How can I write a commands in GitBash while npm live-server is working? - command

I just started working with Git Bash, so I'm trying to do some commands while npm live-server is working, but Git Bash doesn't react at all.
I figured out that I can stop the process with "Ctrl+C" command, but is there a opportunity to do commands without stopping the live-server?
Thanks for your answers!)

Thank you, Clive! I understand the method) Now I can write commands while server is working!


VSCode: How to run npm scripts from the command pallete?

I just recently discovered the npm scripts section in VSCode. Now I'm wondering, is there also a way to run npm scripts from the command pallete?
I wasn't able to find any documentation on this, besides defining and launching build and test tasks. In a few results from Google, people were able to run npm scripts by typing > npm: taskname, but for some reason this won't work for me. I suspect this changed when VSCode natively implemented the script runner.

sh not working in Vscode terminal (Windows)

I suddenly found that the sh command does not work in the vscode terminal.
Neither Git Bash or powershell works. But it can work smoothly in the external git bash window.
Can anyone help with this? Thanks a lot!

Fail to open vscode in WSL bash on ubuntu using cmd code

When I tried to open vscode in WSL bash on Ubuntu 20.04 using command code ., it failed and the following message was logged:
/mnt/c/Users/john/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl-0.50.1/scripts/ 57: /home/john/.vscode-server/bin/d2e414d9e4239a252d1ab117bd7067f125afd80a/bin/code: not found
I would like to ask how to fix this problem? Thx a lot!
I found the solution. Even though I think that you've already know it.
You need to delete the folder /home/john/.vscode-server/ with sudo rm -rf /home/john/.vscode-server.
Then, you just run code . or try to open any project that you want it.
Then a script will load and will install a new .vscode-server in your machine with the right files.

mkvirtualenv: command not found Git Bash Windows

I'm following the Django installation tutorial for Windows. I ran the installation command below and it worked fine.
pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
However, when I try running mkvirtualenv myproject I get an error saying bash: mkvirtualenv: command not found
I am running Git Bash on Windows. I found a solution for the Windows Command Prompt here, but I was hoping to use Git Bash, because I'm much more familiar with it.
Maybe it is too late to answer this, but let me put my anser here anyhow.
I ran the pip install command twice, and finally everything is working for me. Just run "pip install" line this:
First do it: "pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper"
Second, do it: "pip install virtualenvwrapper-win"
Everything should be fine after that.

I can't run nodemon from Integrated Terminal of Visual Studio Code Mac OS

I have installed nodemon by: sudo npm install -g nodemon. With MacOS Terminal, i can run nodemon command.
But in Integrated Terminal of Visual Studio Code, I can't run nodemon and I don't know why.
Maybe two terminals don't sync ?
Help me, please.
In my case
changed the default shell from Powershell to CMD
restart VSCode.
VSCode now started with cmd chosen as the default, and the problem didn't happen with cmd.
Shutdown VS Code and launch it again from the command line with 'code .'.
Above approach should fix the issue. Sometime when we install node after installing visual studio some sort of environment variable path issue happens.
Looks like this has been asked by others. But here is a possible solution. In you package.json edit scripts:
"scripts": {
"serve": "nodemon server.js"
then npm run serve
You can also check you bash profile
if nodemon is not being found by bash.
Check this solution
and this discussion here
I was also facing a similar problem for a long time during my web development. If you are also facing these problem in VS code, so I recommend you to install Powershell Extention in your vs code or update your Powershell Extention. And restart your vs code.