Can't Align Correctly a Bar Code in JasperSoft - jasper-reports

I'm trying to align and centralize a bar code in JasperSoft Studio, but It's simply not working...
This is what It looks like in Jasper Studio
BarCode properties
Whats printed in PDF...
These are my page properties


Blazor component code syntax background color in Visual studio code

There is a problem with the colors inside a Blazor component in visual studio code.
Only the first property access modifier gets highlighted as you can see on the screenshot.
I wonder if that there is a way to fix this?

the mistakes that Visual Studio Code shows, are they real?

When developing a flutter app using Visual Studio Code
App freezing errors appear on the phone
And the error appears in a new tab, like the one shown in the picture below
Note that these errors do not appear in the rest of the editors
Like android studio and intellij
Are they mistakes that I should fix or not
thank you
Whenever you debug the flutter code it automatically breakpoint whenever there is some error or chance of future breakdown. If you run the application it will not show error. In visual studio try to run code not debug code. Even if you debug in android studio it will show you those screen.
The error is true
You have put an Expanded (inside a Padding) in a Column, which means the Expanded widget will try to take as much space as possible in a Column widget which will have the height of its childs, making the Column’s height infinite. Try nesting the Column in a SizedBox or Container with height and width

Crystal reports not displaying bottom of Worksheet object

I have a crystal report that I inserted a worksheet object into to keep formatting easier. Problem is when I export to pdf on another server the part near the bottom of the page of this object disappears, still keeps its outer borders but all the inner ones vanish. Made sure both environments had the same version of crystal installed and have tried tweaking some things in the section expert.

SSRS and PDF export issue

I have a problem when trying to add page breaks in my SSRS report. It works fine in the view mode, but when trying to export the report to PDF format, an extra blank page appears. Any idea why this happens ?
In SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services, the ConsumeContainerWhiteSpace option is not available because the white space is automatically omitted.
In SSRS 2008 or higher, click on the yellow space outside the report body area and press F4 to open the Properties pane. You can find the ConsumeContainerWhiteSpace option in the Report Properties pane.
ConsumeContainerWhitespace property to remove blank space in SSRS 2008 report

How to view direct excel report from iReport 2.0.2

I have problems to view excel report from iReports 2.0.2 because it does not want to go out when I click the preview button to excel. It just appears in the folder only. When I open the excel file in the report, I see the data does not follow the order of table row and column.
What I want is when I click the preview button excel, then the report will continue to view direct from the report and the alignment follow the row and column.
iReport 2, unlike the 3.5 or greater versions, doesn't have the ability to show preview within it the application. This especially applies to excel reports. You can set a specific external application for each export type in the options dialog. As for the formatting problem, you have not posted any code so I doubt anyone could help. You probably made an error during downgrade of the report.