How to setup MetricBalancingThresholds and MetricActivityThresholds on Azure Service Fabric cluster? - azure-service-fabric

I have a Service Fabric cluster with 7 nodes.
I am using Microsoft Azure Service Fabric version 8.2.1571.9590.
The problem is, the cluster is not balanced by CPU nor Memory usage.
It is balanced by the number of PrimaryCount, ReplicaCount and similar metrics, but not by CPU or Memory usage.
The result is, because some of our services are heavy spenders of CPU/RAM ("noisy neighbour" issue), they consume more resources, starving other services in the process.
I know I can set MetricBalancingThresholds and MetricActivityThresholds for our cluster, but don't know metrics names.
I figured based on article:
that I can setup MetricBalancingThresholds and MetricActivityThresholds
I know that we can set those values in Azure portal / Service fabric resource / Custom fabric settings.
The problem is, I don't know what parameter names, or metrics names to use to set thresholds on CPU and Memory.
The documentation says: "PropertyGroup", but I don't know what are possible values here:
Earlier CpuPercentageNodeCapacity and MemoryPercentageNodeCapacity were used in PlacementAndLoadBalancing section, tho
se were straightforward, but it seems they are deprecated.


Is there any clould provider where one can run a managed k8s cluster in free tier indefinetively?

I'm trying to run open-source with minimal costs on the cloud and would love to run it on k8s without the hassle of managing it (managed k8s cluster). Is there a free tier option for a small-scale project in any cloud provider?
If there is one, which parameters should I choose to get the free tier?
You can use IBM cloud which provides a single worker node Kubernetes cluster along with container registry like other cloud providers. This is more than enough for a beginner to try the concepts of Kubernetes.
You can also use Tryk8s which provides a playground for trying Kubernetes for free. Play with Kubernetes is a labs site provided by Docker and created by Tutorius. Play with Kubernetes is a playground which allows users to run K8s clusters in a matter of seconds. It gives the experience of having a free Alpine Linux Virtual Machine in the browser. Under the hood Docker-in-Docker (DinD) is used to give the effect of multiple VMs/PCs.
If you want to use more services and resources, based on your use case you can try other cloud providers, they may not provide an indefinitely free trial but have no restriction on the resources.
For Example, Google Kubernetes engine(GKE) provides $300 credit to fully explore and conduct an assessment of Google Cloud. You won’t be charged until you upgrade which can be used for a 3 month period from the account creation. There is no restriction on the resources and the number of nodes for creating a cluster. You can add Istio and Try Cloud Run (Knative) also.
Refer Free Kubernetes which Lists the free Trials/Credit for Managed Kubernetes Services.

How to check if my kubernetes cluster has resources to deploy all my softwares

I want to deploy many softwares in a kubernetes cluster. I have information like the configuration of each software like the number of pods, request and limits of cpu and RAM for each software.
My requirement is all the softwares should be provisioned successfully or none of them should be provisioned even if one software fails. Failure can be because there are no enough resources in the kubernetes cluster
How do I check if my cluster has sufficient resources to provision all the softwares even before actual deployment of the softwares
AFAIK kubernetes does not support deploying either all or none application.
I think you have to do the maths by yourself.
You said, every information you need is there (Requirements for all the Services).
This should help you planning your clusters dimensions.
Know you should calculate this on node basis. Lets say, you need 16GB Memory. Your nodes bring 8gb per Machine. Your Cluster should provide at least 24GB (3 Nodes) Memory for your application (beside monitoring tools etc.).
Always calculate something on top, because OS and Monitoring-Tools will take a little bit of your nodes resource.

What's the maximum number of Kubernetes namespaces?

