Is there a way to cancel namespace termination in kubernetes? - kubernetes

One of my namespace is in Terminating state.
While there are many posts that explain how to forcefully delete such namespaces. The ultimate result is that everything in your namespace will be gone. Which is not what you might want especially if that termination was a result of mistake or bug (or may cause downtime of any kind).
Is it possible to tell kubernetes not to try to delete that namespace anymore. Where that state is kept?
Terminating state blocks me from recreating the whole stack with gitops (helm chart installation in such namespace is not possible).
I simply wish to remove the terminating state and my fluxcd controller would fix everything else.

Is there a way to cancel namespace termination in kubernetes?
As far as I know, unfortunately not. Termination is a one-way process. Note how termination pods take place:
You send a command or API call to terminate the Pod.
Kubernetes updates the Pod status to reflect the time after which the Pod is to be considered "dead" (the time of the termination request plus the grace period).
Kubernetes marks the Pod state as "Terminating" and stops sending traffic to the Pod.
Kubernetes send a TERM signal to the Pod, indicating that the Pod should shut down.
When the grace period expires, Kubernetes issues a SIGKILL to any processes still running in the Pod.
Kubernetes removes the Pod from the API server on the Kubernetes Master.
So it is impossible to cancel termination process.
Is it possible to tell kubernetes not to try to delete that namespace anymore.
There is no dedicated solution, but you can try to automate this process with custom scripts. Look at this example in Python and another one in Bash.
See also this question.


How to tell Kubernetes to not reschedule a pod unless it dies?

Kubernetes tends to assume apps are small/lightweight/stateless microservices which can be stopped on one node and restarted on another node with no downtime.
We have a slow starting (20min) legacy (stateful) application which, once run as a set of pod should not be rescheduled without due cause. The reason being all user sessions will be killed and the users will have to login again. There is NO way to serialize the sessions and externalize them. We want 3 instances of the pod.
Can we tell k8s not to move a pod unless absolutely necessary (i.e. it dies)?
Additional information:
The app is a tomcat/java monolith
Assume for the sake of argument we would like to run it in Kubernetes
We do have a liveness test endpoint available
There is no benefit, if you tell k8s to use only one pod. That is not the "spirit" of k8s. In this case, it might be better to use a dedicated machine for your app.
But you can assign a pod to a special node - Assigning Pods to Nodes. The should be necessary only, when special hardware requirements are needed (e.g. the AI-microservice needs a GPU, which is only on node xy).
k8s don't restart your pod for fun. It will restart it, when there is a reason (node died, app died, ...) and I never noticed a "random reschedule" in a cluster. It is hard to say, without any further information (like deployment, logs, cluster) what exactly happened to you.
And for your comment: There are different types of recreation, one of them starts a fresh instance and will kill the old one, when the startup was successfully. Look here: Kubernetes deployment strategies
All points together:
Don't enforce a node to your app - k8s will "smart" select the node.
There are normally no planned reschedules in k8s.
k8s will recreate pods only, if there is a reason. Maybe your app didn't answer on the liveness-endpoint? Or someone/something deleting your pod?

With Kubernetes Is there a way to wait for a pod to finish its ongoing tasks before updating it?

I'm managing a application inside kubernetes,
I have a front end (nginx, flask) and a backend (celery)
Long running tasks are sent to the backend using a middle-ware (rabbitmq)
My issue here is that i can receive long running tasks at anytime, and i don't want it to disturb my plan of upgrading the version of my application.
I'm using the command kubectl apply -f $MY_FILE to deploy/update my application. But if i do it when a celery po is busy, the pod will be terminated, and i'll be losing the task.
I tried using the readiness probe, but the pods are still being terminated.
My question is, is there a way for kube to target only 'free' pods, and wait for the busy on to finish ?
Thank you
You can use preStop hooks to complete ongoing task before the pod is terminated.
Kubernetes sends the preStop event immediately before the Container is terminated. Kubernetes’ management of the Container blocks until the preStop handler completes, unless the Pod’s grace period expires.For more details, see Termination of Pods.
One way is to create another deployment with the new image, expose it as a service. Pass on any new requests ONLY to this new deployment/service.
Meanwhile, the old deployment/service can still continue processing the existing requests and not take any new ones. Once all the requests are processed the old deployment/service can be deleted.
The only problem with this approach, roughly double the resources are required for some duration as old/new deployment/service run in parallel.
Something like a A/B testing. FYI ... Istio makes is easy with traffic management.

