single shot queries don't work in kdb process - kdb

This (hsym`$"host:9999:admin:pass")#({tables[]};`) doesn't work.
(Roundtrip: 000ms)
ERROR: 'host:9999:admin:pass. OS reports: No such file or directory
(user-defined signal)
This hopen`$":host:9999:admin:pass" works.
Any ideas why?
We are using KX Control to run our plant if that helps with anything.

Can you show how to replicate this in bare q sessions? Following works for me.
KDB+ 4.1t 2022.01.14 Copyright (C) 1993-2022 Kx Systems
m64/ 12()core 65536MB sjt mackenzie.local ...
q)show tbl:([]a:`j`k`l`m;b:til 4)
a b
j 0
k 1
l 2
m 3
q)\p 5999
Second session:
KDB+ 4.1t 2022.01.14 Copyright (C) 1993-2022 Kx Systems
m64/ 12()core 65536MB sjt mackenzie.local ...
q)(hsym`$"localhost:5999") # ({tables[]};`)


Pandoc - How to generate Github Markdown table of content TOC?

I'm trying to generate Table Of Content for a Markdown file that works well in a Github repository with a command:
pandoc -f gfm -s --template --toc -o
The is:
# Wielka Lista Pytań rekrutacyjnych dla Java Developera
The is:
# Spring / Hibernate / JPA
1. Rodzaje fetchowania (fetch lazy, fetch eager)
2. W jaki sposób mozna tworzyć zapytania w JPA? (Chodziło o JPQL)
3. Co to jest problem N+1
- [Jak rozwiązać problem N+1 w Springu?](
4. Na czym polega lazy loading?
5. W jaki sposób można wstrzykiwać zależności w Springu?
6. Adnotacja #Profile
7. Scope’y beanów
8. Jakie znasz serwery aplikacji?
## Spring Security / Security
1. Jakie znasz rozdzaje autoryzacji w Springu?
2. Co to jest OAuth 2.0?
3. Było pytanie o Base64
4. Pytanie o autoryzacje tokenem
And the output is:
# Wielka Lista Pytań rekrutacyjnych dla Java Developera
- [Spring / Hibernate /
- [Spring Security /
# Spring / Hibernate / JPA {#spring--hibernate--jpa}
1. Rodzaje fetchowania (fetch lazy, fetch eager)
2. W jaki sposób mozna tworzyć zapytania w JPA? (Chodziło o JPQL)
3. Co to jest problem N+1
- [Jak rozwiązać problem N+1 w
4. Na czym polega lazy loading?
5. W jaki sposób można wstrzykiwać zależności w Springu?
6. Adnotacja \#Profile
7. Scope'y beanów
8. Jakie znasz serwery aplikacji?
## Spring Security / Security {#spring-security--security}
1. Jakie znasz rozdzaje autoryzacji w Springu?
2. Co to jest OAuth 2.0?
3. Było pytanie o Base64
4. Pytanie o autoryzacje tokenem
As you can see in TOC I'm getting some extra parts which I don't want to have, like this: {#toc-spring--hibernate--jpa} and what's more the links are actually not working.
Oh, and the headers are having those extra parts as well: {#spring--hibernate--jpa}.
You can watch it live on my repository here:
I use Makefile to build the output.
What should be changed to have output with TOC without those extra parts & headers without extra parts & with all links working properly?

What does it mean when I get a RC (-2) from LINKPGM in a REXX exec?

