Transaction mined but execution failed - deployment

I was trying to deploy my smart contract to BSC testnet using Remix IDE, although it compiles successfully but when I try to deploy it I get this error message.
"false Transaction mined but the execution failed"
This is my transaction here
You can see in full my source code here
I would like to call the contract name Safuu
Thank you for your time


PowerShell Azure Function: How to fix "Failed to start a new language worker for runtime: powershell"?

In an Azure Function App containing one PowerShell function I get the following log message regularly:
"Failed to start a new language worker for runtime: powershell."
It has "Error" level and thus triggers our error alert notifications. I'm not entirely sure when this message appears. It might appear around restarting the function app, which might explain it somewhat. I think I remember it appearing during normal function operation - but I might be mistaken.
There is a rather involved thread over here about a similar message but for the dotnet runtime that suggests there are configuration options to configure: Azure Function - Failed to start a new language worker for runtime: dotnet-isolated
My function app runtime version is ~4, PS Core version is 7.0, platform is 64 bit and Windows.
What is the error message trying to telling me? Can I ignore it? Is there a configuration I can add to fix it?
After monitoring this for a while over the course of multiple deployments and restarts of PowerShell-based Function Apps my conclusion is this:
The error "Failed to start a new language worker for runtime: powershell." only appears when restarting the Function App. Thus my takeaway is that it can be ignored.

Why I can't deploy program on Solana Mainnet?

Nowadays, I tried to deploy smart contract on Mainnet but I cant deploy it successfully.
why? and how can I deploy program on mainnet?
The current tools perform a fee check on every single message sent to deploy the program, which can make things take much longer and timeout many of the signed transactions.
As a temporary workaround, if you're sure the funding account has enough SOL, you can use:
solana program deploy --skip-fee-check <rest of your parameters here

Submitting Assistant Action to Alpha channel returns 500 Internal Server Error

We are no longer able to submit our action to the Alpha and/or Preview channels for testing.
From the Actions Console:
Clicking the Deploy tab
Start New Release
Select 'Alpha' Channel
Clicking Submit
Normally, the page would now refresh and show the draft version being deployed to Alpha.
Instead, we get this error: "Your submission of Version XX was denied"
Note: This error appears immediately, the Action did not go through review and get denied; the submission itself failed. We're not getting any more error info on why the submission failed, and also didn't get any info by email. (Normally, when the Action gets reviewed and there's a problem, we get an email explaining what we should do to fix it)
When trying to deploy the Action from the Google Actions SDK (gactions), a similar error appears:
PS C:\src\google-action\definitions> gactions push
Pushing files in the project "gluco-check-prod" to Actions Console. This may take a few minutes.
Sending configuration files...
Waiting for server to respond...
Done. Files were pushed to Actions Console, and you can now view your project with this URL:
If you want to test your changes, run "gactions deploy preview",
or navigate to the Test section in the Console.
PS C:\src\google-action\definitions> gactions deploy preview
Deploying files in the project "gluco-check-prod" to Actions Console for preview.
This may take a few minutes.
Sending configuration files...
Waiting for server to respond.
It could take up to 1 minute if your cloud function needs to be redeployed.
[ERROR] Server did not return HTTP 200.
"error": {
"code": 500,
"message": "Internal error occurred"
Again, there's no info other than this 500 Internal Server Error.
I have also tried deploying the exact same version that we have currently in Production, and the submission still fails.
Am I overlooking something, or is this an issue on Google's side?
Likewise, we've been unable to submit any releases to preview, alpha, beta or production channels for almost a week.
CLI throws 500 errors, website shows a blank page and all attempted submissions show up minutes later with "submission failed."
Emails to support under the topic Deployment Issues have gone unanswered as well, so there's no way to figure out what's going on or how to fix it.

Query builds failed because of timeout - Azure DevOps Server

In our dev environment we have lots of repos, lots of builds and lots of buildservers, and most of the time things work just like they should - however, we are seeing an increase in builds that fail because of timeouts.
These timeouts are not happening because we are getting close to the limit, but because something "gets stuck/blocked" in the pipeline and it stays on that step until timeout kills the build.
To better debug why that happens, we need to be able to query what builds fails because of this timeout, so we for instance can see, if it is a particular build server or agent that has this problem.
We can not find anything in the API that would give us the timeout error, but we can see that the UI is able to deduct it somehow:
So far we have narrowed it down to query all builds with completed status (through this API), but we get no completion reason, and buildtimes are never exact the same as the timeout of the build defintion, so "guessing" it from the execution plan will also be a bit shaky.
How can we filter our builds down to only the builds that have timed out?
We can use the below API to get details for a build.
Note: do not add timelineId, we should list all info
If the build is canceled because of the timeout setting, we can get the message: The job running on agent Hosted Agent ran longer than the maximum time of xxx minutes. For more information, see
By the way, we can use the API Builds - List to filter all failed build. if the build is canceled due to a timeout setting. the result is failed instead of cancel.

Job failed error when I try to run an excel test script on Botium v1.7.5

I recently deployed Botium v1.7.5 and have been getting "Job failed: Error: Worker finished with error" error. The bot does not detect any user utterance at all and ends the test session with a fail.
I included screenshots of my test case settings, test result and excel sheet containing test cases
I created a test set from manually chatting with my bot, through a feature in Botium, ran it, and it passed.