What is the code to create a new sheet in LibreOffice? Additionally, how do I rename that sheet? - libreoffice

I am well-versed in Excel vba that I use for work, but I chose to use LibreOffice for this personal project because I don't have a personal MS Office license. Below is the code I currently have written.
Sub Setup
Dim oSheets
Dim oBoardSheet
Dim oTurnSheet
Dim sReturn As String
Dim iRoll As Integer
Dim sIBinfo As String
Dim sIBMsg As String
Dim sIBTitle As String
Dim sNewSheet As String
oSheets = ThisComponent.Sheets
sNewSheet = Format(Now,"mm-dd-yy")
oBoardSheet = oSheets.getByName("3-4PlayerBoard")
oTurnSheet = oSheets.getByName(sNewSheet)

LO has 2 ways of creating macro: recording macro that records some user actions via dispatcher (not recommended) and API real code that should be typed or created using MRI extension.
Short overview of Calc Basic code is at https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Macros/Basic/Calc and https://documentation.libreoffice.org/en/english-documentation/macro/ and full Pitonyak guide at https://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php.
Seems like parenthesis missing.
oSheets = ThisComponent.getSheets()
oSheets.insertNewByName("sNewSheet", 2)


Create Access reports from Form and save as PDF

Im currently using an Access database to create alot of reports - the report is made using a Query as a source, in the Query i use a Form as criteria so that the open page in the Form is the data used in the report.
Then I save the report as a PDF and click in the form to run the next set of data.
That is very time consuming when i have over 500 reports to make. So is there a way to make a function, a VBA or macro to run through all pages in the form and save each report as a PDF?
My form is named NorwF, the query is NorwQ and the report is NorwRap
I hope that makes sense and that there is a faster way to make this projekt run smoothly.
If you place a button on the form, this code behind should work:
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strReport As String
Dim strReportFile As String
strReport = "NorwRap"
'Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
Set rst = CurrentDB.OpenRecordSet("NorwQ") 'use the query
Do While rst.EOF = False
strReportFile = rst!ID & ".pdf" ' give report name based on field name
DoCmd.OpenReport strReport,acViewPreview , , "id = " & rst!ID
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, strReport, acFormatPDF, strOutFile
DoCmd.Close acReport, strReport

(Vba) Ms Word: Work around the 255 characters limit

I'm new to programming and I'm trying to copy the content of a form field to another form field in the same Word document like this:
Sub Copyfield()
Dim Temp As String
Temp = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Field1").Result
ActiveDocument.FormFields("Field2").Result = Temp
End Sub
My problem is that my "Field1" is a piece of text of more than 255 characters which seems to be a problem with "Result". I know there is a very similar topic here: Passing MS-Access string >255 characters to MS-Word field but I still don't have the 50 reputation to comment on that thread.
Could anyone please help me understand how to implement the changes in my code?
Well, here's one possibility. Since I don't have your environment it was easier for me to test text in the document rather than another form field with so much content. You'll need to adjust the code accordingly.
The key is to get the Selection "inside" the form field so that it doesn't hit the "protection barrier". Just using FormField.Select puts the focus at the beginning of the field, which VBA is seeing as "protected". Moving one character to the right corrects that and long text can then be assigned to the Selection. But the field needs to have content.
So what my code is doing is "slicing off" the first word of the text to go into the form field. That's short enough to assign to the Result property and lets the Selection move to its right. Then the rest - the long text - can be assigned to the Selection.
You'll probably want to assign the entire FormField.Result to a string variable, then manipulate that string.
Sub WriteLongTextToFormField()
Dim ffld As word.FormField
Dim doc As word.Document
Dim rng As word.Range
Dim s1 As String, s2 As String
Set doc = ActiveDocument
'Get the long text
Set rng = doc.Range(doc.Paragraphs(1).Range.Start, doc.Paragraphs(6).Range.End)
'Split off a bit to go into FormField.Result
s1 = rng.Words(1)
rng.MoveStart wdWord, 1
'The rest of the long text, to be assigned to Selection.Text
s2 = rng.Text
Set ffld = doc.FormFields("Text1")
ffld.result = s1
Selection.MoveRight wdCharacter, 1
Selection.Text = s2
End Sub
Ok, after 3 days at the border of madness, finally thanks to the help of #Cindy Meister (and some serious personal digging), I made it work. Maybe it's not a big deal for you geniouses out there but believe me for me it was like seeing everything in Matrix code (from the movie guys, the movie).
I want to post it and share because I tried to find it in every corner of our Internet and part of the extraterrestrial one and I couldn't. So hopefully it will be useful for another programming illiterate / dumb person (as myself).
Here is the code:
Sub CopyField()
Dim ffld As Word.FormField
Dim doc As Word.Document
Dim rng As String
Dim s1 As String, s2 As String
Set doc = ActiveDocument
'Get the long text
rng = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Field1").Result
'Split off a bit to go into FormField.Result
s1 = Left(rng, 4) 'Keeps the first 4 characters of the rng string starting from left to right this can be adapted
'The rest of the long text, to be assigned to Selection.Text
s2 = Mid(rng, 5) 'Starting from the 5th character from the left keeps the rest of the string
Set ffld = doc.FormFields("Field2")
ffld.Result = s1
Selection.MoveRight wdCharacter, 1
ActiveDocument.Unprotect 'Unprotects the document!
Selection.Text = s2
ActiveDocument.Protect Type:=wdAllowOnlyFormFields, NoReset:=True 'Protects the document again!
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Field1").Select ' "Sends cursor" back to Field1
End Sub
Big part of the code is originally by #Cindy Meister... I just adapted it to my situation where I had 2 form fields instead of paragraphs. I also had to add some lines to unprotect the document at a certain point in order to make it work (ask the Pros for the reason) and a final instruction to come back to "Field1" (which is some pages up) after the process. Finally just a note for my dumb fellows: I added the macro "on exit" on the "Field1" properties to automatize the process.
Huge thanks Cindy again and I hope you help in my dark programming moments again ! (please do)

