Trouble with font and text extrusion - openscad

So, I'm doing some odd things with text extrusion and (perhaps not surprisingly) having some odd issues in OpenSCAD.
This is part of a much larger project, but I've been able to simplify the problem down to the following snippet of code.
Text = "b";
Font = "Ringbearer:style=Medium";
segment_count = 2;
segment_width = 2;
text_height = 5;
text_thickness = 1;
// Iterate over each "segment" of text
for (segment_number = [0: segment_count - 1])
// Calculate the x offset of the current "segment" of text
segment_x_offset = segment_number * segment_width;
// Extrude the "segment" of text to the requested thickness
// Grab the current "segment" of text
text(Text, font=Font, size=text_height);
translate([segment_x_offset, 0])
square([segment_width, text_height]);
All this does is generate a line of text (just "b", in this case), cuts it into "segments", then extrudes each segment in-place. It's not much use in this example, but in the larger one, I'm translating and rotating each segment.
OpenSCAD's F5 preview renders fine. Here's a screenshot:
F5 Preview
However, the F6 preview always drops the left side of the letter "b" and displays the error "ERROR: The given mesh is not closed! Unable to convert to CGAL_Nef_Polyhedron". Here's a screenshot:
F6 Preview
This effects other letters as well, but only seems to be a problem with the "Ringbearer" font I'm trying to use. I don't know if I can upload the font, but it's available for download for free from here: Link to Ringbearer Font. Extruding and rendering the font without breaking it into segments works just fine. It's just when I try to segment this particular font that OpenSCAD fails.
Now, the obvious answer is to use a font that works, which is fine, as far as it goes, but I'm genuinely curious why this is happening. Is it an error with the font or is this a limitation of OpenSCAD? Is this a known issue that I'm just not aware of?
I appreciate any insight I can get.

Within OpenScad, go to help->font list.
I think the font you are using isn't supported.
Yet I had a similar problem with a supported font. I changed the font few times until I found one that works for me well, and look nice as well.
It also depends on the font size. Sometimes same font fails at a smaller size, and works well on a larger size.
Anyway, you can see this on the slicer, before going to the printing. Take a close look at the slicing layers of the text, it will save you some printing time and frustration.


Right-side text limit working erratically while changing the font

Please note that I have already posted this question # but did not get any answer.
Let me try to explain a slight problem that I am facing.
In this figure, you can see that I have font “Monospaced” with font size 14. The right-hand text limit is place at 75th column. As you can see from the code, the line terminates at 75th position and then goes to the next line.
Now, if I change the font to say, “Comic Sans”, keeping the same font, the ‘right-hand text’ limiting line moves to a new position. But strangely, the text terminates not at the position where the line is shown, but in the same place where initially the ‘right-hand text limit’ was there.
I checked it for other fonts also, but still the problem persists. Any idea of what is happening?
Using Matlab R2021b.
Thanks in advance.

