Azure DevOps Change User Identity - azure-devops

I was "" now I am "". Both are AAD backed identities.
The goal is to change how I authenticate to Azure DevOps so that I have one consistent history without "fracturing" or "historical user".
I have tried (in a playpen environment) various items, but I always end up with there being two distinct identities.
In the past during migrations, Microsoft Support was able to alter identities, but I am looking for a solution that does not involve opening a bunch of support tickets.

Azure DevOps Change User Identity
I am afraid there is no such solution that you could resolve this issue by yourself.
If you have already add the new account in the organization, we could not map that old to their Azure AD identities.
That is because it will be treated as a new account and assigned a unique VSID when you add the account account to organization.
That is also the reason why you always end up with there being two distinct identities.
To resolve this issue, we need to contact the support team to map two account as one in the backend. You could submit the ticket on the Developer Community if you do not want open a support ticket. Or you could create a technical support ticket from Azure Portal if you have Azure support plans.


Azure Devops SonarQube Pull Request Decoration

We have successfully integrated SonarQube into our build pipelines on Azure DevOps and have used a developer's account to generate a PAT for pull request decoration. The problem is now that the developer's account is posting comments across all our repos on different Pull Requests. It seems the alternative is to create a whole new user titled 'SonarQube' (or similar) in our Active Directory and generate a new PAT to do this, which seems overkill. Any alternative options would be appreciated.
Creating a separate identity that would belong to SonarQube is the only option. The identity posts the comments using the DevOps API where the PAT is the only identification of the identity.
Using a developer's account for PR decoration not only feels strange when reading the comments, but it is also fragile. When the developer leaves the company, their account will be terminated and suddenly, PR decoration will break and it may not be immediately clear why. Also, the developer could revoke the PAT at any time by mistake. In a larger organization, no single developer will have the right to comment on pull requests everywhere, so multiple developer accounts will be in use, which makes the configuration even more complex and fragile.

How Do I Know What Each Azure AD App Registration Is For?

When I create a service principal it also creates an App in Active Directory.
az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/123456a1-a1b2-1234-12ab-12a3b4cdef67"
If I go to the Azure Portal - Active Directory - App registrations it shows all the applications registered.
I have managed to find the service principal I use for terraform by matching the terraform client_id with the Azure "Application (client) ID". It also had a human readable display name (although not the best since I still had to look via client id!)
However, there are several others where the display name is just "project_subscription".
They look like they must have been generated automatically when setting up a pipeline registering a web app in the portal or something.
I can't tell if they are actually used or if they were just created for experimenting and are then left over.
How do I know what they are for and if they are still used or not?
Is it possible to search Azure for the id or anything?
Is it possible to add a description to these to identify what they are used for beyond just the display name?
e.g. I only identified the terraform one by matching up the id with my code
App registration can be used for many scenarios, the app registrations in your AAD tenant should be created by different users. There is no such thing as a description of them.
To see if they are used, it needs to combine the context, as in AAD, there are different usages for them. For example, there are no sign-in logs of the AD App's corresponding service principal, but you cannot make sure if it was used as a client app. For the details, you may need to check the Audit logs.
For more details about AD App(App Registration) and service principal, you could check this doc -

How to setup Azure DevOps Repo Read Only Access

Objective: Allow different clients access to only read/pull from my private repo.
Listed are the different options that I am aware of:
I could invite the clients and give them access to the Basic access level but do know what to have to pay for different users just to read/clone from the repo.
I could create a single user with Basic access level and then create git access tokens for them individually. However, I did not see a way to restrict the access tokens to be project/repo specific. Instead, the access tokens create had the same privileges as the created user.
Question: What is the best practice to provide access to an external user to only access the private Azure DevOps repo?
Note: I have seen this link and did not know if there were other options.
To make the user only have read access to all repos in one project:
You may consider making the user a reader instead of contributor or Project Administrators, so the user can have only read access to the repos in one project.
Organization Settings=>Users(General)=>Manage user=> select Project reader.
More details about project readers you can check this document.
To make the user only have read access to one special repos in one project:
We can control related permissions from Project Settings=>Repositories(Repos)=>Version Control Administrators:
Hope all above helps :)

In Azure DevOps, Test Manager can be assign to Basic access level?

As per below link, test manager in AzureDevOps cannot be assigned to Stakeholder level access.
So it can be assign to basic access level with contributor permission? Please clarify on this.
Yes, this is totally possible. We have such cases in one of our projects.
For using Test Manager you need to buy different licenses, you buy them from the link you provided and everyone can use Test Manager that have license. Basic access to azure devops does not include access to Test Manager

How to migrate memberships from SqlAzureMembershipProvider to Azure Active Directory

I have an existing application with a few thousand users using SqlAzureMembershipProvider for authentication.
I am interested in creating an Azure Active Directory for the application and migrating the existing membership profiles into it.
Is it technically possible to export/import the membership profiles?
The only approach I can think of is creating a PowerShell script that gets user details from the app one by one and creates a new user for each of those in the new AD.
Yes it is possible but there are no tools to do this.
For AD e.g. there is DirSync.
Probably easiest to use the Graph API - refer: Azure AD Graph API - samples Microsoft Azure Active Directory Samples and Documentation.
As you say, you will have to cycle through the users one by one. The password is going to be a problem. You may have to give each user a dummy password to start.