Azure Data Factory Configure Repository on Devops - azure-devops

I have a new Azure Data Factory.
I have an Azure DevOps organisation. It is connected to the Azure Active Directory I'm logged into when configuring the data factory. I've checked this from Organization Settings\Azure Active Directory of the the Azure Devops website.
I'm trying to configure source control from the Data Factory Studio to a project within DevOps. I've checked that my user account is a "Project administrator" on that project.
From Data Factory Studio, I click the toolbox icon on the left menu. I click "Git configuration" under "Source control"
I'm then presented with a "Configure a repository" window. There are 3 drop-down boxes. I am able to select from the "Devops organization name" and "Project name" but "Repository name" is blank.
I know the target project has a git repo. I am able to clone it from the command line using the same account for which I'm logged into Data Factory Studio.
If I select the "Use repository link" radio button I'm prompted to enter the "Azure Devops link". When I paste this in I get the following error:

I found the answer here: How to resolve no access in Azure Data Factory 2 to Azure DevOps Repository
Needed to upgrade my "Stakeholder" devops account


Connecting Azure Data Factory to OnPrem Azure DevOps Git Repo

I am trying to configure the git integration of Azure Data Factory to my Azure DevOps Git repo. The Dev Data Factory already exists, so I am trying to use the "configuration" process from the "Manage" menu.
When I press the "configure" button, I can select "repository type" (DevOps Git), and I can select my "Azure Active Directory", but the DevOps "organization name" is not displayed in the dropdown. If I use the repository link from my DevOps project, I get the following error
The Dev Ops repository link is invalid, URL must start with http or https and be in DevOps format. For example:
Turns out our Git server is an "OnPrem" machine and the URL of our repo[organziation]/[project]/_git/repository
Is this a known error that ADF cannot integrate with a repo on a stand-alone server? Or are there some network settings that we need to enable/configure to make it work?

Azure Visual Studio 2019 failed to push to Azure DevOps Git

I have an Azure Synapse SQL server which have some tables and stored procedures. Visual Studio 2019 (VS2019) is connected to the SQL server using Active Directory Interactive Authentication with use name being a Service Account Email.
I have built a Azure DevOps Demo, with following setups (Organization, Project, Git Repository).
I have added the Service Account Email to the Azure DevOps project and repository level, with contributor access.
I am trying to synchronize the stored procedures with my Azure DevOps Repository.
I am able to use VS2019 > Team Explorer > Manage Connections, and set the Service Account Email as the "hosted repositories for", and see my Repositories appear in the list.
It turned out that when I try to push Git Changes, by Team Explorer > New Repository > Existing remote, where I entered the full URL of my repository https//, following error turned up: Git failed with a fatal error. unable to access 'above URL': SSL certificate problem, unable to get local issuer certificate. How can I resolve this error?
How to push all of my existing stored procedures to my Repository?
Faced the same issue, requesting you to go through the link. Hope this will resolve the issue:
Authentication failed for

Why am I unable to add a repository to project in Azure DevOps

I'm trying to add a new repository to my project but don't see the option. I have 5 projects and all of them I am able to, any reason why not here?
Here I see the "add" option:
But here I don't:
Your current account does not have the permission to delete or add new repositories under your current project called Homeazzon.
Please enter Homeazzon project-->Project Settings-->Repos-->Repositories-->Security
check every Azure Devops Group and User and then set Create repository and Delete repository to Allow.

Upload Project to Azure Devops

I am trying to push my existing visual studio project code to Azure Devops server (first time). All the tutorials start with create a new project on the AzureDevops and then clone to Visual Studio. Can anyone tell me how to push my existing project to server. Can I upload the files (including folders)? Thanks.
There are two ways provided by Azure DevOps that you can push your existing project to it.
Push the project from local VS and create a project in Azure Devops automatically at the same time;
Create a project in Azure Devops manually which I think you have already tried and then push your project in local VS to it.
Please follow this article for detailed information and also you can check below steps:
For the first situation, assume you have the project created already in your local VS:
a. Open your project in VS, click File in VS tool bar, click “Add to Source Control” in the menu and you will see in the little blue lockers beside your project files in Solution Explorer.
Add to Source Control
b. Open Team Explorer( you can find it in View in VS tool bar in case), click the small down arrow to open the menu, select “Sync”.
c. Now you can see the Synchronization menu, choose “Push to Azure DevOps” and click “Publish Git Repo”.
Push to Azure DevOps
d. Fill the form like below and then click “Publish Repository”. Now you can see a new project with the name in your Azure DevOps organization now.
Publish Repository
For the second situation, there’s difference in the step c, you have to choose the “Push to Remote Repository” and click “Publish Git Repo”, paste the HTTP code you can copy from your new created project in Azure DevOps – Repos. You can see it more clear in the article I provided.
Can I upload the files (including folders)?
Yes, any file and folder in your project will be pushed to Azure DevOps at the same time.
Flow the instruction when you create new project or new repository.

Visual Studio App Center - VSTS Multiple Organizations

I am currently trying to set up a build through Visual Studio App Center to connect to a VSTS repository.
I have a VSTS account through my works Active Directory and I am also a member of other organizations VSTS instances using the same email. When I connect to configure a build through VSTS, I am only given options to projects that I have access to in only my organization.
I have revoked my initial connection per this, but it is still showing only the projects within my organization when re-authorizing.
Is there a way to connect to projects that are a part of the other organizations I am affiliated with?
Revoke the connection first and then following the steps below:
Switch to VSTS Web Portal.
Click on Personal Settings and click "My profile".
Switch to the Directory which contains the VSTS account you want to connect.
Go back to VSAC and connect to the VSTS. You should see the switched Directory on the OAuth page: