vscode theme color settings - visual-studio-code

I'm developing my own theme for vscode and the only color I'm not able to change is the background of codes displayed in the extensions as shown in the image.
Does anyone know what configuration I should add?
background of codes displayed in the extensions


Visual Studio Code ignoring text mate theme in settings.json

So I have a color theme set as Github Dark default right now, before I had it set as Monokai pro where I went into Setting.json and change some settings for textmate scopes and change their colors, it worked when I had the previous theme setup but when I changed the theme the settings don't take effect and uses the themes default color scheme. I don't know why that's happening.
Like I have this in my settings.json for the color of a function name
But instead I don't see the changes in this method in one of my java files. It should show up as green for the function call but instead it shows up as purple. And it should show purple Variable names but it's gray.

How to change text color when doing go to file in vscode

I'm trying to use the Go to file function in vscode but it is hard to see the text when I am typing. This issue is only for the macOs Classic theme, and working when I changed the color theme. Any idea how can I modify the text color? Please see the image below.

how to change theme mode & theme color based on both system dark mode or onclick event in flutter

Color ThemeMode is based on 2 different ways,
The first is that the color theme is change based on the system theme. (if the user selects the dark mode from the device then my app color theme is also changed with dark mode.)
The second is that the color theme is based on the onClick Event from the application.
I want to create these two tasks with a single variable, like, if the system mode is on light mode but the user changes the mode of application in dark mode...and also if the system is on dark mode then the application is automatically converted into dark mode.
There's a plugin for that on pub.dev called theme_provider. Have you tried it? You can add it to your pubspec.yaml file.

How can I change selected item color in non editor panel of Eclise?

I am Using Eclipse Neon 3 with darkest dark theme. The color of text and background of selected items are very similar in Project explorer, Search and any other non editor panel as shown below so it is very hard to read . Anyone know how I can change them?
enter image description here
Well I found the solution. The highlight color is applyed system wide so I had to change the color theme of Gnome GTK Theme with Gnome Tweak tool.

Set eclipse hyperlink color under KDE

I have dark eclipse theme (Moonrise) and also dark theme for native widgets set in KDE. The problem is that dar blue hyperlink are not very legible so I would like them to be of different color. In the picture there is not that dark theme used, but with darker colors the link cannot be read.
Even thoughtI was setting the hyperlink color in every possible settings menu I could think of, I have not been able to set eclipse hyperlink color. It seems that Eclipse ignored the Appearance -> Colors and fonts settings.
It would make somehow sense if the native GUI settings would be to have dark blue hyperlink color. But I cannot see, that this would be the case in Application Appearance -> Colors section.
Is there a way to change the color of hyperlink? Why is it still dark blue? I am not interested in settings the tooltip background as is often suggested in this case- I have already set it to lighter color so the hyperlinks are readable.
Go to Window > Preferences and change the current theme restart eclipse. Refer picture below.
Install eclipse colour theme plugin then you will get lots of options to change the theme. See here.
Note that in different themes the colour of active and visited link will be different.
After looking at your comment, you may get some clues from here
GNOME settings
KDE settings
Eclipse on Ubuntu