Updating CSV from AD properties without #{} in results - powershell

I have a script I am using to update a CSV file from my AD but it is currently outputting the results with #{} in the output CSV. So when I want to output the city it outputs #{city=toronto} instead of just toronto:
$USERS = Import-Csv "C:CSV import.csv"
$newCSV =ForEach ($User in $USERS) {
$Name = $User.name
id = $user.id
name = $user.nameaddress1 = (Get-ADuser -Filter "name -like '$Name'" -properties StreetAddress | Select-Object StreetAddress)
address2 = (Get-ADUser -Filter "name -like '$Name'" -properties Office | Select-Object Office)
city = (Get-ADUser -Filter "name -like '$User.Name'" -properties City | Select-Object city)
$newCSV |export-csv "C:\CSVExport.csv" -NoTypeInformation

You're over complicating it, you can query the AD User once and then construct your export object with Select-Object:
Import-Csv "C:CSV import.csv" | ForEach-Object {
$Id = $_.Id
try {
Get-ADuser $_.Name -Properties StreetAddress, Office, City |
Select-Object #{N='Id'; E={ $Id }}, Name, StreetAddress, Office, City
catch { Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message }
} | Export-csv "C:\CSVExport.csv" -NoTypeInformation


How to select a substring in select/group command- Powershell

In the code below, the userprinciplename will output strings like "LLL_John.Smith#email.com" and XXXX_Jane.Doe#email.com" but i am hoping to extract a substring from that, that being the codes before the "_" character, so LLL and XXXX.
There may be some which do not have an underscore character however and so these would need to be ignored / have the original string it would have returned.
##Check bottom of script for setting specific OU
Function Get-LastLogon {
# Get all matching OUs on any level
$OUs = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter "Name -like '$OUName'"
$DCs = Get-ADDomainController -Filter *
# Get all users from each OU from each DC
$ADUsers = Foreach ($OU in $OUs) {
Foreach ($DC in $DCs.HostName) {
Get-ADUser -SearchBase $OU.DistinguishedName -Filter * -Properties LastLogon -server $dc |
Select-Object Name,userPrincipalName, #{n='LastLogon';e={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogon)}}
# return most recent LastLogon date for each user
$ADUsers |
Group Name,userPrincipalName |
Select Name,userprinciplename, #{n='LastLogon';e={$_.Group.LastLogon | sort -desc | select -First 1}}
} ## End function
##Enter the OU here
Get-LastLogon -OUName 'Clients'
##Un-comment below to export to csv
## | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\temp\UserExport.csv'
Here is what the script looks like now in full:
##Check bottom of script for setting specific OU
Function Get-LastLogon {
# Get all matching OUs on any level
$OUs = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter "Name -like '$OUName'"
$DCs = Get-ADDomainController -Filter *
$ADUsers = foreach ($OU in $OUs) {
foreach ($dc in $DCs.HostName) {
Get-ADUser -SearchBase $OU.DistinguishedName -Filter * -Properties lastLogonTimeStamp -Server $dc |
Select-Object Name,UserPrincipalName,
#{Name = 'LastLogon';Expression = {[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.lastLogonTimeStamp)}},
#{Name = 'UserCode'; Expression = {([regex]'^([^_]+)_.*').Match($_.UserPrincipalName).Groups[1].Value}}
} }
# return the most recent LastLogon date for each user
# (only the users with a code prefix in the UserPrincipalName)
$ADUsers | Where-Object { ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.UserCode) } |
Group-Object UserPrincipalName | ForEach-Object {
Name = $_.Group[0].Name
UserCode = $_.Group[0].UserCode
LastLogon = $_.Group.LastLogon | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
## End function
$OUcustom = Read-Host -prompt 'Enter OU here or "Clients" for all'
##Enter the OU here
Get-LastLogon -OUName $OUcustom |
##export csv
Export-Csv -path "C:\temp\UserExport_$((Get-Date).ToString("ddMM_HHmm")).csv" -NoTypeInformation
".csv extracted to C:\temp"
Just add another calculated property to the code you have to get the array of user objects:
$ADUsers = foreach ($OU in $OUs) {
foreach ($dc in $DCs.HostName) {
Get-ADUser -SearchBase $OU.DistinguishedName -Filter * -Properties lastLogonTimeStamp -Server $dc |
Select-Object Name,UserPrincipalName,
#{Name = 'LastLogon';Expression = {[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.lastLogonTimeStamp)}},
#{Name = 'UserCode'; Expression = {if ($_.UserPrincipalName -like '*_*#*') {($_.UserPrincipalName -split '_')[0]} else { $null }}}
# or use regex like:
# #{Name = 'UserCode'; Expression = {([regex]'^([^_]+)_.*').Match($_.UserPrincipalName).Groups[1].Value}}
Then you can filter out the users that do have such a code:
# return the most recent LastLogon date for each user
# (only the users with a code prefix in the UserPrincipalName)
$ADUsers | Where-Object { ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.UserCode) } |
Group-Object UserPrincipalName | ForEach-Object {
Name = $_.Group[0].Name
UserCode = $_.Group[0].UserCode
LastLogon = $_.Group.LastLogon | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
If you want to rule out all users that do not have some code followed by an underscore in their UserPrincipalName property straight away, you can use the filter parameter:
Get-ADUser -SearchBase $OU.DistinguishedName -Filter "UserPrincipalName -like '*_*#*'" -Properties lastLogonTimeStamp -Server $dc
This however will not give you the opportunity to use the collected users for some other purpose, like outputting users who do not have a code prefixed, as would be easy to do with the code above.
P.S. Did you know PowerShell also provides an attribute LastLogonDate, which is the LDAP property lastLogonTimeStamp, converted to local time.
So this was actually more simple than I realised.
I just needed to add in:
To the first and second blocks where UserPrincipleName was being selected.
Will post the full working code below for relevance.
##Check bottom of script for setting specific OU
Function Get-LastLogon {
# Get all matching OUs on any level
$OUs = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter "Name -like '$OUName'"
$DCs = Get-ADDomainController -Filter *
# Get all users from each OU from each DC
$ADUsers = Foreach ($OU in $OUs) {
Foreach ($DC in $DCs.HostName) {
Get-ADUser -SearchBase $OU.DistinguishedName -Filter * -Properties LastLogon -server $dc |
Select-Object Name,#{N='userPrincipalName';E={$_.userPrincipalName.Split("_")[0]}}, #{n='LastLogon';e={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogon)}}
# return most recent LastLogon date for each user
$ADUsers |
Group Name,userPrincipalName |
Select Name,#{N='userprinciplename';E={$_.userprinciplename.Split("_")[0]}}, #{n='LastLogon';e={$_.Group.LastLogon | sort -desc | select -First 1}}
} ## End function
$OUcustom = Read-Host -prompt 'Enter OU here or "Clients" for all'
##Enter the OU here
Get-LastLogon -OUName $OUcustom |
##export csv
Export-Csv -path "C:\temp\UserExport_$((Get-Date).ToString("ddMM_HHmm")).csv" -NoTypeInformation
".csv extracted to C:\temp"

