to pass a variable from a method to the main body - class

I made a code to compare 2 times . The structure of the code constitutes of a main body getting the 2 times. A class and 2 methods are converting the times into second just to make an integer. The problem is that the variable showing the integer doesn't pass to the main body. The code is as follow.
class Time():
def __init__(self, other=None):
self.other = other
def comparison(self, other):
self.other = other
return other > self
def time_to_int(self, other):
self.other = other
other = self.hour * 3600 + self.minute * 60 + self.second
print( other )
start = Time()
start.hour = 2.0
start.minute = 87
start.second = 98
start_time = Time()
start.time_to_int( start_time )
end = Time()
end.hour = 3.0
end.minute = 87
end.second = 98
end_time = Time()
end.time_to_int( end_time )
print( start_time, end_time )
start_time.comparison( end_time )
The result is
<__main__.Time object at 0x7f9ca1854110> <__main__.Time object at 0x7f9ca18541d0>
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-dc5298ddf4b1> in <module>()
---> 33 start_time.comparison(end_time)
<ipython-input-1-dc5298ddf4b1> in comparison(self, other)
5 def comparison(self, other):
6 self.other=other
----> 7 return other > self
8 def time_to_int(self, other):
9 self.other=other
TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'Time' and 'Time'

Your comparison method uses other > self, and the TypeError tells you that this is not defined. What's your question?


SciPy opitimize 'ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.' ARIMA models

I know that the issue 'ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.' is normally because the function being optimized is a vector and not a scalar, anyhow my ARMA model below still gets this issue. Here is the code
def loghood(parm,endog,exog,p,q):
arparams,maparams,exogparams,bias = parm
res=abs(endog - np.mean(endog))
if p==0:
for i in range(1,endog.shape[0]-p):
armapredicts[i] = np.array([[res[i-f+q]] for f in range(0,q)]).dot(maparams.T) + exog.iloc[i,:].dot(exogparams.T) + bias
if q==0:
for i in range(1,endog.shape[0]-q):
armapredicts[i] = np.array([ [endog[i-f+p]] for f in range(0,p)]) + exog.iloc[i,:] + bias
for i in range(1,endog.shape[0]-2):
armapredicts[i] = np.array([ [endog[i-f+p]] for f in range(0,p)]),1)) + np.array([[res[i-f+q]] for f in range(0,q)]),1)) + exog.iloc[i,:],1)) + bias
print(np.array([ [endog[i-f+p]] for f in range(0,p)]).T.shape )
return log_hood
res = spop.minimize(loghood,x0 ,args=(returnsant['Hedge Fund'],returnsant.drop('Hedge Fund',axis= 1),2,2), method='Nelder-mead')
I know that likelihood is a 1-d vector and the log_hood is certainly scalar after np.sum, so how is this error occurring?? Thank you for your time.
EDIT:forgot to include the full error message
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
/var/folders/7f/gmpqnwqx0lb4nrsz2vqhvgn40000gp/T/ipykernel_30671/ in <module>
1 x0=[np.ones(2),np.ones(2),np.ones(returnsant.shape[1]-1),1]
2 #x0=np.array(x0,dtype=object).flatten()
----> 3 res = spop.minimize(loghood,x0 ,args=(returnsant['Hedge Fund'],returnsant.drop('Hedge Fund',axis= 1),2,2), method='Nelder-mead')
4 print(res)
~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ in minimize(fun, x0, args, method, jac, hess, hessp, bounds, constraints, tol, callback, options)
610 if meth == 'nelder-mead':
--> 611 return _minimize_neldermead(fun, x0, args, callback, bounds=bounds,
612 **options)
613 elif meth == 'powell':
~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ in _minimize_neldermead(func, x0, args, callback, maxiter, maxfev, disp, return_all, initial_simplex, xatol, fatol, adaptive, bounds, **unknown_options)
687 zdelt = 0.00025
--> 689 x0 = asfarray(x0).flatten()
691 if bounds is not None:
~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/numpy/core/ in asfarray(*args, **kwargs)
~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/numpy/lib/ in asfarray(a, dtype)
112 if not _nx.issubdtype(dtype, _nx.inexact):
113 dtype = _nx.float_
--> 114 return asarray(a, dtype=dtype)
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.
I resolved the issue by simply creating a big array x0 of all my parameters
res = spop.minimize(loghood,x0,args=(returnsant['Hedge Fund'],returnsant.drop('Hedge Fund',axis= 1),0,2), method='Nelder-mead')
now I declare my subparameters in loghood
def loghood(parms,endog,exog,p,q):
arparams,maparams,exogparams,bias = parms[0:p],parms[p:p+q],parms[p+q:p+q+exog.shape[1]],parms[p+q+exog.shape[1]:-1]
res=abs(endog - np.mean(endog))
if p==0:
for i in range(1,endog.shape[0]-q):
armapredicts[i] = np.array([[res[i-f+q]] for f in range(0,q)]) + exog.iloc[i,:] + bias
if q==0:
for i in range(1,endog.shape[0]-p):
armapredicts[i] = np.array([ [endog[i-f+p]] for f in range(0,p)]) + exog.iloc[i,:] + bias
for i in range(1,endog.shape[0]-2):
armapredicts[i] = np.array([ [endog[i-f+p]] for f in range(0,p)]),1)) + np.array([[res[i-f+q]] for f in range(0,q)]),1)) + exog.iloc[i,:],1)) + bias
return log_hood

