece of code is giving me problems and I cannot understand why.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXLOGGERS 26
// Declare the input files
char inputfile[];
char inputfile_hum[MAXLOGGERS][8];
// Declare the output files
char newfile[];
char newfile_hum[MAXLOGGERS][8];
int main()
int n = 2;
while (n > MAXLOGGERS)
printf("n error, n must be < %d: ", MAXLOGGERS);
scanf("%d", &n);
// Initialize the input and output file names
strncpy(inputfile_hum[1], "Ahum.csv", 8);
strncpy(inputfile_hum[2], "Bhum.csv", 8);
strncpy(newfile_hum[1], "Ahum.txt", 8);
strncpy(newfile_hum[2], "Bhum.txt", 8);
for (int i = 1; i < n + 1; i++)
strncpy(inputfile, inputfile_hum[i], 8);
FILE* file1 = fopen(inputfile, "r");
// Safety check
while (file1 == NULL)
printf("\nError: %s == NULL\n", inputfile);
printf("\nPress enter to exit:");
return 0;
strncpy(newfile, newfile_hum[i], 8);
FILE* file2 = fopen(newfile, "w");
// Safety check
if (file2 == NULL)
printf("Error: file2 == NULL\n");
return 0;
for (int c = fgetc(file1); c != EOF; c = fgetc(file1))
fprintf(file2, "%c", c);
// system("Ahum.txt");
// system("Bhum.txt");
This code produces two files but instead of the names:
the files are named:
The reason I am using strncpy in the for loop is because n will actually be inputted by the user later.
I see at least three problems here.
The first problem is that your character array is too small for your strings.
"ahum.txt", etc. will need to take nine characters. Eight for the actual text plus one more for the null terminating character.
The second problem is that you have declared the character arrays "newfile" and "inputfile" as empty arrays. These also need to be a number able to contain the strings (at least 9).
You're lucky to have not had a crash from overwriting memory out the program space.
The third and final problem is your use of strcpy().
strncpy(dest, src, n) will copy n characters from src to dest, but it won't copy final null terminator character if n is equal or less than size of the src string.
From strncpy() manpage: https://linux.die.net/man/3/strncpy
The strncpy() function ... at most n bytes of src are copied.
Warning: If there is no null byte among the first n bytes of src,
the string placed in dest will not be null-terminated.
Normally what you would want to do is have "n" be the size of the destination buffer minus 1 to allow for the null character.
For example:
strncpy(dest, src, sizeof(dest) - 1); // assuming dest is char array
There are a couple of problems with your code.
inputfile_hum, newfile_hum, need to be to be one char bigger for the trailing '\0' on strings.
char inputfile_hum[MAXLOGGERS][9];
char newfile_hum[MAXLOGGERS][9];
strncpy expects the first argument to be a char * region big enough to hold the expected results, so inputfile[] and outputfile[] need to be declared:
char inputfile[9];
char outputfile[9];

snprintf() return value when size=0

Thanks first for your time spent here. I have a question with snprintf() when size=0, with code below:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int ac, char **av)
char *str;
int len;
len = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s %d", *av, ac);
printf("this string has length %d\n", len);
if (!(str = malloc((len + 1) * sizeof(char))))
len = snprintf(str, len + 1, "%s %d", *av, ac);
printf("%s %d\n", str, len);
when I run:
momo#xue5:~/TestCode$ ./Test_snprintf
The result is:
this string has length 17
./Test_snprintf 1 17
What confuses me is in the code, the size to be written is 0, why displayed 17?
What did I miss?
The solution can be found in the man page under Return value;
The functions snprintf() and vsnprintf() do not write more than size bytes (including the terminating null byte ('\0')). If the output was truncated due to this limit then the return value is the number of characters (excluding the terminating null byte) which would have been written to the final string if enough space had been available.
This is so that you can do exactly what you do, a "trial print" to get the correct length, then allocate the buffer dynamically to get the whole output when you snprintf again to the allocated buffer.

How to calculate CheckSum in FIX manually?

I have a FixMessage and I want to calculate the checksum manually.
The body length here is calculated:
0 + 0 + 5 + 5 + 8 + 26 + 5 + 0 = 49(correct)
The checksum is 157 (10=157). How to calculate it in this case?
You need to sum every byte in the message up to but not including the checksum field. Then take this number modulo 256, and print it as a number of 3 characters with leading zeroes (e.g. checksum=13 would become 013).
Link from the FIX wiki: FIX checksum
An example implementation in C, taken from onixs.biz:
char *GenerateCheckSum( char *buf, long bufLen )
static char tmpBuf[ 4 ];
long idx;
unsigned int cks;
for( idx = 0L, cks = 0; idx < bufLen; cks += (unsigned int)buf[ idx++ ] );
sprintf( tmpBuf, "%03d", (unsigned int)( cks % 256 ) );
return( tmpBuf );
Ready-to-run C example adapted from here
#include <stdio.h>
void GenerateCheckSum( char *buf, long bufLen )
unsigned sum = 0;
long i;
for( i = 0L; i < bufLen; i++ )
unsigned val = (unsigned)buf[i];
sum += val;
printf("Char: %02c Val: %3u\n", buf[i], val); // print value of each byte
printf("CheckSum = %03d\n", (unsigned)( sum % 256 ) ); // print result
int main()
char msg[] = "8=FIX.4.2\0019=49\00135=5\00134=1\00149=ARCA\00152=20150916-04:14:05.306\00156=TW\001";
int len = sizeof(msg) / sizeof(msg[0]);
GenerateCheckSum(msg, len);
Points to Note
GenerateCheckSum takes the entire FIX message except CheckSum field
Delimiter SOH is written as \001 which has ASCII value 1
static void Main(string[] args)
string s = "8=FIX.4.2|9=49|35=5|34=1|49=ARCA|52=20150916-04:14:05.306|56=TW|";
byte[] bs = GetBytes(s);
int sum=0;
foreach (byte b in bs)
sum = sum + b;
int checksum = sum % 256;
//string to byte[]
static byte[] GetBytes(string str)
byte[] bytes = new byte[str.Length * sizeof(char)];
System.Buffer.BlockCopy(str.ToCharArray(), 0, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
return bytes;
Using BodyLength[9] and CheckSum[10] fields.
BodyLength is calculated starting from field starting after BodyLenght and
before CheckSum field.
CheckSum is calculated from ‘8= upto SOH before the checksum field.
Binary value of each character is calculated and compared to the LSB of the calculated value to the checksum value.
If the checksum has been calculated to be 274 then the modulo 256 value is 18 (256 + 18 = 274). This value would be transmitted a 10=018 where
"10="is the tag for the checksum field.
In Java there is a method from QuickFixJ.
String fixStringMessage = "8=FIX.4.29=12535=81=6090706=011=014=017=020=322=837=038=4.39=054=155=ALFAA99=20220829150=0151=06020=06021=06022=F9014=Y";
int checkSum = quickfix.MessageUtils.checksum(fixStringMessage);
Output: 127
Hope it can help you.