I'd like to run a get from a powershell script like this.
$GfshCommand = '"get --key=number --region=admin"'
$No = .\gfsh.bat -e "connect --locator=[10334]" -e $GfshCommand
The output that I get from running this is
(1) Executing - connect --locator=[10334]
Connecting to Locator at [host=, port=10334] ..
Connecting to Manager at [host=ME, port=1099] ..
Successfully connected to: [host=ME, port=1099]
You are connected to a cluster of version: 1.14.2
(2) Executing - get --key=number --region=admin
Result : true
Key Class : java.lang.String
Key : number
Value Class : java.lang.String
Value : "1234"
So I am looking for the get result to be 1234
Is there already a way I can retrieve it via powershell?
Like without string manipulation.
I'm trying to deploy PostgreSQL managed service with bicep and in most cases get an error:
"code": "InvalidParameterValue",
"message": "Invalid value given for parameter databaseName. Specify a valid parameter value."
I've tried various names for the DB, even in last version of the script I add random suffix to made it unique. Anyway it finishes with error, but looks like service is working. Another unexplainable thing is that sometimes script finishes without error... It's part of my IaC scenario, i need to be able to rerun it many times...
bicep code:
param location string
param sqlserverLoginPassword string
param rand string = uniqueString(resourceGroup().id) // Generate unique String
param sqlserverName string = toLower('invivopsql-${rand}')
param sqlserverAdminName string = 'invivoadmin'
param psqlDatabaseName string = 'postgres'
resource flexibleServer 'Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers#2021-06-01' = {
name: sqlserverName
location: location
sku: {
name: 'Standard_B1ms'
tier: 'Burstable'
properties: {
createMode: 'Default'
version: '13'
administratorLogin: sqlserverAdminName
administratorLoginPassword: sqlserverLoginPassword
availabilityZone: '1'
storage: {
storageSizeGB: 32
backup: {
backupRetentionDays: 7
geoRedundantBackup: 'Disabled'
Please follow this git issue here for a similar error that might help you to fix your problem.
i am trying to pull records form mongo data base with json format to do that i am running below js :
conatin of get_DRMPhysicalresources_Data.js
cursor = db.physicalresources.find().limit(10)
while ( cursor.hasNext() ){
print( JSON.stringify(cursor.next()) );
the command i run to get the records :
mongo host_name:port/data_base_name -u user -p 'password' --eval "load(\"get_DRMPhysicalresources_Data.js\")" > DRMPhysicalresources.json
and i am able to get the result as josn formate inside DRMPhysicalresources.json , now i want to switch to other data base using use command i try add use db as below :
conatin of get_DRMPhysicalresources_Data.js
use db2_test
cursor = db.physicalresources.find().limit(10)
while ( cursor.hasNext() ){
print( JSON.stringify(cursor.next()) );
the command i run to get the records :
mongo host_name:port/data_base_name -u user -p 'password' --eval "load(\"get_DRMPhysicalresources_Data.js\")" > DRMPhysicalresources.json
but i am getting below errors :
MongoDB shell version v4.2.3
connecting to: "some data base info"
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("8c85c6af-ebed-416d-9ab8-d6739a4230cb") }
MongoDB server version: 4.4.11
WARNING: shell and server versions do not match
2022-04-11T13:39:30.121+0300 E QUERY [js] uncaught exception: SyntaxError: unexpected token: identifier :
#(shell eval):1:1
2022-04-11T13:39:30.122+0300 E QUERY [js] Error: error loading js file: get_DRMPhysicalresources_Data.js :
#(shell eval):1:1
2022-04-11T13:39:30.122+0300 E - [main] exiting with code -4
is there are any way to add use db2_test without break it ?
