Flutter reminder app alarm notification return value - flutter

I am writing a reminder application using flutter. I want it to send notifications for the tasks entered at that date and time, even if the application is closed. Its notification should be like the phone's default alarm app. Confirmation snooze buttons and sounds. I'll need what the user did with this notification on another page. I am not using a database. Is there an easy way to do these operations?

You can either use awesome_notifications or flutter_local_notifications
flutter_local_notifications example
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.zonedSchedule(
'scheduled title',
'scheduled body',
tz.TZDateTime.now(tz.local).add(const Duration(seconds: 5)),
const NotificationDetails(
android: AndroidNotificationDetails(
'your channel id', 'your channel name',
channelDescription: 'your channel description')),
androidAllowWhileIdle: true,
awesome_notifications example
await AwesomeNotifications().createNotification(
content: NotificationContent(
id: id,
channelKey: 'scheduled',
title: 'wait 5 seconds to show',
body: 'now is 5 seconds later',
wakeUpScreen: true,
category: NotificationCategory.Alarm,
schedule: NotificationInterval(
interval: 5,
timeZone: localTimeZone,
preciseAlarm: true,
timezone: await AwesomeNotifications().getLocalTimeZoneIdentifier()

Use the awesome-notifications package!
Package on pub.dev:- https://pub.dev/packages/awesome_notifications
To install the package, use the command:-
flutter pub add awesome-notifications


flutter local notification can't set notification for next day

I use flutter local notification package in my project and when I try to set a notification in custom day it doesn't work .
for example : if I set notification for tomorrow at 3:15 it will range in the day I set the notification in not "in the next day" , Here is my code after adding custom time for notification to test this case
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.zonedSchedule(
tz.TZDateTime(tz.local, now.year, now.month, now.day + 1, 15, 17),
// _convertTime(hour, minutes, task),
const NotificationDetails(
android: AndroidNotificationDetails(
'your channel id 3',
'your channel name',
channelDescription: 'your channel description',
priority: Priority.max,
importance: Importance.max,
sound: RawResourceAndroidNotificationSound('notification_sound'),
iOS: DarwinNotificationDetails(sound: 'notification_sound.wav'),
androidAllowWhileIdle: true,
matchDateTimeComponents: DateTimeComponents.time,
payload: "${task.title}|${task.note}|${task.date}|",
can you help me with a way to set the notification for a spacific day 😓
I found that this error happen because I set
matchDateTimeComponents: DateTimeComponents.time,
and that tell the app to run this every day so even if you set it for tomorrow it will also run today so I solved that by setting this to
matchDateTimeComponents: DateTimeComponents.dateAndTime,

Flutter schedule notifications

anybody knows how to set local notification to show everyday another notification but with the same title cause with my code i get only the same notification body over and over again. I'm struggling for some days working on it. Anybody knows how to make it work?
Here's my notification code:
Future<void> showNotification(int id, String title, String body) async {
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.periodicallyShow(
const NotificationDetails(
// Android details
android: AndroidNotificationDetails('main_channel', 'Main Channel',
channelDescription: "ashwin",
importance: Importance.max,
priority: Priority.max),
// iOS details
iOS: DarwinNotificationDetails(
sound: 'default.wav',
presentAlert: true,
presentBadge: true,
presentSound: true,
true, // To show notification even when the app is closed
I want to schedule different notification when notification it s called.

How do I show a notification when app is closed?

I saw different question regarding this topic like this one:
Flutter send local notification when app is closed (alarm)
Some of them with accepted answers but nothing seems to work with latest version. Notification package has changed and all of these examples are deprecated.
I tried actual version (flutter_local_notifications: ^12.0.0) and as soon as I close the app I don't receive any notification at all.
const AndroidNotificationChannel channel = AndroidNotificationChannel(
'high_importance_channel', // id
'High Importance Notifications', // title
importance: Importance.high,
var detroit = tz.getLocation('America/Detroit');
var now = tz.TZDateTime.now(detroit);
await _flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.zonedSchedule(
'scheduled title',
'scheduled body',
tz.TZDateTime.now(now.location).add(const Duration(seconds: 5)),
android: AndroidNotificationDetails(
androidAllowWhileIdle: true,
The only notifications that I implemented in the background are the ones coming from firebase cloud functions, but I don't want to rely on this for simple notifications (specially because of the plan).
Is there anything working out there?
This was already working. The trick was to not test on debug:
flutter run --release

Open app on firebase notification received in flutter

I want to open the application automatically when a firebase notification is received, without user interaction. means when my application is killed or in the background and when the user receives a firebase notification the application should open automatic without user interaction or clicking on the notification is this possible in the flutter
I want to add this feature in the video calling application that when I receive a notification the call screen with accept reject button should render and I also want to add the autoanswer feature in it.
You can achieve this in Android but Its not possible in iOS for now, For android its Full-screen intent notifications and for iOS most you can do is set an custom ringtone when notification is received, You can use the below mentioned library for most of your notification needs:-pub.dev/packages/flutter_local_notifications
yes, obviously it's possible
u can do like this
demo video link : click here for watch video
Future<void> _showNotification() async {
const AndroidNotificationDetails androidPlatformChannelSpecifics =
'your channel id',
'your channel name',
channelDescription: 'your channel description',
importance: Importance.max,
priority: Priority.high,
icon: '#mipmap/ic_launcher',
// playSound: false,
const NotificationDetails platformChannelSpecifics = NotificationDetails(
android: androidPlatformChannelSpecifics,
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.show(
'plain title',
'plain body',
payload: 'item x',

Flutter Notifications after one hour

Hello I need to make local notification on mobile whenever a button is pressed. And i don't want to make the notification instantly but after one hour when the user hit that button does anyone have any idea?
I tried this plugin flutter_local_notifications: ^8.2.0
But can some help me how to do the trigger after one hour
Use this function to call notifications every hour
shownotifications() async {
const AndroidNotificationDetails androidPlatformChannelSpecifics =
AndroidNotificationDetails('repeating channel id',
'repeating channel name', 'repeating description');
const NotificationDetails platformChannelSpecifics =
NotificationDetails(android: androidPlatformChannelSpecifics);
await FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin().periodicallyShow(0, 'Test title',
'test body', RepeatInterval.hourly, platformChannelSpecifics,
androidAllowWhileIdle: true);
and follow this article step by step to to setup the package you are using