Do GitHub CLI commnds use REST APIs of GitHub? Is there any rate limit for using the commands? - github

I am using the GitHub CLI tool to get some pull-request information from my local repository. Mainly using the following commands from -
gh pr list
gh pr view
But sometimes I get - graphql error: 'API rate limit exceeded'. Is there anyone who knows about the CLI rate limit? I could not find anything from their CLI documentation.

The CLI uses the REST as well as the GraphQL API. The rate limit depends on the kind of account you're using and whether you're signed in.
The graphql rate limit is 5000 when authenticated.
You can check all the rate limits for your account/current gh login, by querying
First check your gh token in ~/.config/gh/hosts.yml
Query the api by e.g. curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your token>" -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
And you will see all the limits and current usage.


How to use ghs_* token in github API?

I'm trying to build an integration between two repositories. For that I've decided to use Github Apps.
I was able to sign working JWT and use it to get an access token (from{{INST_ID}}/access_tokens). It looks like this: ghs_tVGHE4l5i4kjhasslirerno666222.
Now I'm trying to use it to trigger an dispatches event for a project workflow with on: workflow_dispatch: trigger.
But I just can't find a way to put ghs* token to use.
Examples I saw say:
curl -X POST{{user}}/{{repo}}/dispatches \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json' \
-u ${{ ACCESS_TOKEN }} \
--data '{...}'
But it does not work, -u option is for 'user', not for token.
How to use ghs* token with github api?
The easiest way to do this is to just use the Token TOKEN Authorization header:
-H 'Authorization: Token ghs_tVGHE4l5i4kjhasslirerno666222
You may also try using Basic authentication with the x-token username. While that worked in the past, GitHub has disabled Basic authentication for the API, so that syntax may or may not function anymore.

How to check if we are the owners of the repository?

I'm using Github API to fetch data from my repository like below:
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
to run this query, in header, I'm also using my access token,
and I have one question, is there any way to check from github api response, that I'm the owner of the repository? I want to create a simple statement that check if responsed repository from github api is my or not(different public repo),
thanks for any help!

Create github issue from travis.yaml

I am looking for some ways to create a github issue from travis.
I am calling some scripts in travis.yaml file and I need to create a github issue when travis is executed. I came across documents on calling github APIS using curl command.
Eg: curl -u $username -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"title":"'$title'", "body":"'$body'"}'$username/$repo_name/issues
Instead of username , since the build is triggered via travis, should I use github tokens? Is there any environment variable available which represents github token.
Found the answer myself. Create a github token using the github API and add that as ENV variable to your Travis CI settings.
This token can be used to perform the curl operation in travis shell script.
Helpful link :

running a rundeck job from a rest api

I would like to allow anyone to trigger a job I've created in Rundeck.
I can't understand from the API documentation how to do that.
Any one knows, and can give simple examples (my understanding of the subject is minimal to none)?
What I've found is of the sort:
POST /api/1/job/[ID]/run
In order to use the Rundeck API, you need to authenticate first.
Authentication can be done in two different ways:
Using a Token
Using a username and a password
Here is an example of running a Rundeck job using its API (Token based authentication)
curl -X POST http://rundeck_server:port/api/19/job/87bdc26ce-9893-49bd-ad7a-97f4c4a39196/run?authtoken=AVy8jZdcpTYOyPcOVbfcfOQmB6b92zRu --header "Content-Type:text/xml"
19: the API version or Rundeck installation version (19 matchs
Rundeck 2.8.2)
87bdc26ce-9893-49bd-ad7a-97f4c4a39196: Job UUID
run: Runs a job
PS: To obtain an API Token, you must first log in to the Rundeck GUI using a user account. Click on your username in the header of the page, and you will be shown your User Profile page. From this page you can manage your API Tokens.
To update the answer above, this is an example of running a job and feeding it arguments
You will need to replace hostname/API version/job UID/token
Also the current version can be used with JSON only
curl -X POST[redacted] -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"options": {
And if you need additional arguments for running a job you can find the updated documentation at

Github v3 API - create a REPO

I’m trying to use the Github v3 API - I already implemented the required OAuth flow and it works well.
Now I’m trying some of the Repos API endpoints (
So far, I’m able to get a List of my repos using: GET /user/repos
However, when I try to create a repo using POST /user/repos, I get a 404.
Any thoughts what I might be doing wrong?
Can you please tell us how exactly you did the HTTP request? The 404 sounds like you were using a wrong path, probably. But to give a reliable answer instead a wild guess, we need to see your request, including how you are sending your token, just mask it with 'xxx' or something.
I'll show you in the meantime an example request, that is working:
curl -XPOST -H 'Authorization: token S3CR3T' -d '{"name":"my-new-repo","description":"my new repo description"}'
You would need to replace the OAuth token of course: S3CR3T
I had the same issue. The reason why you are getting a 404 with your oauth access token is that when you authorize to github you need to also additionally pass the scopes you want. For example, in the header you should see "X-OAuth-Scopes: repo, user", which means this user has read/write access to his profile and repositories. Once you have set the correct scopes you should be able to do POST/PUT requests just fine.
To see whether or not you have the correct permissions. You can do something like the following. Substitute the XXXXXXX with your access token.
curl -I
For creating repositories as a user you can use an personal access token and basic auth, which can be much simpler when you are fluffing around on the command line and have 2FA enabled.
curl -d '{"name":"test"}' -u githubuser:personaccesstoken
Create a personal access token here and make sure it has the 'repo' scope.
This script lets you read in in the token and project name as variables so you can use it in a script
#!/usr/bin/env bash -u
TOKEN=`cat token_file`
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -d '{"name": "'"$PROJECT"'"}'$TOKEN