pyspark SparseVectors dataframe columns .dot product or any other vectors type column computation using #udf or #pandas_udf - pyspark

I do try to compute .dot product between 2 columns of a give dataframe,
SparseVectors has this ability in spark already so I try to execute this in an easy & scalable way without converting to RDDs or to
DenseVectors but i'm stuck, spent past 3 days to try find out of an
approach and does fail, doesn't return computation for passed 2 vector
columns from dataframe and looking for guidance on this matter,
please, because something I'm missing here and not sure what is root cause ...
For separate vectors and rdd vectors works this approach but does fail
to work when passing dataframe column vectors, to replicate the flow
and issues please see below, ideally would be this computation to happen in parallel since real work data is with billions or more rows (dataframe observations):
from import Vectors, SparseVector
from pyspark.sql import Row
df = spark.createDataFrame(
[["a","b","c"], SparseVector(4527, {0:0.6363067860791387, 1:1.0888040725098247, 31:4.371858972705023}),SparseVector(4527, {0:0.6363067860791387, 1:2.0888040725098247, 31:4.371858972705023})],
[["d"], SparseVector(4527, {8: 2.729945780576634}), SparseVector(4527, {8: 4.729945780576634})],
], ["word", "i", "j"])
# # daframe content
| word| i| j|
|[a, b, c]|(4527,[0,1,31],[0...|(4527,[0,1,31],[0...|
| [d]|(4527,[8],[2.7299...|(4527,[8],[4.7299...|
def sim_cos(v1, v2):
if v1 is not None and v2 is not None:
return float(
# # calling udf
df = df.withColumn("dotP", sim_cos(df.i, df.j))
# # output after udf
| word| i| j| dotP|
|[a, b, c]|(4527,[0,1,31],[0...|(4527,[0,1,31],[0...| null|
| [d]|(4527,[8],[2.7299...|(4527,[8],[4.7299...| null|

Rewriting udf as lambda does work on spark 2.4.5. Posting in case
anyone is interested in this approach for PySpark dataframes:
# # rewrite udf as lambda function:
sim_cos = F.udf(lambda x,y : float(, FloatType())
# # executing udf on dataframe
df = df.withColumn("similarity", sim_cos(col("i"),col("j")))
# # end result
| word| i| j|similarity|
|[a, b, c]|(4527,[0,1,31],[0...|(4527,[0,1,31],[0...| 21.792336|
| [d]|(4527,[8],[2.7299...|(4527,[8],[4.7299...| 12.912496|


Using pandas udf without looping in pyspark

So suppose I have a big spark dataframe .I dont know how many columns.
(the solution has to be in pyspark using pandas udf. Not a different approach)
I want to perform an action on all columns. So it's ok to loop inside on all columns
But I dont want to loop through rows. I want it to act on the column at once.
I didnt find on the internet how this could be done.
Suppose I have this datafrme
5 3 2
1 7 0
Now I want to send to pandas udf to get sum of each row.
Number of columns not known.
I can do it inside the udf by looping row at a time. But I dont want. I want it to act on all rows without looping. And I allow looping through columns if needed.
One option I tried is combining all colmns to array column
But even here it doesnt work for me without looping.
I send this column to the udf and then inside I need to loop through its rows and sum each value of the list-row.
It would be nice if I could seperate each column as a one and act on the whole column at once
How do I act on the column at once? Without looping through the rows?
If I loop through the rows I guess it's no better than a regular python udf
I wouldnt go to pandas udfs, resort to udfs it cant be done in pyspark. Anyway code for both below
df ='/databricks-datasets/asa/small/small.csv', header=True,format='csv')
sf ="`.*rrDelay$|.*pDelay$`"))
columns = ["id","ArrDelay","DepDelay"]
data = [("a", 81.0,3),
("b", 36.2,5),
("c", 12.0,5),
("d", 81.0,5),
("e", 36.3,5),
("f", 12.0,5),
("g", 111.7,5)]
sf = spark.createDataFrame(data=data,schema=columns)
# Use aggregate function
new = (sf.withColumn('sums', array(*[x for x in ['ArrDelay','DepDelay'] ]))#Create an array of values per row on desired columns
.withColumn('sums', expr("aggregate(sums,cast(0 as double), (c,i)-> c+i)"))# USE aggregate to sum
#use pandas udf
sch= sf.withColumn('v', lit(90.087654623)).schema
def sum_s(iterator: Iterator[pd.DataFrame]) -> Iterator[pd.DataFrame]:
for pdf in iterator:
yield pdf.assign(v=pdf.sum(1))
sf.mapInPandas(sum_s, schema=sch).show()
here's a simple way to do it
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.sql import Window
from functools import reduce
df = spark.createDataFrame(
["A", "B", "C"],
cols = df.columns
calculate_sum = reduce(lambda a, x: a+x, map(col, cols))
df = (
| A| B| C|sum|
| 5| 3| 2| 10|
| 1| 7| 0| 8|

