Yocto: Data file clashes build error while enabling libvirt - yocto

While enabling libvirt in yocto, I am seeing below data file clash issue while building yocto image,
Below are the packages I am trying to append install to my yocto image
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " \
packagegroup-core-boot \
qemu \
libvirt \
libvirt-libvirtd \
libvirt-virsh \
kernel-module-kvm \
kernel-module-kvm-intel \
But I see below issue, when I build image enabling above packages,
`Collected errors:
check_data_file_clashes: Package iptables wants to install file /-/-/-/rootfs/etc/ethertypes
But that file is already provided by package * ebtables`
FYI: I see that libvirt has both iptables and ebtables dependency.
can someone help on understanding this and how to resolve?
I tried to remove ebtables with PACKAGECONFIG_remove = "ebtables" and image is built but I when starting libvirtd service it is always in dead mode and I see some issue related to socket.

Actually, this is a problem that has no solution except:
Remove one of the packages (ebtables or iptables)
Remove the file ethertypes from one of the recipes
libvirt depends on iptables on compile time only, so I did not know why iptables is present in the image ?
Anyways, it has a config on ebtables and from your comment when you removed it from PACKAGECONFIG it failed to work. So:
I suggest check if iptables is required by other package at run time, if not remove it.
If both are required in your case, then go for the second solution which is removing the file from one of the recipes, using a bbappend file for one of them:
The block that you may need to add is:
do_install_append() {
rm ${D}/etc/ethertypes
either to:
or to:
If you go for the second solution, you need to make sure that the file is not present in the FILES variable of the recipe that you will remove the file from, FILES_ebtables or FILES_iptables.


How bitbake searches for recipe in build process?

I am trying to find out that how bitbake search for recipe in build process ?
For example,
I have a recipe something like below:
DESCRIPTION = "PetaLinux GSTREAMER supported packages"
inherit packagegroup
gstreamer1.0 \
gstreamer1.0-python \
gstreamer1.0-meta-base \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad \
gstreamer1.0-rtsp-server \
gst-shark \
gstd \
gst-perf \
gst-interpipes \
GSTREAMER_PACKAGES_append_zynqmp = " gstreamer1.0-omx"
When I searched gstreamer1.0 related recipe in yocto layers, I found two recipe, one of them is gstreamer1.0_1.16.1.bb in meta layer, and the other is gstreamer1.0_%.bbappend in meta-petalinux layer.
Both of these layers was added to the BBLAYERS in bblayers.conf file and the priorities that spesified with BBFILE_PRIORITY_* in related layer's layer.conf file is same.
Which recipe will be used in build process in that case ?
What is the recipe lookup rules in yocto ?
I changed somethings to understand the behaviour:
For example,
I entered the invalid github URL that spesified in gstreamer1.0_%.bbappend recipe. When I tried to build the linux system, I encountered with an error. Thats fine.
Then I corrected the github URL in this recipe and entered invalid source code address that spesified in gstreamer1.0_1.16.1.bb recipe. When I tried to build linux system, process finished successfully.
Then I increased the priority of meta layer. I supposed to encounter with an error in this case but again build process finished successfully.
Could you please help me to understand this behaviour ?
You have two different files: a .bb and a .bbappend.
A .bb is the base recipe of one (or multiple) packages. It generally describe how to fetch, configure, compile, install files in a package for your target.
A .bbappend file is an 'append' file. It allows a meta (here meta-petalinux) to modify an existing recipe in another meta without copying it. A .bbappend can modify any steps of the bb file: source fetch, configure, compile, install...
You can for example create your own bbappend of Gstreamer, to enable pango (disbaled by default on my Yocto). The bbappend filename is gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_%.bbappend and only contains PACKAGECONFIG_append = "pango"
The Yocto Manual can give you more information on bbappend files here.

Include systemd-journal-remote with Bitbake

I am using an embedded Linux system based on Yocto/Open Embedded Linux and the systemd-journald-remote program is missing.
When I look at the systemd recipe the program is mentioned. It seems like it is not compiled or added by default to the image. I understand how to add normal recipes but unfortunately I don't understand how to add such a "subpackage".
The Bitbake documentation is unfortunately overwhelming for a beginner like me. Can someone help me?
Create bbappend for systemd in your meta-layer with following path recipes-core/systemd/systemd_%.bbappend and:
PACKAGECONFIG_append = " \
microhttpd \
You can add it into your image .bb or .bbappend file with following parameter:
IMAGE_INSTALL += "systemd-journal-remote"
This will add systemd-journal-remote into your image. Install the image on your target board, log in to your target and configure the file /etc/systemd/journal-remote.conf.
Then, enable the service with systemctl enable systemd-journal-remote, and then restart it with systemctl restart systemd-journal-remote.

