Casting with Single<> on RxJava - reactive-programming

I would like to know if there is a way to do a cast from Single<Object> to Single<CustomClass>.
I have a class that implements a method that should return a Single<Customer>, I implemented the search like here
Single.create(single -> {
CustomerServiceDto customer =, CustomerServiceDto.class);
There isn't any problem. It's what I need. This create returns me a Single<Customer> but when I implement another function to handling an exception
Single.create(single -> {
CustomerServiceDto customer =, CustomerServiceDto.class);
}).onErrorReturn(error -> new CustomerServiceDto());
It returns me a Single<Object>. Can I do a casting here? To avoid change the method's signature. I tried with the classic (Single<Customer>) Single<Object> instance, but it isn't work. Thanks for your advice.

The answer was the #dano's comment. Thanks, #dano.


#PathParam: No value being passed

I'm building a REST api using Quarkus and Kotlin. I'm trying to include a path parameter in my function by using the #PathParam annotation. This is what I have:
fun getUser(#PathParam userId: UUID) : GetUserResponse =
try {
GetUserSuccess(userRepository.find("id", userId))
} catch (e: NotFoundException) {
Unfortunately I'm getting an error stating that there's no value being passed for parameter value.
I googled some stuff, and most of what I found is about wrong imports. I double checked that part, but I import the correct one: import*, which also includes the PathParam.
Anyone knows what's wrong with this?
The answer would be to change it to:
fun getUser(#PathParam("userId") userId : UUID)
Inspirerd by Paul Samsotha's answer.
Alternatively you could also use the #RestPath annotation from RESTEasy:
fun getUser(#RestPath userId: UUID)

How to copy a bsoncxx::builder::basic::document to another?

Is there any way to safely copy a bsoncxx document to another.
In following code I am not able to do that
class DocClass
bsoncxx::builder::basic::document m_doc;
bsoncxx::builder::basic::document& copy(bsoncxx::builder::basic::document& obj)
obj = m_doc; //Not allowed
//Error C2280 attempting to reference a deleted function
There should not be any harm to the object even after copy.
Please help.
If you want to copy a bsoncxx::document::value, you can construct a new one from its view:
bsoncxx::document::value foo = ...;
bsoncxx::document::value bar{foo.view()};
bsoncxx::builder::basic::document is only movable, not copyable. However, you can get view to the underlying document from the builder with the view() method, which might be able to help you depending on your use cases. You'll still only be able to extract from the builder once though, so you'll have to rely on constructing a second document::value if you need more than one.

UIA: Get ControlType from control type name (string)

Using Microsoft UI Automation. I have a string which represents UIA control type, like "Window" or "Button". I would like to get a ControlType object which fits this string. How to do it? Is some enumerations exists which represents all the UIA control types? I found only that ControlType has ControlType.LookupById(int) method. But I have to know correspondence between ID and name. Of course, I can create my own switch with all the possible UIA control types, or even use reflection to get all the members of ControlType factory. But I'm sure should be easier way..
I've found such way, using PresentationCore.dll, very strange for me, that such enum doesn't exist in standart UIA DLL. Also please pay attention, that there is a bug in ControlType class, I guess due to its private static constructor. If you call ControlType.LookupById(enumId) 1st time, it will return null, but in the 2nd time will be OK. The solution is quite simple -- just call ToString before usage, it will initialize the static constructor :)
using System.Windows.Automation.Peers;
// solving the bug with static constructor of ControlType..
string controlTypeString = "Window";
AutomationControlType typeEnum;
bool result = Enum.TryParse(controlTypeString, true, out typeEnum);
if (result) typeEnum = (AutomationControlType)Enum.Parse(typeof(AutomationControlType), controlTypeString);
int enumId = (int)typeEnum + 50000;
ControlType controlType = ControlType.LookupById(enumId);