Renaming columns in a PySpark DataFrame with a performant select operation

There are other thread on how to rename columns in a PySpark DataFrame, see here, here and here. I don't think the existing solutions are sufficiently performant or generic (I have a solution that should be better and I'm stuck on an edge case bug). Let's start by reviewing the issues with the current solutions:
Calling withColumnRenamed repeatedly will probably have the same performance problems as calling withColumn a lot, as outlined in this blog post. See Option 2 in this answer.
The toDF approach relies on schema inference and does not necessarily retain the nullable property of columns (toDF should be avoided in production code). I'm guessing this approach is slow as well.
This approach is close, but it's not generic enough and would be way too much manual work for a lot of columns (e.g. if you're trying to convert 2,000 column names to snake_case)
I created a function that's generic and works for all column types, except for column names that include dots:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
def with_columns_renamed(fun):
def _(df):
cols = list(map(
lambda col_name: F.col(col_name).alias(fun(col_name)),
return _
Suppose you have the following DataFrame:
|i like cheese|yummy stuff|
| jose| a|
| li| b|
| sam| c|
Here's how to replace all the whitespaces in the column names with underscores:
def spaces_to_underscores(s):
return s.replace(" ", "_")
| jose| a|
| li| b|
| sam| c|
The solution works perfectly, except for when the column name contains dots.
Suppose you have this DataFrame:
| jose| a|
| li| b|
| sam| c|
This code will error out:
def dots_to_underscores(s):
return s.replace(".", "_")
Here's the error message: pyspark.sql.utils.AnalysisException: "cannot resolve '' given input columns: [, yummy.stuff];;\n'Project [' AS i_like_cheese#242, 'yummy.stuff AS yummy_stuff#243]\n+- LogicalRDD [, yummy.stuff#232], false\n"
How can I modify this solution to work for column names that have dots? I'm also assuming that the Catalyst optimizer will have the same optimization problems for multiple withColumnRenamed calls as it does for multiple withColumn calls. Let me know if Catalyst handles multiple withColumnRenamed calls better for some reason.
You could do something simple like this,
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
def with_columns_renamed(fun):
def _(df):
cols = list(map(
lambda col_name: F.col('`' + col_name + '`').alias(fun(col_name)),
return _
I've read the other answers and can't understand why this isn't one of them, feel free to point out if I'm missing something! it's nothing new but it's concise and performs well
def with_columns_renamed(func):
def _(df):
return df.selectExpr(*['`{}` AS `{}`'.format(c, func(c)) for c in df.columns])
return _
Try escaping using ` :
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
def with_columns_renamed(fun):
def _(df):
cols = list(map(
lambda col_name: F.col("`{0}`".format(col_name)).alias(fun(col_name)),
return _
Or use withColumnRenamed with reduce.
from functools import reduce
reduce(lambda new_df, col: new_df.withColumnRenamed(col,col.replace('.','_')),df.columns,df)

Sum vector columns in spark

I have a dataframe where I have multiple columns that contain vectors (number of vector columns is dynamic). I need to create a new column taking the sum of all the vector columns. I'm having a hard time getting this done. here is a code to generate a sample dataset that I'm testing on.
val temp1 = spark.createDataFrame(Seq(
.toDF("id", "f1","f2","f3","f4","label")
val assembler1 = new VectorAssembler()
val temp2 = assembler1.setHandleInvalid("skip").transform(temp1)
val assembler2 = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(Array("f2","f3", "f4"))
val df = assembler2.setHandleInvalid("skip").transform(temp2)
This gives me the following dataset
| id| f1| f2| f3| f4|label| vec1| vec2|
| 1|1.0|0.0|4.7| 6| 0.0|[1.0,0.0,4.7]|[0.0,4.7,6.0]|
| 2|1.0|0.0|6.8| 6| 0.0|[1.0,0.0,6.8]|[0.0,6.8,6.0]|
| 3|1.0|1.0|7.8| 5| 0.0|[1.0,1.0,7.8]|[1.0,7.8,5.0]|
| 4|0.0|1.0|4.1| 7| 0.0|[0.0,1.0,4.1]|[1.0,4.1,7.0]|
| 5|1.0|0.0|2.8| 6| 1.0|[1.0,0.0,2.8]|[0.0,2.8,6.0]|
| 6|1.0|1.0|6.1| 5| 0.0|[1.0,1.0,6.1]|[1.0,6.1,5.0]|
| 7|0.0|1.0|4.9| 7| 1.0|[0.0,1.0,4.9]|[1.0,4.9,7.0]|
| 8|1.0|0.0|7.3| 6| 0.0|[1.0,0.0,7.3]|[0.0,7.3,6.0]|
If I needed to taek sum of regular columns, I can do it using something like,
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col
df.withColumn("sum",, c2)=>c1+c2))
I know I can use breeze to sum DenseVectors just using "+" operator
import breeze.linalg._
val v1 = DenseVector(1,2,3)
val v2 = DenseVector(5,6,7)
So, the above code gives me the expected vector. But I'm not sure how to take the sum of the vector columns and sum vec1 and vec2 columns.
I did try the suggestions mentioned here, but had no luck
Here's my take but coded in PySpark. Someone can probably help in translating this to Scala:
from import Vectors, VectorUDT
import numpy as np
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, array
def vector_sum (arr):
return Vectors.dense(np.sum(arr,axis=0))
vector_sum_udf = udf(vector_sum, VectorUDT())
df = df.withColumn('sum',vector_sum_udf(array(['vec1','vec2'])))