How to remove getty#tty1 link in yocto dunfell branch at time of compiliation

I am building linux system for raspberrypi4 but for some reason I need to remove getty#tty1 service in yocto.
I have created systemd_%.bbappend file for that.
Host PC is Ubuntu 18.04
this is working with warrior branch
Now, I am trying to compile with dunfell branch in yocto
but at the time of systemd compiling it gives an error like
"cannot remove /etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/getty#tty1, no such file or deirectory
But at the end, In final image there I can see getty#tty1.service
Also I can't find any other receipe that creates this link.
systemd_%.bbappend looks like this
DESCRIPTION = "Customization of systemD services."
do_install_append() {
rm ${D}${sysconfdir}/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/getty#tty1.service
FILES_${PN} += "${sysconfdir}/systemd/system"
On more recent versions of systemd (like the one in Yocto dunfell), the links to services are not created by the build system (ninja), but instead by running systemctl preset-all on the running system after installation (see here). This command reads the systemd preset files to determine which units to enable or disable by default.
In Yocto, what this means is that instead of the links being created as part of the systemd recipe, systemctl preset-all is run as part of the IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND during image creation in image.bbclass (see here). This is why the old method of deleting the symbolic links in /etc/systemd/system from the systemd recipe no longer works.
Instead, what you need to do is modify the 90-systemd.preset file to disable the getty#tty1 preset (or any other default system service) by changing the below line:
enable getty#.service
to this:
disable getty#.service
You can accomplish this using a bbappend file as follows*:
# systemd_%.bbappend
do_install_append() {
# Disable getty#tty1 from starting at boot time.
sed -i -e "s/enable getty#.service/disable getty#.service/g" ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system-preset/90-systemd.preset

Yocto: Nothing provides python-re-native

I'm running into an issue including python pyparted as a native dependency in one of my image creation bbclasses.
There is a python scrip that runs to create a partitioned image file, normally I run sudo apt install python-pyparted to have pyparted in the environment in ubuntu. But I'm not sure what I did (update??), the ubuntu environment is completely ignored now. I tried figuring out how to make sure the dependencies are correct in my sdimage bbclass.
do_image_sdimage[depends] = "parted-native:do_populate_sysroot \
dosfstools-native:do_populate_sysroot \
mtools-native:do_populate_sysroot \
virtual/kernel:do_deploy \
splash-images:do_deploy \
python3-native:do_populate_sysroot \
python3-pyparted-native:do_populate_sysroot \
${#d.getVar('IMAGE_BOOTLOADER', True) and d.getVar('IMAGE_BOOTLOADER', True) + ':do_deploy' or ''}"
I get an error showing
ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'python3-re-native' (but virtual:native:/home/dev/app/OS/sources/meta-openembedded/meta-python/recipes-extended/python-pyparted/python3-pyparted_3.10.7.bb DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it). Close matches:
python3-native RPROVIDES python3-re-native
ERROR: Required build target 'my-image-default' has no buildable providers.
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['my-image-default', 'python3-pyparted-native', 'python3-re-native']
based on this it looks like I should be able to do this, but the depency chain ignores python3-native's RPROVIDES?

Auditd in Yocto

I'm trying to add auditd to Yocto linux.
I added the selinux layer and it's dependent layers: openembedded-core and meta-virtualization.
I added the layers to bblayers.conf.
I added DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " acl xattr pam selinux"
and PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/refpolicy ?= "refpolicy-mls" to the local.conf file.
After building (by using bitbake core-image-base) and running the qemu, the kauditd process is running, but all user-space tools are not.
The /etc/audit folder is not exist ,non of the audit's config files exists (audit.rules) and no user-space audit process is running.
In the layer's info it is declared - "User space tools for kernel auditing".
What I am missing?
I think I found something that will answer your question: If you know what an example binary or library you expect to be in the target image, you can find what recipe the executable is in, and then add that package to the image.
Start with the name of a binary or library you expect to be in the image and run the following. For me, I am using a CAN bus executable called candump. I wonder what recipe it's in? To find out, I issue:
devtool search candump
Which returns:
If nothing is returned, I'd double check your conf/bblayers.conf so that the layer you think it may be in is actually being seen by your build system. If you are unsure, take a look at the link below which points to OpenEmbedded which has a handy search utility for packages.
After you find the recipe, you can then include that recipe into your build.
Here is a good reference in doing what I think you're asking on the OpenEmbedded website:
I just added auditd to my system. This is what I did.
First I got the repository checked out.
cd /path/to/yocto
git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-selinux
cd meta-selinux
# checkout the branch matching the Yocto release you are on
git checkout thud
Then I added auditd to my build.
cd /path/to/build
bitbake-layers add-layer /path/to/yocto/meta-selinux
cat >> conf/local.conf <<'END'
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " auditd"
bitbake my_normal_image_target
Even though the Yocto recipe is called audit, the package name is auditd.
Of course, auditd without selinux is useless but it did attempt to run (journalctl -u auditd) and /etc/audit exists.
FWIW: To get auditd to a point where it reports say, login success/failure, I had to do a few more things. I'm not just adding it to a standard Yocto image, but to a custom image and custom machine. I'm already using systemd so I didn't have to change that (the layer seems to indicate it's required?). My local.conf looked like this.
# enable selinux
DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " acl xattr pam selinux"
# set the policy
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/refpolicy ?= "refpolicy-mls"
# install selinux packages and auditd
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " packagegroup-core-selinux auditd"
# tell the kernel to enable selinux (non-enforcing) and audting
APPEND_append = " selinux=1 enforcing=0 audit=1"
I also had to change linux-yocto_selinux.inc to load selinux.cfg later. Probably layer/recipe ordering could have solved this too?
-SRC_URI += "${#bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'selinux', 'file://selinux.cfg', '', d)}"
+SRC_URI_append = "${#bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'selinux', 'file://selinux.cfg', '', d)}"
With all that in place, I see audit logs in my journal.