How to stop MATLAB clipping the title of a figure when I print

When I create a figure with MATLAB with a title, then use the File|Print option to print the figure, the title is clipped. Please try this code for an example
t = linspace(0,2*pi,1000);
s = sin(t);
titleString = sprintf('Multi\nLine\nTitle');
disp('Now press File|Print Preview on the figure and observe that the title is clipped.')
disp('This happens with all titles, the multi line title makes it more obvious.')
disp('I know I can fix it with Fill Page or Center, but I should not have too.')
You can also see the problem in print preview. As I say in the example code, I know I can get round the problem using Print Preview then Fill Page or Center, but I don't want people using my code to have to use a work around.
I have observed this problem with r2014a and r2015b. I assume other releasse are also affected.
Is there setting I can make before creating the figure that centres the plot or fills the page and makes the problem go away? Is there some other setting I should make to avoid the problem?
Here is a little more debug information. If I press File|Print Preview, MATLAB reports Left 0.64, Top -0.59, Width 20.32, Height 15.24. I guess the problem is related to the negative Top value. These are defaults from MATLAB; I have not made any attempt to change these values.
One extra thing. I am in the UK, so my default paper/printer setting will be for A4 paper, if that makes a difference.
It looks like my problems are caused by two lines further up in my program:
I think that becuase plots expect to be on paper with a portrait orientation, I am seeing these problems.
Perhaps I should revise my question to: what to I need to change in MATLAB figures so they print correctly on landscape A4 paper (ideally in the center, scaled to fill the page, but with correct orientation). All this without using Print Preview.
But I am going to do this instead to code around my problem.
I can't seem to reproduce your problem on the computer I'm currently on (see the values I'm getting by default - Top is 8.11):
However, if your problem is what I think it is (I'm getting something that fits this description on another computer I'm working on), try adding _{ } at the end of your string. This is a TeX string meaning "subscripted space" which pushes the rest of the text slightly upward. You can also use ^{ } on the first line if the clipping is happening from the top. I found this workaround to work on axis titles and labels as well.
Exaggerated, the workaround looks like this:
titleString = sprintf('^{^{^{^{^{^{ }}}}}}Multi\nLine\nTitle');
Which shows the word "Multi" even for Top = -0.59.
If the above is not what you're looking for, you might want to look at the robust export_fig.
I can confirm that my clipping problems are caused by this line:
I have revised my program to start with this instead.
And the problem has gone away.
Users can still print in landscape if they use the print preview feature.

find the frame or position from the content drawn on the screen [duplicate]

Here's a screenshot of the twitter app for reference:
What I want to do is place a floating pop-over on top of a substring in an NSAttributedString that could span multiple lines. NSAttributedString is a requirement for the project.
In the screenshot supplied, you can see that links are background-highlighted, so it leads me to believe that they're using CoreText and NSAttributedStrings. I also found something called CTRunRef ( ) which looks promising, but I'm having trouble fitting it all together conceptually.
In short, if I have a paragraph in core text and when I tap on a word, how do I find the bounding box for that word?
Set some attribute in the attributed string that won't effect display, but will cause it to be laid out as a seperate glyph run, then use CoreText to layout the string
CTFramesetterRef framesetter = CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString(attrString);
CTFrameRef ctframe = CTFramesetterCreateFrame(framesetter, CFRangeMake(0, 0), path, NULL);
Now you will have to hunt through the frame to find the relevant chunk of text. Get the array of CTLineRefs with CTFrameGetLines().
Iterate through the array, testing if the touch was on that line, by checking it is within the rect returned by CTLineGetImageBounds(). If it is, now look through the glyph runs in the line.
Again, you can get an array of CTRunRefs with CTLineGetGlyphRuns(). Check whether the tap was within the glyph run with CTRunGetImageBounds(), and if it was you can find the the range of indices in the original attributed string that the glyph run corresponds to with CTRunGetStringIndices().
you need to find Y by CTLine and X by CTRun width and height you can get by word and font itself. ill attache my project link, its really simple code but you can reedit in order to meet your needs. hope it helps cheers if you improve general logic please let me know thx.
The link given by George was very helpful and got me what I wanted. But strange thing happened. It was working in iOS SDK 4.0 but in the iOS SDK 5 the position of the link appeared in wrong position on the view.
So I had to tweak the code a little bit. For the x coordinates of the touchable button, I had to use CTRunGetTypographicBounds instead of the CTRunGetImageBounds function.
So over all, in the tweaked code:
The y Coordinate , width and height was calculated using CTRunGetImageBounds.
And x coordinate was calculated using CTRunGetTypographicBounds.
I've been working on a small library that does exactly that. You can find it here:
However, this library is in its alpha stage, there's optimization needed and some feature are lacking (line height is one of the urgent feature I want to add)
If you decide to use it and find issue, don't hesitate to post issues on github!

FreeType2: Get global font bounding box in pixels?

