Flutter ask for screen lock PIN - flutter

using this package: https://pub.dev/packages/local_auth
We can ask for biometrics. But in some apps I see, that system ask for biometrics, but we have option "use system pin" and we can enter screen lock android pin instead of biometrics. Bu using package local_auth we can not ask for screen lock pin. How to do it?

We must check how many auth methods are enrolled (enrolled = can be used on this device AND user configure it)
If device do not have any enrolled biometrics method we shouldn’t allow to show biometrics pop-up. In the other case user can pass auth withoud provide any pin/biometric data:
final List<BiometricType> availableBiometrics =
await auth.getAvailableBiometrics();
final bool didAuthenticate = false;
if (availableBiometrics.isNotEmpty) {
// Here ask for bio:
didAuthenticate = await auth.authenticate();
When we use this line: didAuthenticate = await auth.authenticate(); WITHOUT if (availableBiometrics.isNotEmpty) user can pass security without provide any data.


Flutter permission_handler : request location permission on iOS

I want to ask user to enable permission only if he denied the permission or the permission is not allowed
This function is working very well on android
Future _getLocationPermission() async {
if (await Permission.location.request().isGranted) {
permissionGranted = true;
} else if (await Permission.location.request().isPermanentlyDenied) {
} else if (await Permission.location.request().isDenied) {
permissionGranted = false;
but on iOS it throw exception permission isPermanentlyDenied
Unhandled Exception: location.request().isPermanentlyDenied
even if the user allowed location permission while using app
I'm using permission_handler package
iOS is stricter, it does not allow you to request for permission if the user has already permanently denied it. In this case your only option is to inform the user about this, and offer the possibility to open application settings and grant permission there. This will likely restart your application if the user grants.
So check the status without requesting:
final status = await Permission.location.status;
If status is permanently denied, display a Flutter dialog (you can't use the system permission grant dialog in this case):
if (status == PermissionStatus.permanentlyDenied) {
// display a dialog, explain the user that he/she can grant
// permission only in the phone's application settings
If the user want's to do it, you can route to the application settings:
openAppSettings(); // this is a method of the permission handler package
This method is a future, but in my experience you don't need to await it.
This is just a function that returns bool if the user enables location
or not simple
Future<bool> canGetLocation(Location location) async {
if (!await location.requestService()) return false;
final status = await location.requestPermission();
final granted = PermissionStatus.granted;
final grantedLimited = PermissionStatus.grantedLimited;
bool result = status == granted || status == granted;
return result;
if (await canGetLocation(location)) {
// Do something
} else {
final status = await handler.Permission.location.status;
if (status.isPermanentlyDenied || status.isDenied) {
// ask the user to open the app setting
// from permission handler package you have
} else {
// show info dialog or something that the user need to enable location services
Please check this link. You must have to mention permission in POD file also.

Calendar clientViaUserConsent it gives me Authorization Error while creating event

clientViaUserConsent opens URL in browser but it said invalid request. this URL is generated internally from lib. I had double-checked my ClientId for both platforms but still face issues for getting AuthClient for create a calendar event.
I used the below packages to create events in the google calender.
googleapis: ^8.1.0
googleapis_auth: ^1.3.0
static final androidClientId = ClientId('xxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com');
static final iOSClientId = ClientId('xxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com');
final _clientID = Platform.isAndroid ? EventProvider.androidClientId : EventProvider.iOSClientId;
final _scopes = [CalendarApi.calendarScope];
clientViaUserConsent(_clientID, _scopes, prompt).then((AuthClient client) {
var calendar = CalendarApi(client);
void prompt(String url) async {
print(" => $url");
if (await canLaunch(url)) {
await launch(URL);
} else {
throw 'Could not launch $url';
I am referring to this article for creating an event in google calendar.
You are seeing that error because the app hasn't been verified. If you are the app developer I advise you to check the App Verification FAQ to learn more about the verification steps. If you aren't the developer, you could try to enable the less secure app access but please be mindful of the consequences:
Less secure apps can make it easier for hackers to get in to your account, so blocking sign-ins from these apps helps keep your account safe.