You can try this:
db = new Mongo().getDB("myOtherDatabase");
db = db.getSiblingDB('myOtherDatabase')
( this is the exact js equivalent to the 'use database' helper)
In Below command I want to skip cmdParamString argument since that is not required for one of apps deployment , and its required for other apps deployment so cant change this common deploy command , how can I implement that?
def deployCommand = "\"${msDeploy}\\MSDeploy.exe\" -verb:sync -source:package=\"${packageLocation}\" -dest:${destParamsString} ${cmdParamString}"
C:\bin\jenkins\workspace\Deploy Test>"C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\MSDeploy.exe" -verb:sync -source:package="C:/bin/jenkins/ArtifactorySharedDownloads/cabb6d400bb5f176700c6bb21f0a5a6580c6c97f/package.zip" -dest:ContentPath="C:\WWW\Service",ComputerName="http:local.test/MSDeployAgentService",Username="xyz",Password="abc" -setParam:"NLog Database connection string"="server=No DB setting,null;database=null;Integrated Security=SSPI" -setParam:"NLog Log Level"="null" -setParam:"ISL Database connection string"="server=No DB setting,null;database=null;Integrated Security=SSPI"
15:46:00 Error: Unrecognized argument 'NLog Database connection string'.
I tried
if(application.name == "abc") {
cmdParamString = '--%'
Error: Unrecognized argument '--'.
solution to this is passing an empty argument like below and it worked:
def cmdParamString = [ all database connection details are filled here]
if (application == 'abc') {
cmdParamString = [:]
this has ignored cmdParamString in deployCOmmand for application abc
I am trying to get variety working with db.eval() instead of commandline --eval. This is because I get some problems with authentication.
The normal use is from the commandline:
$ mongo test --eval "var collection = 'users', maxDepth = 3" /path/to/variety.js
What I am trying to do is this:
$ mongo
>> use admin
>> db.auth("foo", "bar")
>> use anotherColl
>> db.eval("/path/to/variety.js", "var collection = 'users', maxDepth = 3")
>> Thu Mar 7 13:19:10 uncaught exception: {
"errmsg" : "compile failed: JS Error: SyntaxError: invalid flag after regular expression nofile_a:0",
"ok" : 0
Is there a way to have db.eval() eat an javascript file instead of an string?
According to #Sammaye and my gut feeling you can't put in .js files in db.eval(). However for variety there is an solution described here.
mongo -u USER-p PASS admin --eval "var collection = 'COL', db_name='DB_NAME'" variety.js
And now the authentication problem :(
I am trying to get MongoDB running on my localhost (Windows) with authentication.
To do so, I first have to add a user, right?
I did so by starting the daemon using this command:
C:\[…]\mongod.exe -f C:\[…]\mongo.config
mongo.config contains the following:
# Basic database configuration
dbpath = C:\[…]\db\
bind_ip =
port = 20571
# Security
noauth = true
# Administration & Monitoring
nohttpinterface = true
After that I connected via this command:
C:\[…]\mongo.exe --port 20571
There I added a user:
> use admin
switched to db admin
> db.addUser('test', 'test')
{ "n" : 0, "connectionId" : 1, "err" : null, "ok" : 1 }
"user" : "test",
"readOnly" : false,
"pwd" : "a6de521abefc2fed4f5876855a3484f5",
"_id" : ObjectId("50db155e157524b3d2195278")
To check if everything worked I did the following:
> db.system.users.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("50db155e157524b3d2195278"), "user" : "test", "readOnly" : false, "pwd" : "a6de521abefc2fed4f5876855a3484f5" }
Which seemed OK to me.
After that I changed "noauth = true" to "auth = true" in the mongo.config file and restarted the daemon.
Now I expected to be able to connect with user and password:
C:\[…]\mongo.exe --port 20571 -u test -p test
Which denied access to me with this message:
MongoDB shell version: 2.0.4
connecting to:
Wed Dec 26 16:24:36 uncaught exception: error { "$err" : "bad or malformed command request?", "code" : 13530 }
exception: login failed
So here's my question: Why does the login fail?
I can still connect without providing user and password, but can't access any data because "unauthorized db:admin lock type:-1 client:". Which is actually what I expected.
As Andrei Sfat told me in the comments on the question I made 2 major errors.
First, I thought I could pass the IP to the Client as a simple argument. But you have to use --host for that.
Instead, the parameter I thought was the IP address actually should be the db name.
So the correct command to connect to a Server is as follows:
C:\[…]\mongo.exe --port 20571 -u test -p test --host admin
Second, users are per database. As I only added the user "test" to the db "admin", it only works there.
Obviously the auth = true configuration wasn't load successfully. Did you forget the -f paramter when you restart the mongod.exe?
C:\[…]\mongod.exe -f C:\[…]\mongo.config