Exporting Multiple AD User's membership via powershell

I want to know which group they have membership for. But I want to export samaccountname , displayname ,employeeid like below.
script :
$userlist = Get-Content 'C:\your\userlist.txt'
Get-ADUser -Filter '*' -Properties memberof | Where-Object {
$userlist -contains $_.SamAccountName
} | ForEach-Object {
$username = $_
$groups = $_ | Select-Object -Expand memberof |
ForEach-Object { (Get-ADGroup $_).Name }
"{0}: {1}" -f $username, ($groups -join ', ')
} | Out-File 'c:\temp\ss.csv'
My output :
CN=John T,DC=contoso,DC=local: IT_mail_group , IT_mail_group2
My desired output :
displayname;samaccountname;Staff ID;membership
John T ;johnt;1234; IT_mail_group , IT_mail_group2
Create 1 object per user, then export using Export-Csv:
Get-ADUser -Filter '*' -Properties memberof,employeeid,displayname | Where-Object {
$userlist -contains $_.SamAccountName
} | ForEach-Object {
DisplayName = $_.DisplayName
SAMAccountName = $_.SAMAccountName
EmployeeID = $_.EmployeeID
Memberships = ($_.memberof |ForEach-Object { (Get-ADGroup $_).Name }) -join ', '
} | Export-Csv -Delimiter ';' -Path 'c:\temp\ss.csv' -NoTypeInformation