How to refresh/requery report in access VBA before auto-exporting it on database launch

I searched thoroughly and tried many different solutions, but I can't seem to get it to work, even though it shouldn't be that difficult.
I have an access database which automatically sends reports by e-mail, every monday morning, when the database is opened. The problem is I can't get the reports to show the most recent data in the charts. The procedure is as follows (with Report1 as example)
(Users open a .accdr version of the database)
Upon opening this code runs when the head form loads (form_load event):
If Weekday(Now(), 2) = 1 Then
If Forms![Head Form]![Once subform].Form![ID] = 0 Then
DoCmd.OpenQuery "UpdateOnce1", acViewNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1", acViewPreview
DoCmd.RunSavedImportExport "Export-Report 1"
Dim strSql
Dim db As Database
Set db = CurrentDb()
Dim Outlook
Dim rng
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
On Error Resume Next
With OutMail
.To = "number of mail adresses"
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.Subject = "Report 1"
.HTMLBody = ""
.Attachments.Add ("T:\.....\Report1.pdf")
End With
DoCmd.Close acReport, "Report1"
End If
End If
So if it is monday, and the code hasn't run yet, Report 1 is openend, exported to PDF, added as an attachment and then mailed via outlook.
As you can see I currently tried opening the reports before calling the code to mail the pdf, in hopes of refreshing it before it exports. But it doesn't seem to be working unfortunately, because the report doesn't show the most recent data.
Any ideas on how I can refresh/requery the report before it is exported & mailed? Much appreciated.
One way around it is a make table with the most recent data you want when your criteria is met (monday, not been ran yet) and base the report off that, then once you have exported the report delete the temp table with your data. This also prevents users pissing around with your queries/set up etc.
a bit like
dim ssql as string
sSql = "Select yourFields from yourTable INTO tmpTblRpt"
'set the rpt to be based off tmptblRpt here
then set warnings off docmd.deleteObject actable, "tmpTblRpt" then warnings back on

Unrecognized SSRS parameters

I'm developing an SSIS 2012 package which uses a Script task to load and render an SSRS 2012 report from an SSRS server via a web service using SOAP. My problem lies in the code that sets the parameter values. When the code below runs, I get the following SOAP error message when it tries to execute the rs.SetExecutionParameters method:
Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.UnknownReportParameterException: An attempt was made to set a report parameter 'prmDomainID' that is not defined in this report.
Yet if I open the report in Design mode, the parameter is clearly there. And checking the execInfo variable at run-time, also shows the parameter is there. I've tried deleting the report on the server and redeploying it but that didn't work. I've tried changing the parameter name to include the leading "#" symbol but that didn't work either. I've made sure the parameter data type (integer) matches the type of value I'm passing in. I've been googling for hours and nothing seems to make it recognize the parameters I'm passing in. (Note the prmDomainID parameter is set to Visible. Not sure if that matters.)
What am I missing here?
Dim rs As New ReportExecutionService
Dim format As String = "HTML4.0"
Dim mimeType As String = Nothing
Dim historyID As String = Nothing
Dim deviceInfo As String = Nothing
Dim extension As String = Nothing
Dim encoding As String = Nothing
Dim warnings() As Warning = Nothing
Dim streamIDs() As String = Nothing
Dim results() As Byte
Dim execInfo As New ExecutionInfo
Dim parameters(1) As ParameterValue
parameters(0) = New ParameterValue()
parameters(0).Name = "prmDomainID"
parameters(0).Value = "15"
With rs
.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
execInfo = .LoadReport(ReportPath, historyID)
.SetExecutionParameters(parameters, "en-us")
results = .Render(format, deviceInfo, extension, mimeType, encoding, warnings, streamIDs)
End With
Return System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(results)
Did you get this to work? I have looked and looked at this - and the only things I see are that I don't see where your ReportPath is set - but I assume it is because you got data in execInfo... so the only other thing I see is that you don't have the ExecutionHeaderValue set...
so add this code and give it a try...
Dim execHeader as New ExecutionHeader()
rs.ExecutionHeaderValue = execHeader
make sure you put it before execInfo = .LoadReport(ReportPath, historyID)
I tried to convert my c# code to VB - so you may want to verify syntax!

