install pg_stat_monitor on edb advanced server - postgresql

I started playing with edb advanced server and got it installed on Rocky Linux. It is working fine with no issues.
I now want to install percona pg_stat_monitor extension using dnf.
This extension is available via PostgreSQL dnf repositories.
When I install the extension via PostgreSQL dnf repositories, It installs postgres server with it as a dependency.
This results in 2 postgres instances running on my server. i.e. 1 from edb and the other from PostgreSQL.
Is there a way to fix this issue?
All I want is to install the postgres pg_stat_monitor extension on my edb Advanced server.


delete postgresql server from mac

I installed postgresql server on mac with brew install postgres because I want to practice it but it seems I installed the wrong thing? What I need is to run the installer from the official website ?
I cannot find how to uninstall the postgresql server
What you have installed was correct. But if you want to install .dmg package of postgres then you can do that as well.
First, uninstall the current version of Postgres by using
brew uninstall postgres
and then Navigate to the following below URL to get your desire Postgres .dmg package
offical Postgres .dmg for mac
Disclosure: I work for EnterpriseDB (EDB), we create and certify the Mac installers for all supported PostgreSQL versions.

Chef Server. Upgrade embedded PostgreSQL 9.2

I need to upgrade PostgreSQL that comes with Chef Server.
It's been installed from binaries, not apt, and the installation directory path suggests that it's an embedded version. Although I'm able to access it remotely just fine.
Has anyone tried patching the built-in PostgreSQL that comes with Chef?
My target version is 9.5 as I need support of json functions available in 9.5.

Install pgAdmin 3 without postgresql

I try to install pgAdmin3 for postgresql 9.4 but have an error:
Could not find your PostgreSQL installation. You might need to use the
--with-pgsql=DIR configure option.
I saw some questions in this resource, for example
Building pgadmin3-1.20.0 in CentOS 7 with PostgreSQL-9.4
But I've postgresql running in Docker and have not locally installation.
Any ideas how to compile pgAdmin without postgresql installation?

How to install MongoDB on amazon linux and connect it to Laravel-jenssegers MongoDB?

I followed this for installing mongodb on Amazon Linux. I have a laravel project to host on my amazon Linux server. Jenssegers mongoDB is already installed in the framework while developing the web app (in Ubuntu).
The web app was developed in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, and it was working properly.
When I hosted it on the server I am getting error:
Class 'MongoClient' not found
My questions are
1. How can I configure mongodb on amazon linux?
(now when i do sudo service mongod restart it is showing FAILED)
2.What all are the configurations that must be changed in the web app(which is done in Ubuntu) in order to use mongodb?
I am using PHP54
httpd 24
Laravel 4.2
Mongo client is not included in the base PHP API. Instead it needs to be installed as extension.
Its not part of the base repository, but it is part of EPEL which can be enabled on Amazon Linux. You can also install it via pecl (Provided you have installed the tools to compile extensions). Use one of the two commands to install the extension:
yum install php-pecl-mongo --enablerepo=epel
pecl install mongo
Once the installation is complete, restart apache and/or php.

Error when creating unaccent extension on PostgreSQL

I am trying to configure PostgreSQL to use fulltext search in my rails app as mentioned in this Railscast.
I am using a fresh Ubuntu 12.04 server running PostgreSQL 9.1.5 installed using apt-get with the ppa:pitti/postgresql with precise.
I get the following error when trying to run the migration and when I try the same command in the psql console with the peer postgres user:
postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION unaccent;
ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/share/postgresql/9.1/extension/unaccent.control":
No such file or directory
In my local box running Ubuntu 10.04 desktop I use the same repository (natty) and it works well.
Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
You need to install the package postgresql-contrib-9.1 in your system first. (Adapt to your version number! Here is the currently available list of packages.) That's the case under Debian, Ubuntu & friends anyway. Using a system user with the necessary privileges:
apt-get install postgresql-contrib-9.1
If your currently logged in user does not have the necessary privileges (but sudo rights):
sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib-9.1
Quoting the PostgreSQL Apt Repository:
If the version included in your version of Debian is not the one you
want, you can use the PostgreSQL Apt Repository.
There are basic install instructions on the Postgres website for each available OS.
For accent-insensitive indices using unaccent consider this related question:
Does PostgreSQL support "accent insensitive" collations?
On CentOS:
sudo yum install postgres*contrib