Powershell script for getting AD Group Membership for usernames

I want to write script for getting AD Group Membership that is beginning with SSL_VPN for usernames listed in a CSV.
I have tried so far :
Import-Csv C:\Users.csv |
ForEach-Object -pv user { Get-AdUser -filter "displayname -eq '$($_.username)'"} |
Get-ADprincipalGroupMembership |
Select-Object #{ n = 'samaccountname'; e = { $user.samaccountname } }, name |
Export-csv -path C:\UserPermiss.csv -NoTypeInformation
Getting users by their DisplayName property is not the safest thing to do. It would be so much better if your CSV file has other, more unique properties to go by, like SamAccountName, UserPrincipalName, DistinguishedName or EmailAddress..
Anyway, in your loop, you should check if a user with that name can be found and only if so, get the group membership.
Import-Csv 'C:\Users.csv' | ForEach-Object {
$user = Get-ADUser -Filter "DisplayName -eq '$($_.username)'" -Properties DisplayName
if ($user) {
Get-ADprincipalGroupMembership -Identity $user.DistinguishedName |
Where-Object { $_.name -like 'SSL_VPN*' } |
Select-Object #{ Name = 'SamAccountName'; Expression = { $user.SamAccountName } },
#{ Name = 'Group'; Expression = { $_.name }}
else {
Write-Warning "User '$($_.username)' not found"
# if you want this message to also appear in your output CSV, do something like this:
'SamAccountName' = "User '$($_.username)' not found"
'Group' = ''
} | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\UserPermiss.csv' -NoTypeInformation
If you want to see a warning message when the user is not a member of the SSL_VPN group, you can do:
Import-Csv 'C:\Users.csv' | ForEach-Object {
$user = Get-ADUser -Filter "DisplayName -eq '$($_.username)'" -Properties DisplayName
if ($user) {
$group = Get-ADprincipalGroupMembership -Identity $user.DistinguishedName |
Where-Object { $_.name -like 'SSL_VPN*' }
if ($group) {
'SamAccountName' = $user.SamAccountName
'Group' = $group.name
else {
Write-Warning "User '$($_.username)' is not a member of ssl_vpn group"
else {
Write-Warning "User '$($_.username)' not found"
} | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\UserPermiss.csv' -NoTypeInformation
You can use something like this(frist line of csv must be samaccountname):
$users=Import-Csv D:\adusers.CSV
foreach($user in $users){
$groupname=Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $user.samaccountname |where {$_.name -like "SSL_VPN*"}|select -ExpandProperty name
if($groupname -ne $null){
foreach($group in $groupname){
[string]$data=($user|select -ExpandProperty samaccountname)+';'+$group
$data|Out-File -FilePath d:\stack.csv -Encoding utf8 -Append

