sap ui5 force selection is not working with true false condition - sapui5

forceSelection="{= ${item>/type} !== 'DataPlane' ? false : true }". this makes force selection false when it is dataplane but it does not make it false when no dataplane(or the condition fails)


how to select a row in ag-grid react when clicking an icon rendred by ag-groupCellRender

I'M using the ag-grid react rowSelection={"single"} it works fine but when try the select a row from the fist field of the column that has an icon rendered by ag-group-cellRender it doesnt't select the row
enter image description here
<AgGridReact detailCellRenderer={'detailCellRenderer'} masterDetail={true} isRowMaster={isRowMaster} rowSelection={"single"} detailRowHeight={270} editType={'fullRow'} tooltipShowDelay={500}
onGridReady={onGridReady} rowData={rowData} suppressClickEdit={true} rowClassRules={rowClassRules} pagination={true}>
<AgGridColumn headerName='Line Item' headerTooltip="Line Item's name" headerClass="greyHeader"
field='Name' tooltipField='Name' cellEditor='lineItemEditor' cellRenderer="agGroupCellRenderer"
cellClass={cellClass} resizable={true} minWidth={150} flex={1}
editable={editable == "addLineItem" ? true : editable == "editLineItem" ? true : editable == "addChangeOrder" ? true : editable == "editChangeOrder" ? true : false} />

Change fadeAnimation option after creation of the map

I know how to set fadeAnimation to false at the creation of a map :
map ='map', {
But I'm looking for a way to set fadeAnimation true or false, on demand, AFTER the creation of the map.
map.options.fadeAnimation = false doesn't work.
Thanks a lot !
Change the _fadeAnimated property:
map._fadeAnimated = false

Only show a property in inspector when multiple other properties are set

I want to only show a property in the inspector when multiple other properties are set, like:
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: string
hidden: ' ? false : { ? true : false}'
This example doesn't work, but maybe it explains my intention.
The official neos docs only have an example for 1 condition which works but is not enough.
You made it almost. You have just to use && to combine it in your if statement
This will hide the element if the other two properties are true:
type: boolean
label: 'test dependent hidden'
group: general
type: boolean
label: 'test2 dependent hidden'
group: general
type: boolean
label: 'hideme dependent hidden'
group: general
hidden: ' && ? true : false'

Switch between editable and non editable mode in ag-grid

I am using ag-grid to display and modify data.How Can I switch between editable and non editable for the hole ag-grid. Can I do this with the grid api.
this is my default config:
this.defaultDefs = {
suppressMovable: true,
enableColResize: true,
editable: true,
Can I change editable dynamically?
editable can be either a boolean as you have it, or a function
If you use the function form you can determine on a cell by cell basis if you want the given cell to be editable
editable: function(params) {
return true; // true/false based on params (or some other criteria) value
you can set editable property by your way just create another function isEditable(columnName) which will give you boolean result.
this.defaultDefs = {
suppressMovable: true,
enableColResize: true,
editable: isEditable(column),
Do a logic check in the cellEditingStarted callback, calling the stop() when the check fails. You may need to write some css to style it or add a toast/notification to give the user feedback on why they're not able to edit.
You can use it like this:
editable: (params) => your logic
update your date
call api.redrawRows({ rowNodes: [node] })
You can also use suppressClickEdit in the grid options for a quick disabling:
gridOptions: {
suppressClickEdit: true | false,
A simpler approach
editable: (params:any)=> === 'edit' ? true : false
add it to the columndefinitions
Note: isEdit === 'edit' is your custom logic

Tinymce resize vertical only

Is there anyway to force tinymce to resize vertical only? It breaks my layout when resized horizontal.
So that this works the same as a default textarea resize: vertical;
selector: 'textarea', // change this value according to your HTML
resize: true
resize option has 3 values:
false: to disable.
true: enable only Vertical resize
'both': enable both resize directions
check the Documentation
IMPORTANT NOTE: to make it work you have to enable the statusbar option, it's enabled by default, but in case if turned it to statusbar: false you will have to re-enable it statusbar: true
you can use:
// other stuff...
theme_advanced_resizing : true,
theme_advanced_resize_horizontal : false