grpcurl: how to invoke bi-directional streaming rpc in powershell? - powershell

How to invoke, in Powershell, bi-directional streaming rpc or server streaming rpc with grpcurl.exe and be able to send/receive messages continuously?
I have:
service Info {
rpc LocationUpdates ( stream .reqLocation ) return ( stream .resNewLocation ) {}
I use:
grpcurl -vv -H $token -import-path $proto_path -proto info.proto -d $request_message $server Info/LocationUpdates
and I get:
Resolved method descriptor:
rpc LocationUpdates ( stream .reqLocation ) returns ( stream .resNewLocation );
Request metadata to send:
authorization: Bearer ...
Response headers received:
Response trailers received:
content-type: application/grpc
Sent 1 request and received 0 responses
In BloomRPC it works, but I prefer grpcurl from command line.

please try this:
grpcurl -vv -H $token -import-path $proto_path -proto info.proto -d # $server Info/LocationUpdates<<EOF
you will receive three responses from server.


micropython to influxDB

I want to save the wind measurement i record with my raspberry pico w in the InfluxDB Cloud 2.0.
def send_data_to_influxdb(data):
# Build the HTTP request
request = (
"POST /api/v2/write? HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Authorization: Token myToken\r\n"
"Content-Type: application/json\r\n"
"Content-Length: {}\r\n\r\n"
).format(len(data), data)
sock = usocket.socket()
sock.connect(("", 443))
response = sock.recv(4096).decode("utf-8")
# Sample data to send
data = [
"measurement": "test_measurement",
"fields": {
"value": 100
# Write data to InfluxDB
somehow i get the following Error:
ValueError: invalid arguments
at: sock.connect(("", 443))
What could be the issue?

Sse stream crashed io.gatling.http.action.sse.SseInvalidContentTypeException: Server returned http response with content-type null

I am trying to set up a load test scenario with Gatling;
package mypackage
import io.gatling.core.scenario.Simulation
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
class My_LoadTest extends Simulation {
val httpProtocol = http
.header("API_KEY", "my-api-key")
val scn = scenario("MyTestScenario")
sse.checkMessage("data").check(regex("""event: snapshot(.*)"""))
but it's continuously throwing error:
> i.g.h.a.s.SseInvalidContentTypeException: Server returned http 1 (50.00%)
response with content-type null
> Close: Client issued close order but SSE stream was already cr 1 (50.00%)
ashed: i.g.h.a.s.SseInvalidContentTypeException: Server return...
Whereas, I have already tested with CURL command (and that works fine) as;
curl 'https://my-base.url/my/end-point' \
-H 'authority: xyz’ \
-H 'accept: text/event-stream' \
-H 'API_KEY: my’-api-key \
Now, even though, Gatling claims that Gatling automatically sets Accept header to text/event-stream and Cache-Control to no-cache., but I also tried with:
val sentHeaders = Map("Content-Type" -> "text/event-stream", "API_KEY" -> "my-api-key")
val httpProtocol = http
Whatever I have tried so far, the error remains the same; Server returned http response with content-type null.
Any clue/solution/suggestion?
Check the logs. A Server Sent Event stream must have a Content-Type header of text/event-stream, see specification. It looks like your stream is malformed.

Use groovy-wslite make a post request from CURL request

Hi i have the following CURL request that i'd like to include in a groovy script using the groovy-wslite library put struggling to get the request working.
curl -s -X POST -k -u user:password https://artifactory_url/api/search/aql -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' -d 'items.find({"type":"file","repo":{"$eq": "my-repo-name"},"path":{"$match":"com/mycompany/product1/subcat/mob/*"},"name":{"$match":"*apk"}}).sort({"$desc":["path"]}).limit(1)'
You can use http-builder-ng and your code could look like
compile 'io.github.http-builder-ng:http-builder-ng-CLIENT:1.0.4'
HttpBuilder.configure {
request.uri = 'https://artifactory_url/api/search/aql'
request.auth.basic 'un', 'pw'
request.contentType = 'text/plain'
}.post {
request.body = 'items.find({"type":"file","repo":{"$eq": "my-repo-name"},"path":{"$match":"com/mycompany/product1/subcat/mob/*"},"name":{"$match":"*apk"}}).sort({"$desc":["path"]}).limit(1)'
response.success { FromServer fs, Object body ->
println body

MultiPart PUT request not working in spring boot

I have the following curl request
curl -X PUT http://localhost:50005/did:corda:tcn:77ccbf5e-4ddd-4092-b813-ac06084a3eb0 -H 'content-type:multipart/form-data' -F 'instruction=hgfhhf'
I am trying to read the instruction in my spring boot controller as seen below
#PutMapping(value = "{id}",
produces = arrayOf(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE),
consumes = arrayOf(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE))
fun createID(#PathVariable(value = "id") id: String,
#RequestParam("instruction") instruction: String ) : ResponseEntity<Any?>
But the code above returns
"status":400,"error":"Bad Request","exception":"","message":"Required request part 'instruction' is not present"
remove unused:
consumes = arrayOf(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE)
you have missed request param instruction (in reqeust), try this:
curl -X PUT -G 'http://localhost:50005/did:corda:tcn:77ccbf5e-4ddd-4092-b813-ac06084a3eb0' -d 'instruction=hgfhhf'
also take a look at CURL Command Line URL Parameters

Can't able to view a transform in browser using REST in Marklogic 9?

I tried to install below Server-Side JavaScript using this documentation and saved below as rest-sjs
function insertTimestamp(context, params, content)
if ('json') >= 0) {
var result = content.toObject();
if (context.acceptTypes) { /* read */
result.readTimestamp = fn.currentDateTime();
} else { /* write */
result.writeTimestamp = fn.currentDateTime();
return result;
} else {
/* Pass thru for non-JSON documents */
return content;
exports.transform = insertTimestamp;
I tried to push this using below curl cmd:
curl --anyauth --user public\admin:admin -X PUT -i --data-binary #"C:/Users/name/Desktop/rest.sjs" -H "Content-type: application/vnd.marklogic-javascript" 'http://localhost:9963/v1/config/transforms/js-example'
When I used localhost:9963 and went to /v1/config/transforms I can see:
<rapi:transforms xmlns:rapi="">
But when I went though the module /v1/config/transforms/rest-tsm I am seeing an error response:
<error-response xmlns="">
<status>Unacceptable Type</status>
REST-UNACCEPTABLETYPE: (err:FOER0000) No acceptable content type: None of the requested types text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8 can be provided
I can see the the module in Modules db. Which worked fine when I try to insert a document by using the transform.
Why can't I view the transform in the browser?
Unfortunately, that rest endpoint isn't very browser friendly. The required/acceptable Accept header values do not match what browsers will normally send.
When you made the GET request through your browser, it was sending the following Accept header:
This field contains a semicolon-separated list of representation schemes ( Content-Type metainformation values) which will be accepted in the response to this request.
Unfortunately, the v1/config/transform/{name} (GET) REST endpoint is strict in what it will accept for the Accept header and expects a specific value:
The MIME type of the data expected in the response, either application/xslt+xml or application/xquery.
If you use the example CURL command from the documentation, and customize for your transform URI, it will return the expected response.
curl --anyauth --user public\admin:admin -X GET -i \
-H "Accept: application/xquery" \