Apache Archiva Error Message - Configuration can not be saved when it is loaded from two sources - archiva

I have this error message when I try to add or edit any configuration.
Already make sure only 1 Archiva.xml can be load as configuration source.  
I am using Weblogic if there is related.
Please help, thanks.


Typo3 8 Backend exception raising on start

I got the following error message right after login in in backend
what could be the problem in this case?
default behaviour on errors in the BE:
try the install tool and check for errors.
Errors in configuration where the install tool has checked your installation.
and your apache log to see the exact error. (You see an processed error message).
the error message gives a hint what to look for: /main
where have you used it? and does that folder/file exist?
maybe a misunderstanding as you might assume the folder based in web root (something like /srv/web/html/) but from the name it is based in disk root (/)
have you used it in a configuration (e.g. LocalConfiguration.php)?
or in a file-storage record?

Error: Could not find or load main class config.zookeeper.properties

I am trying to execute a sample producer consumer application using Apache Kafka. I downloaded it from https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi?path=/kafka/ . Then I started following the steps given in http://www.javaworld.com/article/3060078/big-data/big-data-messaging-with-kafka-part-1.html.
When I tried to run bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties, I am getting Error: Could not find or load main class config.zookeeper.properties I googled about the issue but didn't get any useful information on this. Can anyone help me to continue?
You've downloaded the source package. Download the binary package of Kafka and do testing.
You have to download the binary version from the official Kafka web site.
Assuming you have the correct binary version check to see that you do not already have CLASSPATH defined in your environment. If you do and the defined CLASSPATH has a space in it (e.g.C:\Program Files\<>) then neither zookeeper or kafka will start.
To solve this either delete your existing CLASSPATH or modify the startup script that builds the zookeeper and kafka CLASSPATH values, putting your CLASSPATH entry in double quotes before the path is built

Why Playframework database configuration error in application.conf

I have have correct PostgreSQL installed and I can use this by other framework such as Spring. When I tried write some code for Play 2.1 that should use postgresql 9.4.1. I'm also using Slick 3.0.
I have following in the application.conf

When I start application it give error:-
Missing configuration [db.ansiDump.driver]
I added
Then I get error:-
Missing configuration [db.unicodeDump.driver]
I added

Then I get error:-
Missing configuration [db.dumpPaths.driver]
So again I added:-
After all these sequence of driver and url, It worked. I am sure, I am doing something wrong to configure drive o url.
Please tell me what is wrong and how it should be done.
Updated infromation:-
Additional information.
Sorry I can't keep correct format for the whole application.conf file content. So I uploaded it in Google Drive. Please check the link enter link description here
To reproduce the error I had to comment line number 45 #db.ansiDump.driver="org.postgresql.Driver"
After comment I get this exception:-
Configuration error
Missing configuration [db.ansiDump.driver]
In /Users/ma/work/app/conf/application.conf:45
I think the url should be

How to fix Malformed help URL while opening ACC ATG?

I'm using jboss + mysql for running ATG. I'm trying to open Admin Control Center through dyn/admin. However, I'm getting malformed help URL before I get login form. Once I logged in, I'm getting multiple alerts of same exception but with different help ids.
Did any one face this issue and found a workaround?
This issue has been observed because of not having protocol.jar in classpath while starting jboss server. You can follow this workaround to fix the issue.
Copy %DYNAMO_HOME%/DAS/lib/protocol.jar to C:\lib or any folder that is easily accessible to you.
Open Standalone.conf.bat
and add following line in the file.
set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\lib"
Open the Jboss server after the above update is done. The error will be resolved.
Copy the protocol.jar form DAS\lib to your domain lib folder and restart weblogic.
Ex: C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\lib

maven was6:installApp TransferFailed

I'm trying to deploy my ear to a remote Websphere 8.5 with maven plugin was6 via SOAP.
I set up the correct ear with correct host, node,cell,server, port etc.
But when I try to install app I got WASX7017E: ConnectException - Connection refused with a TransferFailedException
In logs, there is nothing in local and remote neither. As I see with netstat when I run the mvn installApp there are many connection trying on serverside whiches have status TIME_WAIT.
The plugin seems to be working with v8.5 cause other functions for example wsListApp work.
I tried to google it but with no results.
Does anyone get this error before me? Or has anyone idea what should I do?
Thank you.
was6-maven-plugin generates a temporal ant file under "target\was6-maven-plugin\" folder and then calls $WAS_HOME\bin\ws_ant.sh/bat utility using -f option with the previously generated ant file.
If you don't use the clean target, the files should continue there so you can use ws_ant to find the real error and find if there is an error on your configuration or in the plugin.
If you find an error in the plugin, please open an issue here: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MWAS
In this link you'll find all the options available in the wsInstallApp target:
Javier Murciego