I "borrowed" the LPINFOX REXX program from this url: []
When I run it "directly" (EX 'hlq.EXEC(LPINFOX)') it runs fine:
LPInfo: Information for z/OS ssssssss as of 18 Mar 2021
z/OS version: 02.04
Sysplex name: LOCAL
JES: JES2 z/OS 2.4 (Node nnnn)
Security Software: RACF
CEC: 3907-Z02 (IBM Z z14 ZR1)
CEC Serial: ssssss
CEC Capacity mmmm MSU
LPAR name: llll
LPAR Capacity mmm`enter code here` MSU
Not running under a z/VM image
But, if I insert the call into another exec, I get a RC -2 from the address LINKPGM call:
LPInfo: Information for z/OS ssssssss as of 18 Mar 2021
z/OS version: 02.04
Sysplex name: LOCAL
JES: JES2 z/OS 2.4 (Node N1)
Security Software: RACF
79 - Address Linkpgm 'IWMQVS QVS_Out'
+++ RC(-2) +++
CEC: -
CEC Serial:
LPAR name:
Not running under a z/VM image
I'm sure this has to do with the second level of REXX program running, but what can I do about the error (besides queueing up the EXecution of the second REXX)? I'm also stumped on where this RC is Google search for "REXX ADDRESS RC -2" comes up short.
PS(1), per answer from #phunsoft:
Interesting. I didn't copy the code to my other REXX. I invoked LPINFOX from within another rexx: I have a hlq.LOGIN.EXEC that has a "EX 'hlq.LPINFOX.EXEC" statement within it. When I reduce the first exec to "TEST1" (follows), it fails the same way:
/* REXX */
exit 0
When I run TEST1, this is the output from the EXECUTIL from around the IWMQVS call:
When I run LPINFOX.EXEC directly from the command line, the output is the same, except the address LINKPGM IWMQVS works fine:
I can only surmise that there is some environmental difference when I run the exec "standalone" vs. when I run the exec from another exec.
PS(2), per question about replacing IWMQVS with IEFBR14 from phunsoft:
Changing the program to IEFBR14 doesn't change the result, RC=-2.
LINKPGM is a TSO/E REXX host command environment, so you need to search in the TSO/E REXX Reference. From that book:
Additionally, for the LINKMVS, ATTCHMVS, LINKPGM, and ATTCHPGM
environments, the return code set in RC may be -2, which indicates that processing
of the variables was not successful. Variable processing may have been
unsuccessful because the host command environment could not:
o Perform variable substitution before linking to or attaching the program
o Update the variables after the program completed
Difficult to say what th problem is without seeing the code.
You may want to use REXX's trace feature to debug. Do you run this REXX from TSO/E foreground? If so, you might run TSO EXECUTIL TS just before you start that REXX. It will then run as if trace ?i wa specified as the fist line of the code.
I've had look at the LPINFOX EXEC and saw that variable QVS_Out is set as follows just before linking to IWMQVS:
QVS_Outlen = 500 /* Output area length */
QVS_Outlenx = Right(x2c(d2x(QVS_Outlen)),4,d2c(0))
/* Get length as fullword */
QVS_Out = QVS_Outlenx || Copies('00'X,QVS_Outlen-4)
Did you do this also when you copied the call to your other REXX?

"A mismatch between the PNP/INF version and the KMD file version on the graphics adapter has been detected"

I've been testing a UMDF IddCx video driver, and this message just started appearing (after devcon.exe install ...) along with a breakpoint in WinDbg:
(DriverEntry and EVT_WDF_DRIVER_DEVICE_ADD handlers succeed as they did prior to this error message)
<==CDriver::OnWdfDriverDeviceAdd [status: STATUS_SUCCESS]
A mismatch between the PNP/INF version and the KMD file version on the graphics adapter has been detected. The adapter will fail to start.
(WinDbg breaks here -- see stack below)
==>CAdapter::OnWdfDeviceD0Entry(hWdfDevice: <hWdfAdapterDevice>, previousState: 5)
Stack info (Windows 10 Pro | Test Mode | Build 19041.vb_release.191206-1406):
[0x0] dxgkrnl!DpiFdoValidateKmdAndPnpVersionMatch + 0x88e5c
[0x1] dxgkrnl!DpiFdoInitializeFdo + 0x313
[0x2] dxgkrnl!DpiAddDevice + 0x1942
[0x3] nt!PpvUtilCallAddDevice + 0x3b
[0x4] nt!PnpCallAddDevice + 0x94
[0x5] nt!PipCallDriverAddDevice + 0x827
[0x6] nt!PipProcessDevNodeTree + 0x333
[0x7] nt!PiRestartDevice + 0xba
[0x8] nt!PnpDeviceActionWorker + 0x46a
[0x9] nt!ExpWorkerThread + 0x105
[0xa] nt!PspSystemThreadStartup + 0x55
[0xb] nt!KiStartSystemThread + 0x28
I don't understand what this means; I haven't changed anything in the INF, and this is a UMDF driver, so what "KMD file version" is it referring to? I searched for the message itself and also DpiFdoValidateKmdAndPnpVersionMatch, but came up empty.
EDIT: (adding version info)
Windows Version Info:
Edition ....... Windows 10 Pro
Version ....... 20H2
Installed on .. 1/5/2021
OS build ...... 19042.685
Experience .... Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.551.0
Can anyone shed light on this?
the Symbol Doesn't Exist in 1909 so that symbol must be a new addition to 20H2
anyway the string in question does exist in 1909
the Failure is supposedly propagated after IoQueryFullDriverPath() and GetFileVersion()
the int3 is Hardcoded after the DebugPrintEx()
the function in question ADAPTER_RENDER::Initialize() is doing a lot of comparisons with hardcoded DWORDS like 'QCOM' etc
C:\> radare2 -Q -qq -c "fs strings;f~mismatch" c:\Windows\System32\drivers\dxgkrnl.sys
0x1c0076940 139 str.A_mismatch_between_the_PNP_INF_version_and_the_KMD_file_version_on_the_graphics_adapter_has_been_detected._The_adapter_will_fail_to_start.
C:\> radare2 -A -Q -qq -c "axt 0x1c0076940" c:\Windows\System32\drivers\dxgkrnl.sys
fcn.1c015be84 0x1c0181f01 [DATA] lea r8, str.A_mismatch_between_the_PNP_INF_version_and_the_KMD_file_version_on_the_graphics_adapter_has_been_detected._The_adapter_will_fail_to_start.
i was just googling around look for something related to inf and GetKmdFileVersion and it seems you need to provide a specific Version String
see if you comply with this
specifically quoting from the doc
Drivers will report WDDM 2.1 support through
DXGK_DRIVERCAPS::WDDMVersion with a new version constant:
DXGK_WDDMVERSION::DXGKDDI_WDDMv2_1 = 0x2100 Dxgkrnl will not use the
WDDMVersion cap as a way to determine which new features are
supported—that task will be left to other caps or DDI presence.
However, if the driver reports WDDM 2.1 support through the
WDDMVersion cap, dxgkrnl will validate that caps or DDIs required by
WDDM 2.1 are present and fail to create the adapter if they are not.
Inconsistent caps will result in failure to create adapter or segment.
Please try adding the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\DisableVersionMismatchCheck = 1 [DWORD Type]