spark scala cartesian product of each element in a column

I have a dataframe which is like :
col1 col2
a [p1,p2,p3]
b [p1,p4]
Desired output is that:
col1 col2 col3
p1 p2 a
p1 p3 a
p2 p3 a
p1 p4 b
I did some research and i think that converting df to rdd and then flatMap with cartesian product are ideal for the problem. However i could not combine them together.
It looks like you are trying to do combination rather than cartesian. Please check my understanding.
This is in PySpark but the only python thing is the UDF, the rest is just DataFrame operations.
process is
Create dataframe
define UDF to get all pairs of combinations ignoring order
use UDF to convert array into array of pairs of structs, one for each element of the combination
explode the results to get rows of pair of structs
select each struct and original column 1 into desired result columns
from itertools import combinations
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = spark.createDataFrame([
("a", ["p1", "p2", "p3"]),
("b", ["p1", "p4"])
["col1", "col2"]
# define and register udf that takes an array and returns an array of struct of two strings
#udf("array<struct<_1: string, _2: string>>")
def combinations_list(x):
return combinations(x, 2)
resultDf ="col1", F.explode(combinations_list(df.col2)).alias("combos"))
resultDf.selectExpr("combos._1 as col1", "combos._2 as col2", "col1 as col3").show()
| p1| p2| a|
| p1| p3| a|
| p2| p3| a|
| p1| p4| b|

How can I build a CoordinateMatrix in Spark using a DataFrame?

I am trying to use the Spark implementation of the ALS algorithm for recommendation systems, so I built the DataFrame depicted below, as training data:
| userId | itemId | rating |
Now, I would like to create a sparse matrix, to represent the interactions between every user and every item. The matrix will be sparse because if there is no interaction between a user and an item, the corresponding value in the matrix will be zero. Thus, in the end, most values will be zero.
But how can I achieve this, using a CoordinateMatrix? I'm saying CoordinateMatrix because I'm using Spark 2.1.1, with python, and in the documentation, I saw that a CoordinateMatrix should be used only when both dimensions of the matrix are huge and the matrix is very sparse.
In other words, how can I get from this DataFrame to a CoordinateMatrix, where the rows would be users, the columns would be items and the ratings would be the values in the matrix?
A CoordinateMatrix is just a wrapper for an RDD of MatrixEntrys. A MatrixEntry is just a wrapper over a (long, long, float) tuple. Pyspark allows you to create a CoordinateMatrix from an RDD of such tuples. If the userId and itemId fields are both IntegerTypes and the rating is something like a FloatType, then creating the desired matrix is very straightforward.
from pyspark.mllib.linalg.distributed import CoordinateMatrix
It is only slightly more complicated if you have StringTypes for the userId and itemId fields. You would need to index those strings first and then pass the indices to the CoordinateMatrix.
With Spark 2.4.0, I am showing the whole example that I hope to meet your need.
Create dataframe using dictionary and pandas:
my_dict = {
'userId': [1,2,3,4,5,6],
'itemId': [101,102,103,104,105,106],
'rating': [5.7, 8.8, 7.9, 9.1, 6.6, 8.3]
import pandas as pd
pd_df = pd.DataFrame(my_dict)
df = spark.createDataFrame(pd_df)
See the dataframe:
| 1| 101| 5.7|
| 2| 102| 8.8|
| 3| 103| 7.9|
| 4| 104| 9.1|
| 5| 105| 6.6|
| 6| 106| 8.3|
Create CoordinateMatrix from dataframe:
from pyspark.mllib.linalg.distributed import CoordinateMatrix, MatrixEntry
coorRDD = x: MatrixEntry(x[0], x[1], x[2]))
coorMatrix = CoordinateMatrix(coorRDD)
Now see the data type of result: