Zend Framework compability with Lucene 8.4.1 - zend-framework

I am using Lucene 3.5.0 for index creation. Zend-Framework-1.8.2 with PHP-7.1.12 is being used to search index.
I have upgraded Lucene from 3.5.0 to 8.4.1. The indexes are now created with Lucene 8.4.1. But searching index gives error. I believe I need to upgrade Zend-Framework and PHP.
So, could anyone please provide the pointers on which Zend-Framework and PHP version is compatible to use with Lucene 8.4.1 indexes?

Well ... bad news for you.
The Zend Search component concerning Lucene is not maintained since years and has been archived a long time ago. Even on Packagist the package is marked as This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.
Same goes for Zend Framework. Even Zend Framework 3 is not maintained anymore. The follow up is the Laminas Framework.
My suggestion would be that you switch to Laminas, the successor to Zend Framework. Most components of the Laminas Framework are already PHP 8.1 compatible. Say goodbye to the ZendSearch component. This component is not developed further and will prevent you from using current PHP versions in the future. PHP 7.3 has reached an end of life already. PHP 7.4 is in a security fixes only state since december 2021 and will reach an end of life by end of this year. Zend Framework and ZendSearch will not work for the foreseeable future, if they should work now.
Just use one of the following alternatives:


Upgrading Entity Framework

I have a Data Access Layer solution built in Visual Studio 2010. It uses Entity Data Model (.edmx files) to create object models of the data.
It is built with .Net 3.5 framework so I assume this is also version 3.5 of Entity Framework?
We use a number of TVFs to return datasets and unfortunately EF 3.5 does not provide access to TVFs. So we have has to build tsql views that call those TVFs.
Is it possible to upgrade this solution to EF 6 and use TVFs? What are the steps involved?
Microsoft has release a guide to do. You find it here:
It involves getting the latest assemblies and do some modifications in order to run. It seems upgrading from an older version is a little harder than from a new version.

Laravel php version for open application?

I want to create a php application that can be used by many users, As laravel 4 requries 5.3.7 i am confused weather to use it or not because many of the users may not have the php version supported as they will be using shared hosting.
How to overcome this ? Is it by using older version of laravel or some other solution please help me. I am really intersted in using laravel cause of its robust nature.
To be honest, depending on what your application is, it's probably enough to think that most users are either already going to be on PHP 5.3.7+ or they will be willing to upgrade to the latest version or a more recent version of PHP.
When PHP 5.3.20 was released, there was an extremely public announcement that PHP 5.3 was going to be EOL'd after March 2013.
It's now obviously past March 2013.
People should have moved to PHP 5.4 by now. If your application is a one of a kind, or the best in it's class, then you should not need to worry about what version of PHP is being operated on, as people should either
be running PHP version > 5.3.20
be able to upgrade to a PHP version > 5.3.20
The Laravel dependancy on PHP 5.3 is a nice one, and to be honest, with all of the new features and general code style of Laravel being introduced, I would not be surprised if the version requirement is increased to PHP 5.4 "soon" (in say the next 6-12 months).
If you want to create an application used by many users, simply advise them that there is a minimum requirement for PHP 5.3.7. This is not too unusual for web applications.
For example, a very popular PHP forum phpBB has required PHP 5.3.3 since March 2012.

Why Zend Framework 2.0 is less than 1.2?

I downloaded the new version of Zend Framework 2.0 and noticed that it has less features than the version 1.2, both in framework folder and externals.
What is the reason? Does Zend have a new policy to you include some features as extensions or this is related to become more lightweight?
Zend_Service(S) now have each one his own repository with his own live cycle, by this way that services can be adapted soon to the vendor API changes.
Zend_Date, Zend_Currency, ... and other locale components have been replaced by PHP 5.3 API (DateTime, NumberFormat, etc) there is a new i18N component for translates.
Other components was not in use, and others are not enough stable for to go with the main distro.
Here you have the full list of repositories for the main distro and other components https://github.com/zendframework/
In zf2.0 only standard components are included, the components that are essential for the application development. The remaining components can be included on-demand.
You can read more about this in http://framework.zend.com/downloads/
The reasons for making this such lightweight is explained by Matthew Weier O'Phinney http://framework.zend.com/wiki/display/ZFDEV2/Zend+Framework+2.0+Requirements

Is EF4 "Code Only" ready for production use?

I've been looking at the new Entity Framework 4 Code Only features, and I really like them. But I'm having a hard time finding good resource on the feature. Everything seems to be spread around blongs here and there, so this make me wonder if it's ready to be used for a serious project?
What do you think? Is it ready for production use or should I use the more traditional approach (EDMX designer, POCO objects)?
Also, I would like to know if there are any features that Code Only does not support yet, compared to the EDMX designer?
What do you think about the Code Only feature? Is it "mature" yet?
Thank you.
It depends when your project should be ready. Code First (Code Only) is only in CTP3 without go-live license. As I've read, there is no exact timeframe for the Feature Pack Where is EntityConfiguration in EF4 VS 2010 RTM? and it will be published when it will be ready (no release date). According to the blog of EF team it will be available in the next framework release.
Code First is still under active
development and will have some
breaking changes so there is no
go-live licence at this time.
Code First = Code Only
In my projects I went with EF + POCO for now.
If anyone is still looking for an answer to this, Entity Framework V4.1 which has the "Code first" feature has been RTW (released to web) for production use since a month and a half now.
You need .Net 4.0 RTM in order to install it. Once you have that installed, you can download the stand-alone installer for EF4.1 from here.

Doctrine 2.0 integration into Zend Framework 1.10

can anybody help me how to nice integrate doctrine 2.0 into ZF 1.10? I found some application resources, but there was no complete solution. Many thanks
You may try to setup it like described in this blog post about ZF & Doctrine 2.
Hope this suits your needs.
i litte late but there is new framework of frameworks for php. Its the zf-boilerplate, it contains, zf frame work 1.11.11, doctrine 2.1.2 and a lot of other nice bolt ons. Its fully integrated, google zf-boilerplate. Cheers
You're going to find it very difficult (I was going to say no chance, but that's me being a pessimist) - ZF 1.10 is dependent on PHP 5.2, Doctrine 2.0 is written from the ground up for PHP 5.3.
You'd be better off either using Doctrine 1.2, which is working fine with ZF 1.10, or waiting for the upcoming ZF 2.0 release (which may be some time yet).