Autofac TScanningActivatorData and WithMetadata

I am trying to do something like this. However the WithMetadata method wont let me.
Is this a problem in Autofac and should TScanningActivatorData in the WithMetadata overloads be changed to TActivatorData, or am i approaching this the wrong way?
builder.RegisterType(myType).As<IMyType().AsSelf().WithMetadata("somekey", delegate(Type t)
return t;
This gives me the error on the WithMetadata method: The type 'Autofac.Builder.ConcreteReflectionActivatorData' cannot be used as type parameter 'TScanningActivatorData' in the generic type or method 'Autofac.RegistrationExtensions.WithMetadata<TLimit,TScanningActivatorData,TRegistrationStyle>(Autofac.Builder.IRegistrationBuilder<TLimit,TScanningActivatorData,TRegistrationStyle>, string, System.Func<System.Type,object>)'. There is no implicit reference conversion from 'Autofac.Builder.ConcreteReflectionActivatorData' to 'Autofac.Features.Scanning.ScanningActivatorData'.
There's a more suitable overload for what you're trying to achieve. The t parameter passed in to the delegate is the same as myType - so the equivalent code is:
var someValue = DoSomething(myType);
.WithMetadata("somekey", someValue);
The overload you've been looking at is for use with scanning registrations, e.g. when using RegisterAssemblyTypes() rather than RegisterType().
Hope this helps.

Need help understanding Generics, How To Abstract Types Question

I could use some really good links that explain Generics and how to use them. But I also have a very specific question, relater to working on a current project.
Given this class constructor:
public class SecuredDomainViewModel<TDomainContext, TEntity> : DomainViewModel<TDomainContext, TEntity>
where TDomainContext : DomainContext, new()
where TEntity : Entity, new()
public SecuredDomainViewModel(TDomainContext domainContext, ProtectedItem protectedItem)
: base(domainContext)
this.protectedItem = protectedItem;
And its creation this way:
DomainViewModel d;
d = new SecuredDomainViewModel<MyContext, MyEntityType>(this.context, selectedProtectedItem);
Assuming I have 20 different EntityTypes within MyContext, is there any easier way to call the constructor without a large switch statement?
Also, since d is DomainViewModel and I later need to access methods from SecuredDomainViewModel, it seems I need to do this:
if (((SecuredDomainViewModel<MyContext, MyEntityType>)d).CanEditEntity)
But again "MyEntityType" could actually be one of 20 diffent types. Is there anyway to write these types of statements where MyEntityType is returned from some sort of Reflection?
Additional Info for Clarification:
I will investigate ConstructorInfo, but I think I may have incorrectly described what I'm looking to do.
Assume I have the DomainViewModel, d in my original posting.
This may have been constructed via three possible ways:
d = new SecuredDomainViewModel<MyContext, Order>(this.context, selectedProtectedItem);
d = new SecuredDomainViewModel<MyContext, Invoice>(this.context, selectedProtectedItem);
d = new SecuredDomainViewModel<MyContext, Consumer>(this.context, selectedProtectedItem);
Later, I need to access methods on the SecuredDomainViewModel, which currently must be called this way:
ex: if (((SecuredDomainViewModel<MyContext, Order)d).CanEditEntity)
ex: if (((SecuredDomainViewModel<MyContext, Invoice)d).CanEditEntity)
ex: if (((SecuredDomainViewModel<MyContext, Consumer)d).CanEditEntity)
Assuming I have N+ entity types in this context, what I was hoping to be able to do is
something like this with one call:
ex: if (((SecuredDomainViewModel<MyContext, CurrentEntityType)d).CanEditEntity)
Where CurrentEntityType was some sort of function or other type of call that returned Order, Invoice or Consumer based on the current item entity type.
Is that possible?
You can create a non-generic interface that has the CanEditEntity property on it, make SecuredDomainViewModel inherit off that, then call the property through the interface...
Also, the new() constructor allows you to call a constructor on a generic type that has no arguments (so you can just write new TEntity()), but if you want to call a constructor that has parameters one handy trick I use is to pass it in as a delegate:
public void Method<T>(Func<string, bool, T> ctor) {
// ...
T newobj = ctor("foo", true);
// ...
//called later...
Method((s, b) => new MyClass(s, b));
I can't help on the links, and likely not on the type either.
If you have the Type, you can get the constructor:
ConstructorInfo construtor = typeof(MyEntityType).GetConstructor(new object[]{TDomainContext, ProtectedItem});
I'm not really sure what you're looking for, but I can only see something like
if (((SecuredDomainViewModel<MyContext, entityType>)d).CanEditEntity)
being what you want.