Integer encoding format

I've run across some PIN encoding which I'm trying to figure out so I can improve upon a web application used at my place of work.
When I reset users' PINs (in this case, just my own for testing purposes), I'm seeing the following:
000000 = 7F55858585858585
111111 = 7F55868686868686
222222 = 7F55878787878787
999999 = 7F558E8E8E8E8E8E
000001 = 7F01313131313132
000011 = 7F55858585858686
000111 = 7F01313131323232
001111 = 7F55858586868686
011111 = 7F01313232323232
000002 = 7F02323232323234
100000 = 7F01323131313131
111112 = 7F03343434343435
123456 = 7F0738393A3B3C3D
654321 = 7F073D3C3B3A3938
1357924680 = 7F01323436383A3335373931
1111111111 = 7F5586868686868686868686
1234567890 = 7F0132333435363738393A31
It's clearly just hex, and always starts with 7F (1111111 or 127), but I'm not seeing a pattern for how the next two characters are chosen. Those two characters seem to be the determining value for converting the PIN.
For example:
000000 = 7F 55 858585858585
7F (hex) = 127 (dec) or 1111111 (bin) ## appears to not be used in the calculation?
55 (hex) = 85 (dec) or 1010101 (bin)
0 (PIN) + 85 = 85
000000 = 858585858585
111111 = 7F 55 868686868686
7F (hex) = 127 (dec) or 1111111 (bin) ## appears to not be used in the calculation?
55 (hex) = 85 (dec)
1 (PIN) + 85 = 86
111111 = 868686868686
But then also:
1357924680 = 7F 01 323436383A3335373931
01 (hex) = 31 (dec) ?
1 (PIN) + 31 = 32
1357924680 = 323436383A3335373931
Any help pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
I don't see enough data in your minimal reproducible example to uncover an algorithm how the pinshift value should be determined (supplied to the pin_to_hex function). A random value is used in the following solution:
def hex_to_pin( pinhex: str) -> list:
decode a PIN from a particular hexadecimal-formatted string
inverse of the "pin_to_hex" function (any of the following):
hex_to_pin(pin_to_hex('123456', 7))
xxaux = bytes.fromhex(pinhex)
return [bytes([x - xxaux[1] for x in xxaux[2:]]).decode(),
def pin_to_hex( pindec: str, pinshift: int, upper=False) -> str:
encode a PIN to a particular hexadecimal-formatted string
pin_to_hex('123456', 7)
inverse of the "hex_to_pin" function (any of the following):
hex_to_pin(pin_to_hex('123456', 7))
shift_ = max( 1, pinshift % 199) ## 134 for alpha-numeric PIN code
retaux = [b'\x7F', shift_.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')]
for digit_ in pindec.encode():
retaux.append( (digit_ + shift_).to_bytes(1, byteorder='big'))
if upper:
return (b''.join(retaux)).hex().upper()
return (b''.join(retaux)).hex()
def get_pin_shift( pindec: str) -> int:
determine "pinshift" parameter for the "pin_to_hex" function
currently returns a random number
return random.randint(1,198) ## (1,133) for alpha-numeric PIN code
hexes = [
maxlen = len( max(hexes, key=len))
deces = []
for xshex in hexes:
xsdec = hex_to_pin( xshex)
print( f"{xshex:<{maxlen}} ({xsdec[1]:>3}) {xsdec[0]}")
import random
for xsdec in deces:
xsshift = get_pin_shift( xsdec)
xshex = pin_to_hex( xsdec, xsshift)
print( f"{xshex:<{maxlen}} ({xsshift:>3}) {xsdec}")
Output SO\
7F01323436383A3335373931 ( 1) 1357924680
7F0738393A3B3C3D ( 7) 123456
7F558E8E8E8E8E8E ( 85) 999999
7f1041434547494244464840 ( 16) 1357924680
7f4e7f8081828384 ( 78) 123456
7f013a3a3a3a3a3a ( 1) 999999

How would I constantly increase a value after a certain amount of time?