I'm using FreeType2 for font rendering, and I need to get a global bounding box for all fonts, so I can align them in a nice grid. I call FT_Set_Char_Size followed by extracting the global bounds using
int pixels_x = ::FT_MulFix((face->bbox.xMax - face->bbox.xMin), face->size->metrics.x_scale );
int pixels_y = ::FT_MulFix((face->bbox.yMax - face->bbOx.yMin), face->size->metrics.y_scale );
return Size (pixels_x / 64, pixels_y / 64);
which works, but it's quite a bit too large. I also tried to compute using doubles (as described in the FreeType2 tutorial), but the results are practically the same. Even using just face->bbox.xMax results in bounding boxes which are too wide. Am I doing the right thing, or is there simply some huge glyph in my font (Arial.ttf in this case?) Any way to check which glyph is supposedly that big?
Why not calculate the min/max from the characters that you are using in the string that you want to align? Just loop through the characters and store the maximum and minimum from the characters that you are using. You can store these values after you rendered them so you don't need to look it up every time you render the glyphs.
I have a similar problem using freetype to render a bunch of text elements that will appear in a grid. Not all of the text elements are the same size, and I need to prerender them before I know where they would be laid out. The different sizes were the biggest problem when the heights changed, such as for letters with descending portions (like "j" or "Q").
I ended up using the height that is on the face (kind of like you did with the bbox). But like you mentioned, that value was much to big. It's supposed to be the baseline to baseline distance, but it appeared to be about twice that distance. So, I took the easy way out and divided the reported height by 2 and used that as a general height value. Most likely, the height is too big because there are some characters in the font that go way high or way low.
I suppose a better way might be to loop through all the characters expected to be used, get their glyph metrics and store the largest height found. But that doesn't seem all that robust either.
Your code is right.
It's not too large.
Because there are so many special symbols that is vary large than ascii charater. . view special big symbol
it's easy to traverse all unicode charcode, to find those large symbol.
if you only need ascii, my hack method is
FT_MulFix(face_->units_per_EM, face_->size->metrics.x_scale ) >> 6
FT_MulFix(face_->units_per_EM, face_->size->metrics.y_scale ) >> 6

iPhone CoreText: Find the pixel coordinates of a substring

Here's a screenshot of the twitter app for reference:
What I want to do is place a floating pop-over on top of a substring in an NSAttributedString that could span multiple lines. NSAttributedString is a requirement for the project.
In the screenshot supplied, you can see that links are background-highlighted, so it leads me to believe that they're using CoreText and NSAttributedStrings. I also found something called CTRunRef ( ) which looks promising, but I'm having trouble fitting it all together conceptually.
In short, if I have a paragraph in core text and when I tap on a word, how do I find the bounding box for that word?
Set some attribute in the attributed string that won't effect display, but will cause it to be laid out as a seperate glyph run, then use CoreText to layout the string
CTFramesetterRef framesetter = CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString(attrString);
CTFrameRef ctframe = CTFramesetterCreateFrame(framesetter, CFRangeMake(0, 0), path, NULL);
Now you will have to hunt through the frame to find the relevant chunk of text. Get the array of CTLineRefs with CTFrameGetLines().
Iterate through the array, testing if the touch was on that line, by checking it is within the rect returned by CTLineGetImageBounds(). If it is, now look through the glyph runs in the line.
Again, you can get an array of CTRunRefs with CTLineGetGlyphRuns(). Check whether the tap was within the glyph run with CTRunGetImageBounds(), and if it was you can find the the range of indices in the original attributed string that the glyph run corresponds to with CTRunGetStringIndices().
you need to find Y by CTLine and X by CTRun width and height you can get by word and font itself. ill attache my project link, its really simple code but you can reedit in order to meet your needs. hope it helps cheers if you improve general logic please let me know thx.
The link given by George was very helpful and got me what I wanted. But strange thing happened. It was working in iOS SDK 4.0 but in the iOS SDK 5 the position of the link appeared in wrong position on the view.
So I had to tweak the code a little bit. For the x coordinates of the touchable button, I had to use CTRunGetTypographicBounds instead of the CTRunGetImageBounds function.
So over all, in the tweaked code:
The y Coordinate , width and height was calculated using CTRunGetImageBounds.
And x coordinate was calculated using CTRunGetTypographicBounds.
I've been working on a small library that does exactly that. You can find it here:
However, this library is in its alpha stage, there's optimization needed and some feature are lacking (line height is one of the urgent feature I want to add)
If you decide to use it and find issue, don't hesitate to post issues on github!