How to configure IIS inside Windows Container on AKS - kubernetes

I'm using the .NET Framework (I can't use .NET Core) for a solution that needs to stay alive the entire time it's running.
Normally I would configure IIS and keep it active all the time but inside the container I am not able to perform these settings.
Is there a "correct" way to configure IIS?
.NET Framework 4.8
Windows Container

To manage IIS in a container, most professionals (server administrators) use PowerShell.
If you prefer IIS Manager, then you will have to prepare the container and enable IIS remote management. I have a very basic example in my blog post,


What's the best way to redeploy core web api on IIS without stopping the application?

For now I've to (re)deploy core web api on Windows server with IIS. I know how to deploy and its working currently in production. The issue is every time I make a change I have to stop the website/recycle the apppool to be able to copy the application dlls. This is a pain as I'm looking to ultimately setup CI/CD using some provider however without this knowledge I'm unable to move forward.

Where do I place the deployment files for asp net core application

I have a self contained asp net core web application and I dont know where in the file system I need to place the files. I will be using the Kestrel web server without a reverse proxy as it will be behind the AWS application load balancer. I will use amazon linux2 AMI
It is OK to place it anywhere as long as the hosting user has sufficient permissions to the folder. Simply create a systemd service configuration and it would work properly.
Consider placing it in /usr/share as where the applications commonly are.

accessing ofbiz application that is installed on windows server virtually in azure

I have created windows server VM and installed ofbiz framework with Demo data. The framework is working fine when accessed through VM itself, but I need a way to access it outside (through local browsers).
You need to open ports (8080 and 8443) to access it from outside the azure VM. Here you go on how to do that-
You can also use the Apache OFBiz Mailing list for such queries -

can I deploy my wsp using central admin and avoid login to development server

I need on clarification that I have a development server where according to the policy I shouldn't login and run the commands.
So, is there any way that I can deploy my solution using central admin just like as we did through power shell commands.
I search before, but I couldn't get the satisfactory answer?
If you're deploying new wsp, you can run Powershell command "Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath ". If it's an existing wsp, you should retract the existing wsp first before adding the updated wsp. You can check if the wsp either deployed or not in the Central Admin > System Settings > Manage Farm solution. You can also deploy the SP Solution(once added) in Central admin. After deploying it, make sure to restart the Timer Service. Here's how you can deploy the wsp using powershell.
you can setup powershell to run remotely and then use powershell commands to deploy the wsp.
Check this link on enabling powershell to run remotely Configure Remote PowerShell in SharePoint 2010
What kind of solution are you deploying? Is it a farm or sandboxed solution? You can deploy your solutiions via VS2010 without having to login to the server. Or are you referring to items that needs to be deployed via GAC?

Best practice deploying windows service

I'm looking for best practice in continuous delivery of windows services.
Currently we hava a set of powershell scripts that unintall, reboot, install updates but error handling is tricky. We are reviewing System center but are there any other options available for deploying a windows service?
We've been using Presto since Dec 2011, and have done over 1,000 deployments. Most of what we deploy are Windows services.
What's nice is that we set up our apps and servers in Presto, then we can repeatedly deploy, to any server (or multiple servers at once), by just hitting a button. Presto will copy our official release binaries, update all of the items in our app config files, create and start the service, etc...
So, if you have an application that has 30 manual steps to deploying it, you can enter these steps in Presto, then it's done automatically for you after that.
It's worth a look:
Your most basic and generally accepted best option comes from this thread, which basically links to a Microsoft support article on creating an installer for the windows service.