Trigger Projection Mapping using iPhone shortcut - iphone

I have a wall in my house with vinyl records. Each record has a corresponding nfc tag. When scanned I have an iPhone shortcut set up to play the album however I want the shortcut to also connect to my projector and project light onto the record on the wall being played. Is this possible?


Hololens Video recording not showing UI elements

We're working with the Hololens 2 and sadly when recording a video, taking an image or going into the live-view, Unity UI elements are not shown in the image/video.
Does anybody know how we can make Unity UI elements appear in video & photo capture in Hololens?
Here is an example where below the title there is text present, but not captured in the image.
The title part uses a TextMeshPro component, while the text part uses a TextMeshProUGUI component (due to the scrolling window of the text.)
We're using Unity 2020.3.6f1, MRTK 2.7.2 with OpenXR backend.
Thanks for any help and recommendations.
For how to create mixed-reality photos and videos, you can use the Start gesture to go to Start, then select the Camera icon, for more information please refer to this link: Create mixed reality photos and videos.
If you want to seamlessly integrate mixed reality capture and insertion into your apps, you need to enable the Windows Mixed Reality Camera Settings provider in your MRTK profile and check Render from PV Camera.
The issue was that our Unity version was not updated, as hinted out in this github issue. Simply updating to the newest Unity version solved the problem.

Overlay on vimeo movie on iPad/iPhone not clickable

We have a embedded background movie on (if you click on a small movie, the whole movie starts)
On desktop everything works as expected (the topbar is overlapping the movie and the links are still clickable)
The problem is, the same functionality doesn't work on iPad/iPhone.
The links are clickable as long the movie didn't started. As soon the user pushs the playbutton the links are not clickable anymore.
Do someone know why? Should not be a z-index issue because the links are not behind the movie.
iOS does not allow interaction with any elements above a video when the native controls are used, which we do in the current version of our player. On the iPhone, when they hit play it will automatically go into full screen and there is no way to prevent that.

How to browse audio/sound from iPhone?

I am creating an audio application where there are two buttons named
Record an audio
Browse an audio
When the user click on the first button he can record audio. This has been implemented.
When the user click on the second button he can browse for an audio /sound which is already present in the iPhone library. I am getting confused how to implement this.
use iPod Library Access to fetch the media items.

Creating an interactive full motion video game using HTML5

The basic parts of this full motion video game is:
The user is shown a video clip which either plays to the end or can be skipped. A clip could be something like a character talking or of a location. Some of the clips might loop until the user clicks something e.g. the clip might show birds flying in the park.
The user is presented with several choices that are overlaid over the video clip at some point where the choices are things like "1. go to the park" or "2. ask the man about the park".
Each choice is linked with another video clip and another set of choices e.g. if the user picks option 2, they are shown a video of the man responding and can then follow up with more questions.
I'd like the above to look seamless and presentable. For example, video clips and text options should fade in and out and I'd like the page to be fullscreen.
Would it be possible to do the above in HTML5 while supporting most desktop and mobile browsers? Would some other language be more appropriate? I'd rather not use Flash, primarily because then I cannot easily support iOS.
From doing some research, the above seems easily possible in all modern browsers on desktop machines with the caveat that there doesn't appear to be any reliable way to make an HTML5 page go full screen, unlike Flash. The iOS situation looks grim: as far as I know video clips will only play once the user has clicked on the clip and I'm not sure if I can overlay buttons on these. I've also read that the video tag can be buggy on Android.
Can anyone comment on what approach I can use for addressing these issues?
More info:
I have no constraints about it being server or client hosted.
I know I can't realistically get this to work on every browser out there so I'm really asking: without having to write several ports of the game, what approach can I use to target a sizeable audience?
Can HTML 5 embed video? Certainly. Will it work on most desktop and mobile browsers? Well, define 'most'. If we're talking pure numbers, then no. Lots of the planet still using IE <8 on the desktop and Symbian on the Nokias.
The bigger issue, IMHO, is that video on a mobile device is typically handled by the device. I'm not sure you can over-ride that. For instance, on an iPhone, if I click an embedded video, it pops it out as it's own full-screen video. You'd have to experiment and see if you have any control over that.
Finally, is this a server hosted game? If so, grabbing a bunch of videos over a cell network may not be the idea user experience.

html5 <audio>: how to use the built-in `next`, and `previous` controls on iOS 4.2 / Android 2.3

Both on Gingerbread 2.3 and iOS 4.2+ the HTML5 <audio> tag generates an interface with next, and previous buttons.
How do I hook into those controls?
It doesn't appear to be one of the HTML5 Media Events according to
HTML5 Spec.
Safari Developer Library: Controlling Media With JavaScript
What JavaScript events do they emit or do they send HTTP ICECast messages?
(No HTTP headers are sent on the button click)
For an example with screenshots, see
On Android:
if you have gingerbread or better you'll see the controls in the webapp by default.
On iOS (iPhone, iPod, iPad):
Begin playing the music sample on your iPod/iPad/iPhone
Then click the button to "background" the app.
Double click and swipe from left to right in the lower menu to access the player controls.
Note: play/pause control does work more or less as expected (setting the appropriate Content-Range HTTP header helps)
As for iOS
From the webkit-help mailing list:
These Next/Previous buttons are not
part of the standard HTML5 media
player controls.
On iOS at least, they are simply there
because the same controls are used for
audio playback in web pages as other
audio playback on the device. For web
pages, they just go to the start and
end for the track. You can't modify
this behavior from JS.
AFAIK, mobile phones (android/iphone) open the default player when you attempt to play any media file using the new HTML 5 specification.
There's no way to control those buttons since the actual playback is done via the media player application.
I don't know if intended, but so far, works with the NEXT button while you are CURRENTLY PLAYING any audio. If the audio finishes, the NEXT button stops working. And the PREVIOUS button doesn't go to previous song, but restarts current song.
I don't know if Scott (the creator) has coded this, or not. I've tried debugging that page JS files, and didn't find any next/prev logic done.
Clearly, it should be possible. It's working kind of buggy and there is no documentation, but let's build it!
What do the buttons do?
When playing:
Next: go to last ms of the audio, so it triggers onfinish event.
Prev: go to first ms of the audio, means nothing, plays again from start.
When not playing: (depends on if audio stopped or never played)
Next: Nothing
Prev: Nothing
:/ So far, that's the info I have. I'm trying to monitorEvents without success, it should be triggering some event.