Java Spring Data MongoDB - mongodb

I am using Spring data mongo with azure cosmos. My structure looks like below.
I have an Id field in my collection that is not annotated with #Id. I see both _id and id are in the DB but When I retrieve id field comes with the value is in _id.
#Document(collection = "mycollection")
class MyObject{
private String id;
public interface MyRepository extends MongoRepository<MyObject, Void> {

Used #Field("id") to tell spring data threat this field as is not as _id/pk field for mongo


mongodb - compound unique index using spring data not working

I am trying to create unique compound index in mongodb using spring data.
But I see that the index is not created and the duplicate document is created in the DB.
My entity class:
#CompoundIndex(name = "daybook_index", def = "{'date' : 1, 'vehicleNumber' : 1}", unique = true)
public class Daybook {
private String date;
private String vehicleNumber;
private String unit;
I am using repository.insert() method to create the document.
When I see in mongo express I see only one index created on _id and the index defined in the entity class is not created.
Is it a bug in spring data or am I doing something wrong?
P.S.: I tried to delete the collection too before running the application but didn't help.
As of Spring Data MongoDB 3.0, automatic index creation is turned off by default.
To turn it on you might use the proper flag overriding the method from MongoConfigurationSupport:
public class MongoConfiguration extends AbstractMongoClientConfiguration {
protected boolean autoIndexCreation() {
return true;
otherwise you might create the index with appropriate instructions.
mongoOperations.indexOps(Daybook.class).ensureIndex(new Index().on("date", Direction.ASC).on("vehicleNumber", Direction.ASC).unique());
As #Saxon mentioned:
Spring Data MongoDB 3.0, automatic index creation is turned off by default.
Instead of adding code, I am able to create the index by adding the spring data configuration in

MongoDB keeps generating a new id even after setting the id property when saving in the DB

In my application I generated ids using another database and I need to use this already created ids in mongo aswell. Setting the id before saving the object just returns an object with a generated id by mongo. Is there any configuration for the mongodb to not do this?
SampleObject {
private String id;
SampleObject sampleObject = new SampleObject();
sampleObject.setId("f9de2416-1d10-11ec-a8b5-00ff37757c54");; // returns the object saved but with a different id (generated by mongo not what we set)
Could you retry with the Annotation of #Id. Based on the document you need to annotate #Id to map to _id.
public class SampleObject {
private ObjectId id;

Spring MongoRepository not returning id field of nested objects [duplicate]

I have a document with an array field with
"chapters": [
{ "id" : "14031871223912313", ...}
I would like to query return the id's with Spring Data's MongoTemplate using the following:
class Chapter {
private String id;
public String getId() {
return id;
This way the id is not populated. I have tried using the different mapping options with #Field described here
What am I doing wrong? I know I can always to back to mongo java driver, but I thought this should work.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Found a solution. It is populated via:
private String chaperId
In MongoDB id's are _id, and every document in mongo has an _id. From the document you linked to, Spring will map #Field String id to mongo's _id field. You probably want to use a #Field('id') String id field mapping to indicate that the field you want is id not _id.

$or operator with multiple expressions and multiple fields in an expression using Spring Data Reactive MonogoDB

In MongoDB, I can use $or[{key1:'value11', key2:'value12'}, {key1:'value21', key2:'value22'}, {key1:'value31', key2:'value32'}, ...] to query several documents which matches at least one of the expressions in the $or operator. Then how the thing can be done using Spring Data Reactive MonogoDB?
In particular, I define a entity class as:
public class MyDocument
private String id;
private String field1;
private String field2;
And then, the repository interface for the entity:
public interface MyDocumentRepository extends ReactiveMongoRepository<MyDocument, String>
The question now is how to define a method in MyDocumentRepository to query the documents with field1 and field2:
There seems no proper keywords to create a query method (findAllBy(field1AndField2)In???)
If using JSON-based Query Methods, I really do know how to complete the Cloze test...
Flux<MyDocument> findAllBy????(Flux<???> fields)
Spring Data MongoDB has support for ReactiveMongoTemplate. In a repository, you can use this as a connection to MongoDB which can be used with #Autowire.
In ReactiveMongoTemplate you can create Criteria with and and or operation like
Query query = new Query();
new Criteria().andOperator(
and this can be passed to MongoDB with the before created instance of ReactiveMongoTemplate
Flux<Foo> result = reactiveMongoTemplate.find(query, Foo.class);
Documentation for use of configuration of ReactiveMongoTemplate if needed can be found here

Spring Data - Mongo DB - #TextIndexed over #DBRef

Is it possible somehow to search in String fields over #DBRef.
I have this #Document:
public class DocumentFileVersion {
private OtherObject otherObject
and I will search in String fields of otherObject. Is there any possibility to do that?
DBRef are designed to be queried by id reference only.
So it is not possible. You should rethink your schema structure.