Powershell: List with ADusers - need groups the users are memberof

I have a list of users (their CN), and I want a list of the groups they are member of.
I already have a code which almost does the trick, but it shows as follows:
User1 - group1;group2
User2 - group1;group2;group3 etc...
Also, groups are shown as distinguished name (with container etc), so very long. I only want the name.
I want to show it as follows:
User1 - group1
User1 - group2
User2 - group1, etc
The code that shows the groups the users are member of, but not in the visual way i like is below:
Import-Csv -Path .\Input_CN.csv |
ForEach-Object {
$User = Get-ADUser -filter "CN -eq '$($_.CN)'" -properties memberof
SourceCN = $_.CN
MemberOf = $User.MemberOf -join ";"
} | Export-Csv -Path .\Output.csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation
I have some other code that list the groups how I want, but I am unable to list it per user. And unable to combine it with the above code.
get-aduser -filter {cn -eq "Testuser"} -properties memberof |
Select -ExpandProperty memberof |
ForEach-Object{Get-ADGroup $_} |
Select -ExpandProperty Name
Thanks in advance :)
You could combine both code pieces like this:
Import-Csv -Path .\Input_CN.csv |
ForEach-Object {
$user = Get-ADUser -Filter "CN -eq '$($_.CN)'" -Properties MemberOf, CN -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
foreach($group in $user.MemberOf) {
SourceCN = $user.CN
MemberOf = (Get-ADGroup -Identity $group).Name
} | Export-Csv -Path .\Output.csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation
Although I have never seen an AD user to have no group membership at all (should have at least the default Domain Users in the MemberOf property), You commented that you would like to have a test for that aswell.
Import-Csv -Path .\Input_CN.csv |
ForEach-Object {
$user = Get-ADUser -Filter "CN -eq '$($_.CN)'" -Properties MemberOf, CN -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (!$user) {
Write-Warning "No user found with CN '$($_.CN)'"
# skip this one and resume with the next CN in the list
$groups = $user.MemberOf
if (!$groups -or $groups.Count -eq 0) {
SourceCN = $user.CN
MemberOf = 'No Groups'
else {
foreach($group in $groups) {
SourceCN = $user.CN
MemberOf = (Get-ADGroup -Identity $group).Name
} | Export-Csv -Path .\Output.csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation
This is a bit clunky, but you can use nested loops:
Import-Csv -Path .\Input_CN.csv | ForEach-Object {
$user = Get-ADUser -filter "CN -eq '$($_.CN)'" -properties cn, memberof
$user | ForEach-Object {
$_.MemberOf |
ForEach-Object {
SourceCN = $user.CN
MemberOf = $_.split('[=,]')[1]
} | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.MemberOf} |
Export-Csv -Path .\Output.csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation
UPDATE: Updated to show only the 'CN' part of the group name and to filter any users who are not a member of any group.
All in one line could be
Get-ADUser -filter {Enabled -eq $True} -Properties Name, Created | Select-Object Name, Created, #{Name="Groups";Expression={Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $_.SamAccountName | Where-Object {$_.GroupCategory -Eq 'Security'} | Join-String -Property Name -Separator ", "}}

Get-ADGroup - Group Name, ManagedBy Name and Email

I'm looking to get the the Group Name, Managed By Name and Managed by Email in a PowerShell query similar to this.
Get-ADGroup -filter {Name -like "*Admins" }
The output would look something similar to:
Group Name | Managed By Name | Managed By Email
The issue I'm having is with joining Get-ADGroup and Get-ADUser. In SQL this "join" would happen on get-adgroup.managedby = get-aduser.distinguishedname. I know that's not how it works in Powershell, just thought I'd throw out an example of what I'm trying to do.
Any help would both be welcomed and appreciated.
I see #Mathias R. Jessen beat me to it, but here's what I had:
Get-ADGroup -filter {Name -like "*IT*" } -Properties managedBy |
ForEach-Object {
$managedBy = $_.managedBy;
if ($managedBy -ne $null)
$manager = (get-aduser -Identity $managedBy -Properties emailAddress);
$managerName = $manager.Name;
$managerEmail = $manager.emailAddress;
$managerName = 'N/A';
$managerEmail = 'N/A';
Write-Output $_; } |
Select-Object #{n='Group Name';e={$_.Name}}, #{n='Managed By Name';e={$managerName}}, #{n='Managed By Email';e={$managerEmail}}
You can do it like this:
$Groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter { Name -like "*Admins" } -Properties managedBy,mail
$Groups |Select-Object Name,#{Name='ManagedBy';Expression={(Get-ADUser $_.managedBy).Name}},Mail
The #{} syntax after Select-Object is known as a calculated property.
You could also pipe the groups to ForEach-Object and call Get-ADUser inside the process scriptblock:
Get-ADGroup -Filter {Name -like "*Admins"} -Properties managedBy,mail |ForEach-Object {
# Find the managedBy user
$GroupManager = Get-ADUser -Identity $_.managedBy
# Create a new custom object based on the group properties + managedby user
New-Object psobject -Property #{
Name = $_.Name
ManagedBy = $GroupManager.Name
Email = $_.mail
I would something do like this:
# Get all groups into a variable
$Group = Get-ADGroup -Filter {Name -like "*Admin*"} | Select-Object -expandProperty Name
foreach ($Groups in $Group){
# Get ManagedBy name for each group (If ManagedBy is empty group wil not be listed)
$User = Get-ADGroup $Groups -Properties * | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ManagedBy
foreach ($Users in $User){
# Get Name and EmailAddress for each User
$Name = Get-ADUser $Users | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
$Email = Get-ADUser $Users -Properties * | Select-Object -ExpandProperty EmailAddress
# Write output
Write-Host $Groups "," $Name "," $Email
Hope this helps.