Is there a maximum number of namespaces supported by a Kubernetes cluster? My team is designing a system to run user workloads via K8s and we are considering using one namespace per user to offer logical segmentation in the cluster, but we don't want to hit a ceiling with the number of users who can use our service.
We are using Amazon's EKS managed Kubernetes service and Kubernetes v1.11.
This is quite difficult to answer which has dependency on a lot of factors, Here are some facts which were created on the k8s 1.7 cluster kubernetes-theresholds the Number of namespaces (ns) are 10000 with few assumtions
The are no limits from the code point of view because is just a Go type that gets instantiated as a variable.
In addition to link that #SureshVishnoi posted, the limits will depend on your setup but some of the factors that can contribute to how your namespaces (and resources in a cluster) scale can be:
Physical or VM hardware size where your masters are running
Unfortunately, EKS doesn't provide that yet (it's a managed service after all)
The number of nodes your cluster is handling.
The number of pods in each namespace
The number of overall K8s resources (deployments, secrets, service accounts, etc)
The hardware size of your etcd database.
Storage: how many resources can you persist.
Raw performance: how much memory and CPU you have.
The network connectivity between your master components and etcd store if they are on different nodes.
If they are on the same nodes then you are bound by the server's memory, CPU and storage.
There is no limit on number of namespaces. You can create as many as you want. It doesn't actually consume cluster resources like cpu, memory etc.

Kubernetes - Single Cluster or Multiple Clusters

I'm migrating a number of applications from AWS ECS to Azure AKS and being the first production deployment for me in Kubernetes I'd like to ensure that it's set up correctly from the off.
The applications being moved all use resources at varying degrees with some being more memory intensive and others being more CPU intensive, and all running at different scales.
After some research, I'm not sure which would be the best approach out of running a single large cluster and running them all in their own Namespace, or running a single cluster per application with Federation.
I should note that I'll need to monitor resource usage per application for cost management (amongst other things), and communication is needed between most of the applications.
I'm able to set up both layouts and I'm sure both would work, but I'm not sure of the pros and cons of each approach, whether I should be avoiding one altogether, or whether I should be considering other options?
Because you are at the beginning of your kubernetes journey I would go with separate clusters for each stage you have (or at least separate dev and prod). You can very easily take your cluster down (I did it several times with resource starvation). Also not setting correctly those network policies you might find that services from different stages/namespaces (like test and sandbox) communicate with each other. Or pipelines that should deploy dev to change something in other namespace.
Why risk production being affected by dev work?
Even if you don't have to upgrade the control plane yourself, aks still has its versions and flags and it is better to test them before moving to production on a separate cluster.
So my initial decision would be to set some hard boundaries: different clusters. Later once you get more knowledge with aks and kubernetes you can review your decision.
As you said that communication is need among the applications I suggest you go with one cluster. Application isolation can be achieved by Deploying each application in a separate namespace. You can collect metrics at namespace level and can set resources quota at namespace level. That way you can take action at application level
A single cluster (with namespaces and RBAC) is easier to setup and manage. A single k8s cluster does support high load.
If you really want multiple clusters, you could try istio multi-cluster (istio service mesh for multiple cluster) too.
Depends... Be aware AKS still doesn't support multiple node pools (On the short-term roadmap), so you'll need to run those workloads in single pool VM type. Also when thinking about multiple clusters, think about multi-tenancy requirements and the blast radius of a single cluster. I typically see users deploying multiple clusters even though there is some management overhead, but good SCM and configuration management practices can help with this overhead.

How do you monitor kubernetes nodes deployed using kops?

We have some Kubernetes clusters that have been deployed using kops in AWS.
We really like using the upstream/official images.
We have been wondering whether or not there was a good way to monitor the systems without installing software directly on the hosts? Are there docker containers that can extract the information from the host? I think that we are likely concerned with:
Disk space (this seems to be passed through to docker via df
Host CPU utilization
Host memory utilization
Is this host/node level information already available through heapster?
Not really a question about kops, but a question about operating Kubernetes. kops stops at the point of having a functional k8s cluster. You have networking, DNS, and nodes have joined the cluster. From there your world is your oyster.
There are many different options for monitoring with k8s. If you are a small team I usually recommend offloading monitoring and logging to a provider.
If you are a larger team or have more specific needs then you can look at such options as Prometheus and others. Poke around in the repository, as I know there is a Prometheus chart there.
As with any deployment of any form of infrastructure you are going to need Logging, Monitoring, and Metrics. Also, do not forget to monitor the monitoring ;)
I am using, it goes naturally with kubernetes.
Kubernetes api already exposes a bunch of metrics in prometheus format, also exposes prometheus metrics (enable-vts-status: "true"), and you can also install as a daemonset to monitor CPU, disk, etc...
I install one prometheus inside the cluster to monitor internal metrics and one outside the cluster to monitor LBs and URLs.
Both send alerts to the same that MUST be outside the cluster.
It took me about a week to configure everything properly.
It was worth it.