gnuplot autoscale data series on different systems

I want to use gnuplot as a plotting engine on a raspberry pi based web server. However, gnuplot seems to behave differently when used on ubuntu 14.04 and raspberry.
Difference seen is in plots built from same data with same (some path modified) command files. Main problem here is on the raspberry pi the x-range is cut off (and artefact points occasionally). The est. last45 minutes are cut of.
Gnuplot is started via python subprocess and when provoked delivers an error message, through appropriate channel, however I am not be seeing error messages regarding the problem.
Any ideas where to start looking ?
Thx !
commands used:
set term png size 1200,800
set output "/var/www/plot.png"
set xdata time
set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
set format x "%H:%M"
set xrange ["00:00:00":"24:00:00"]
set title "Temperatures as logged 26.06.14"
set xlabel "Uhrzeit [UTC]"
plot "/var/www/plotdat.dat" using 1:2 title "Temp" with line
ubuntu 14.04:
Version 4.6 patchlevel 4 last modified 2013-10-02
Build System: Linux i686
raspberry pi
Version 4.6 patchlevel 0 last modified 2012-03-04
Build System: Linux armv6l

Strip colour details from SSH output in Perl

I have an expect script that is logging into a pfSense/BSD box over SSH, it's called by a Perl script and passes the output back to the Perl script (a RANCID plugin).
Currently I am getting the following output;
+ spawn ssh -2 -x -l rancid
+ Password:
+ Last login: Wed Dec 19 10:28:47 2012 from
+ Copyright (c) 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994
+ The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
+ [0;1;33m[ [0;1;37m2.0.1-RELEASE [0;1;33m] [0;1;33m[ [0;1;37mrancid [0;1;31m# [0;1; [0;1;33m] [0;1;32m/home/rancid [0;1;33m( [0;1;37m1 [0;1;33m) [0;1;36m [0;1;31m: [0;40;37m
uname -a
+ FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE-p6 FreeBSD
8.1-RELEASE-p6 #0: Mon Dec 12 18:59:41 EST 2011
+ [0;1;33m[ [0;1;37m2.0.1-RELEASE [0;1;33m] [0;1;33m[ [0;1;37mrancid [0;1;31m# [0;1; [0;1;33m] [0;1;32m/home/rancid [0;1;33m( [0;1;37m2 [0;1;33m) [0;1;36m [0;1;31m: [0;40;37m
cat /cf/conf/config.xml
+ <?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <pfsense>
The problem here is that the login prompt looks like this when logged in via SSH from my desktop;
But this is in a variety of colours. As you can see in the output above, SSH is being passed all the colouring information, which then gets output to my expect script. The same line looks like this in the above output;
[0;1;33m[ [0;1;37m2.0.1-RELEASE [0;1;33m] [0;1;33m[ [0;1;37musername [0;1;31m# [0;1; [0;1;33m] [0;1;32m/home/username [0;1;33m( [0;1;37m1 [0;1;33m) [0;1;36m [0;1;31m: [0;40;37m
Is there a way I can script this off? Is it a standard colour format that and be regex'ed out, or perhaps I need to change an option on my SSH client to ignore colouring info?
Whether or not a terminal can display colors is determined by the TERM environment variable. It's usually set to something like xterm, linux or screen (maybe with a -256color postfix for even more goodness). Hopefully the shell (and more importantly: the shell initialization scripts) on the other side pay attention to TERM and only try to use color if the terminal on the caller's side actually supports colors.
You can try setting that variable right before your call to ssh. The usual value to set it to for "terminal with no interactive and no color capabilities" is dumb.