Creating a 'calendar matrix' in Access

I’m trying to create either a report or form that displays data in essentially a “calendar” form.
I have a course query that is (simplified) as “Course name”; “course days”; “course times”---
Course; Days; Times
PSY 1; MW; 8A-9A
SOC 150; M; 8A-11A
ANTH 2; Tu; 8A-9A
ANTH 199; MW; 8A-9A
In Access, I’m trying to create a form based on the query that would give me a matrix of the following:
Columns: Times in hour increments
Rows: Days of week
So, for example, with the above data, it would appear like this:
Edit: Yargh, I can't submit an image unfortunately. So, here is a link to a "course schedule" that is essentially what I'm trying to do: Schedule
I have no idea where to start with this. Any tips (or links)?
One idea I have is to create a form with a field for every possible cell in the matrix (so, for example, there would be one "Monday, 8-9A" field--and that field would be a filter on the query that ONLY displays results where "day" contains "M" and BeginTime or EndTime or between 8A and 9A). Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to do that.
You can do something close to what you seem to want as an Access form, but it's not easy. This screen capture displays your sample data in a Datasheet View form whose record source is an ADO disconnected recordset. It uses conditional formatting to set the text box background color when the text box value is not Null. Your picture suggested a different color for each Course, but I didn't want to deal with that when more than one Course can be scheduled in the same time block ... my way was simpler for me to cope with. :-)
The code to create and load the disconnected recordset is included below as GetRecordset(). The form's open event sets its recordset to GetRecordset().
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Set Me.Recordset = GetRecordset
End Sub
Note I stored your sample data differently. Here is my Class_sessions table:
Course day_of_week start_time end_time
------ ----------- ---------- -----------
PSY 1 2 8:00:00 AM 9:00:00 AM
PSY 1 4 8:00:00 AM 9:00:00 AM
SOC 150 2 8:00:00 AM 11:00:00 AM
ANTH 2 3 8:00:00 AM 9:00:00 AM
ANTH 199 2 8:00:00 AM 9:00:00 AM
ANTH 199 4 8:00:00 AM 9:00:00 AM
This is the function to create the disconnected recordset which is the critical piece for this approach. I developed this using early binding which requires a reference for "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects [version] Library"; I used version 2.8. For production use, I would convert the code to use late binding and discard the reference. I left it as early binding so that you may use Intellisense to help you understand how it works.
Public Function GetRecordset() As Object
Dim rsAdo As ADODB.Recordset
Dim fld As ADODB.Field
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim dteTime As Date
Dim i As Long
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim rsDao As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSql As String
Set rsAdo = New ADODB.Recordset
With rsAdo
.Fields.Append "start_time", adDate, , adFldKeyColumn
For i = 2 To 6
.Fields.Append WeekdayName(i), adLongVarChar, -1, adFldMayBeNull
.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.LockType = adLockPessimistic
End With
strSql = "PARAMETERS block_start DateTime;" & vbCrLf & _
"SELECT day_of_week, Course, start_time, end_time" & vbCrLf & _
"FROM Class_sessions" & vbCrLf & _
"WHERE [block_start] BETWEEN start_time AND end_time" & vbCrLf & _
"ORDER BY day_of_week, Course;"
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qdf = db.CreateQueryDef(vbNullString, strSql)
dteTime = #7:00:00 AM#
Do While dteTime < #6:00:00 PM#
'Debug.Print "Block start: " & dteTime
rsAdo!start_time = dteTime
qdf.Parameters("block_start") = dteTime
Set rsDao = qdf.OpenRecordset(dbOpenSnapshot)
Do While Not rsDao.EOF
'Debug.Print WeekdayName(rsDao!day_of_week), rsDao!Course
rsAdo.Fields(WeekdayName(rsDao!day_of_week)) = _
rsAdo.Fields(WeekdayName(rsDao!day_of_week)) & _
rsDao!Course & vbCrLf
dteTime = DateAdd("h", 1, dteTime)
Set rsDao = Nothing
Set qdf = Nothing
Set GetRecordset = rsAdo
End Function
Actually, if you look at the following video of mine, you can see a calendar created in Access that runs inside of a browser with the new Access Web publishing feature.
So, all you really need to do here is format a form with text boxes and setup some code to fill them. VBA or even the above video shows this is quite easy for Access.
I doubt that you will find an easy solution for this problem in Access forms or reports.
The issue is that you need to format different cells differently, and that cells can span multiple rows and have to be merged.
If I were you, I would go in either of these 2 directions:
Drive Excel from Access, because you can format and merge cells independently
Use the Web Browser Control to display HTML that you construct yourself using tables, or a more high-level library like FullCalendar
I would be partial to tryingthe Web Browser and find the right library that can properly format the data.
I know this post is quite old, but I had the same requirement but I got round it by doing the following:
I created a module that would write HTML code (as a text file) to produce the data using a table.
I used the colspan feature of tables to enable me to dynamically produce the view I needed.
The HTML file was created on the Form_Open event and by pointing the webbrowser control to the HTML file the view shows the latest data.
A css file is used to handle the visual display of the HTML file so that it looks similar to the Access forms already in use.
If anyone is interested I can post some code to further illustrate.