Pod is still running after I delete the parent job

I created a job in my kubernetes cluster, the job takes a long time to finish, I decided to cancel it, so I deleted the job, but I noticed the associated pod is NOT automatically deleted. Is this the expected behavior? why is it not consistent with deployment deletion? Is there a way to make pod automatically deleted?
If you're deleting a deployment, chances are you don't want any of the underlying pods, so it most likely forcefully deletes the pods by default. Also, the desired state of pods would be unknown.
On the other hand if you're deleting a pod, it doesn't know what kind of replication controller may be attached to it and what it is doing next. So it signals a shutdown to the container so that it can perhaps clean up gracefully. There may be processes that are still using the pod, like a web request etc. and it would not be good to kill their request if it may take a second to complete. This is what happens if you may be scaling up your pods or rolling out a new deployment, and you don't want any of the users to experience any downtime. This is in fact one of the benefits of Kubernetes, as opposed to a traditional application server which requires you to shutdown the system to upgrade (or to play with load balancers to redirect traffic) which may negatively affect users.

Is there a way to configure Istio to route traffic to a POD which is in the terminating state?

I have a Kubernetes cluster with two services deployed: SvcA and SvcB - both in the service mesh.
SvcA is backed by a single Pod, SvcA_P1. The application in SvcA_P1 exposes a PreStop HTTP hook. When performing a "kubectl drain" command on the node where SvcA_P1 resides, the Pod transitions into the "terminating" state and remains in that state until the application has completed its work (the rest request returns and Kubernetes removes the pod). The work for SvcA_P1 includes completing ongoing in-dialog (belonging to established sessions) HTTP requests/responses. It can stay in the "terminating" state for hours before completing.
When the Pod enters the "terminating" phase, Istio sidecar appears to remove the SvcA_P1 from the pool. Requests sent to SvcA_P1 from e.g., SvcB_P1 are rejected with a "no healthy upstream".
Is there a way to configure Istio/Envoy to:
Continue to send traffic/sessions with affinity to SvcA_P1 while in "terminating" state?
Reject traffic without session affinity to SvcA_P1 (no JSESSIONID, cookies, or special HTTP headers)?
I have played around with the DestinationRule(s), modifying trafficPolicy.loadBalancer.consistentHash.[httpHeaderName|httpCookie] with no luck. Once the Envoy removes the upstream server, the new destination is re-hashed using the reduced set of servers.
According to Kubernetes documentation, when pod must be deleted three things happen simultaneously:
Pod shows up as “Terminating” when listed in client commands
When the Kubelet sees that a Pod has been marked as terminating because the "dead" timer for the Pod has been set in the API server,
it begins the pod shutdown process.
If the pod has defined a preStop hook, it is invoked inside of the pod. If the preStop hook is still running after the grace period
expires, step 2 is then invoked with a small (2 second) extended grace
Pod is removed from endpoints list for service, and are no longer considered part of the set of running pods for replication
controllers. Pods that shutdown slowly cannot continue to serve
traffic as load balancers (like the service proxy) remove them from
their rotations.
As soon as Istio works like a mesh network below/behind Kubernetes Services and Services no longer consider a Pod in Terminating state as a destination for the traffic, tweaking Istio policies doesn't help much.
Is there a way to configure Istio/Envoy to continue to send traffic/sessions with affinity to SvcA_P1 while in "terminating" state?
This problem is at Kubernetes level rather than Istio/Envoy level: by default, upon entering the "Terminating" state, Pods are removed from their corresponding Services.
You can change that behaviour by telling your Service to advertise Pods in the "Terminating" state: see that answer.

How long do Kubernetes Pods persist?

How long does a pod persist without a replication controller?
I have run some pods that have a very simple purpose, they execute and then terminate. Other pods like a database server pod persists for quite a longer time. However after a day or so, the pod would terminate. I know docker containers exit once their process has finished running, but why would my database pods continue running for a while and then randomly exit.
What controls the termination of a pod?
The easiest way for you to find a definitive answer to that question would be to kubectl describe pod <podName>, or kubectl get events. Any pod termination would have an associated event that you can use to diagnose the reason.
Pods may die due to several reasons, ranging from errors within the container, to a node going down for maintenance. You can usually set the appropriate RestartPolicy, which will restart the pod if it fails (except in case of node failure). If you have multiple nods and would like the pod to be restarted on a different node, you should use a higher level controller like a ReplicaSet or Deployment.
For pods expected to terminate, a job is better suited.