I'm trying to figure out how to increase a variable by + 20 every 10 seconds, any simple way to do this?
This is how I might do it.
import java.time.LocalTime
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.SECONDS
class Clocker(initial :Long, increment :Long, interval :Long) {
private val start =
def get :Long =
initial + SECONDS.between(start, / interval * increment
// start from 7, increase by 20 every 10 seconds
val clkr = new Clocker(7, 20, 10)
clkr.get //res0: Long = 7
// 11 seconds later
clkr.get //res1: Long = 27
// 19 seconds later
clkr.get //res2: Long = 27
// 34 seconds later
clkr.get //res3: Long = 67

Cryptic TypeError: 'decimal.Decimal' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

I am struggling to understand why this function apparently fails in the Jupyter Notebook, but not in the IPython shell:
def present_value( r, n, fv = None, pmt = None ):
Function to compute the Present Value based on interest rate and
a given future value.
Arguments accepted
* r = interest rate,
which should be given in its original percentage, eg.
5% instead of 0.05
* n = number of periods for which the cash flow,
either as annuity or single flow from one present value
* fv = future value in dollars,
if problem is annuity based, leave this empty
* pmt = each annuity payment in dollars,
if problem is single cash flow based, leave this empty
original_args = [r, n, fv, pmt]
dec_args = [Decimal( arg ) if arg != None
else arg
for arg in original_args
if dec_args[3] == None:
return dec_args[2] / ( ( 1 + ( dec_args[0] / 100 ) )**dec_args[1] )
elif dec_args[2] == None:
# annuity_length = range( 1, dec_args[1] + 1 )
# Not allowed to add a Decimal object
# with an integer and to use it
# in the range() function,
# so we dereference the integer from original_args
annuity_length = range( 1, original_args[1] + 1 )
# Apply discounting to each annuity payment made
# according to number of years left till end
all_compounded_pmt = [dec_args[3] * ( 1 / ( ( 1 + dec_args[0] / 100 ) ** time_left ) ) \
for time_left in annuity_length
return sum( all_compounded_pmt )
When I imported the module that this function resides in, named, using from functions import *, and then executed present_value(r=7, n=35, pmt = 11000), I got the error:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-93-c1cc587f7e27> in <module>()
----> 1 present_value(r=7, n=35, pmt = 11000)
/path_to_file/ in present_value(r, n, fv, pmt)
73 if dec_args[3] == None:
74 return dec_args[2]/((1 + (dec_args[0]/100))**dec_args[1])
---> 75
76 elif dec_args[2] == None:
77 # annuity_length = range(1, dec_args[1]+1)
TypeError: 'decimal.Decimal' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
but in the IPython shell, evaluating this function it works perfectly fine:
In [42]: functions.present_value(r=7, n=35, pmt = 11000)
Out[42]: Decimal('142424.39530474029537')
Can anyone please help me with this really confusing and obscure issue? returns TypeError: 'int' object is not callable

I'm stuck. It appears that day is being overwritten as an int somewhere. But where? Where is day becoming an int?
from datetime import *
start_date = date(1901, 1, 1)
end_date = date(2000, 12, 31)
sundays_on_1st = 0
def daterange(start_date, end_date):
for n in range(int ((end_date - start_date).days)):
yield start_date + timedelta(n)
for single_date in daterange(start_date, end_date):
# type(single_date) => <type ''>
# type( => TypeError: 'getset_descriptor' object is not callable
# type( => TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
# ಠ_ಠ
if == 1 and single_date.weekday() == 6:
sundays_on_1st += 1
print sundays_on_1st
.day is not a method, you do not need to call it. Only .weekday() is a method.
if == 1 and single_date.weekday() == 6:
sundays_on_1st += 1
This works just fine:
>>> for single_date in daterange(start_date, end_date):
... if == 1 and single_date.weekday() == 6:
... sundays_on_1st += 1
>>> print sundays_on_1st
>>> type(
<type 'int'>
From the documentation:
Instance attributes (read-only):
Between MINYEAR and MAXYEAR inclusive.
Between 1 and 12 inclusive.
Between 1 and the number of days in the given month of the given year.
It is implemented as a data descriptor (like a property) to make it read-only, hence the TypeError: 'getset_descriptor' object is not callable error you saw.