Flutter: Permission_handler: iOS: Camera permission request not working AFTER first successfully denied

I'm sure this is a silly error on my behalf.
Using Permission_handler to request camera permissions on iOS.
On first attempt the dialog shows requesting permission and successfully approves or denies. However, if I deny the request first and try launching the camera again there is no dialog requesting permissions.
static Future<bool> checkCameraPermissions() async {
PermissionStatus status = await Permission.camera.status;
if (status.isUndetermined || status.isDenied) {
print('cam is denied or undetermined'); //Prints
PermissionStatus newStatus = await Permission.camera.request();
print(await Permission.camera.isDenied); //Prints 'true' immediately
if (newStatus.isDenied)
return false;
print('cam is approved!'); //Nope QQ
return true;
How do I force Permission_handler to request the user again?
According to Apple, the user response is stored and the dialog doesn't open again. You can read more about it over here
What you can do is show a dialog with steps to enable required permissions and open settings page.

Flutter IOS beacon not able to scan with Region and UUID settings

I have this problem is that in flutter I notice there is not able to operate or use the traditional bluetooth as there is no any library supporting it. I have tested flutter_blue-master etc. So then I saw that it can behave as beacon. So I have used the codes below. For android I just set
identifier: 'com.example.myDeviceRegion',)); its able to work. So the same I set in IOS its not able to work? So what is best workaround for blueetooth in flutter? I am using this package flutter_beacon. For the beacon broadcasting I am using this package beacon_broadcast.
initScanBeacon() async {
await flutterBeacon.initializeScanning;
await checkAllRequirements();
if (!authorizationStatusOk ||
!locationServiceEnabled ||
!bluetoothEnabled) {
print('RETURNED, authorizationStatusOk=$authorizationStatusOk, '
'locationServiceEnabled=$locationServiceEnabled, '
/*final regions = <Region>[
identifier: 'com.example.myDeviceRegion',
final regions = <Region>[];
identifier: 'com.example.myDeviceRegion',
minor: 100,
major: 1));
if (_streamRanging != null) {
if (_streamRanging.isPaused) {
_streamRanging =
flutterBeacon.monitoring(regions).listen((MonitoringResult result) {
if (result != null && mounted) {
setState(() {
//_regionBeacons[result.region] = result.region;
print("List value is json"+result.toJson.toString());
_regionBeacons.values.forEach((list) {
print("List value is");
print("after Beacon size now is "+_beacons.length.toString());
print("Beacon size now is "+_beacons.length.toString());
A few things to check:
Make sure your Region definition has a proximityUUID value. I am surprised that it works even on Android without this. On iOS it certainly won't work at all -- iOS requires a beacon proximityUUID be specified up front in order to detect. The value you give for the prximityUUID must exactly match what your beacon is advertising or you won't see it.
Make sure you have gone through all the iOS setup steps here: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_beacon
Be extra sure that you have granted location permission to your iOS app. You can go to Settings -> Your App Name to check if location permission is granted.
Make sure bluetooth is enabled in settings for the phone
Make sure location is enabled in settings for the phone
There's an update on GitHub but was yet to push to pub.dev previously.
Do update to 0.5.0.
Always check pub.dev for updates. or github reported issues.

In flutter how i can check if location is enabled?

I have problem when user entered google map page without location enabled the map wont updated so i want to check if the user have location enabled beforehand so i need function that return true if location enabled and false if not.
use permission handler plugin
ServiceStatus serviceStatus = await PermissionHandler().checkServiceStatus(PermissionGroup.location);
bool enabled = (serviceStatus == ServiceStatus.enabled);
you can also show a rationale for requesting permission (Android only)
bool isShown = await PermissionHandler().shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(PermissionGroup.location);
or Location Plugin
var location = Location();
bool enabled = await location.serviceEnabled();
and request to enable it by
bool gotEnabled = await location.requestService();
for those who came to this stackoverflow question like myself, there have been changes and updates on PermissionHandler package and the older solutions are now invalid.
you can check if the location service is enabled:
if (await Permission.locationWhenInUse.serviceStatus.isEnabled) {
// Use location.
You can install the permission handler plugin and then use it:
final PermissionStatus permission = await PermissionHandler()