Why does Spring Data's Sort.descending() reset ignoreCase? - spring-data

Sort.descending() javadoc states
"Returns a new Sort with the current setup but descending order direction."
Why does this test fail on the second assert? I would assume (and would like) Sort.descending() to keep ignoreCase as it is (true), but in practice it changes ignoreCase to false?
public void descendingSortShouldRetainCaseInsensitive() {
var sort = Sort.by(Sort.Order.by("memberName").ignoreCase());
assertTrue(sort.iterator().next().isIgnoreCase()); // 1 OK
var sortDesc = sort.descending();
assertTrue(sortDesc.iterator().next().isIgnoreCase()); // 2 fails

It seems this was a bug, and has now been fixed: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-commons/issues/2585


local rest api controller does not receive data from repository function-call

Our VS-2022 development project is Blazor WASM Core-6 with local REST-API for data. Using Postman, my testing is not getting data from the controller call to a repository function -- using breakpoints and local debugging -- as one would expect.
The repository function return statement is return Ok(vehicleTrips);. The IEnumerable vehicleTrips data variable contains the correct four records as expected from the DB fetch.
From the controller the call to the repository function is:
var result = (await motripRepository.GetMOTripsByDateRange((int)eModelType.Vehicle, pVehicleList, pDateFrom, pDateTo)!)!;
The controller function signature is:
public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<MOTRIP>>> GetVehicleMOTripsByDateRange([FromRoute] string pVehicleList, [FromRoute] string pDateFrom, [FromRoute] string pDateTo) {
This is my problem. The result return value from the repository has a return.Value of null -- NOT four trip records as we should.
Additionally, the VS-Studio's 'local'-debugger shows that there are other properties of return such as .Return and .Return.Value.Count as 4 (four).
My question is "what could be causing this"? All of my other rest-api calls and controller calls with Postman work correctly as one would expect.
Did I select the wrong type of "controller" from Visual-Studio? I am not experienced at all in coding classic MVC web-applications. VS-Blazor offer a number of controller-types. In the past, I "copied" a working controller and "changed the code" for a different "model".
Your assistance is welcome and appreciated. Thanks...John
I found out what actually happened to cause the result.Value is null and had nothing to do with the controller-type -- it was in the interpretation of the return value from the repository function.
I found an SO link Get a Value from ActionResult<object> in a ASP.Net Core API Method that explains how to respond to a ActionResult<objecttype> return value in the reply/answer section with the word "actual" is first defined. You will see this word "actual" in my revised code below.
My revised code is posted here with comments both inside the code section and below the code section. My comment inside the code begins with "<==" with text following until "==>"
// Initialize.
MOTRIP emptyMoTrip = new MOTRIP();
MOTRIP? resultMoTrip = new MOTRIP();
IEnumerable<MOTRIP> allTrips = Enumerable.Empty<MOTRIP>();
int daysPrevious = (int)(pTripType == eTripType.Any ? eDateRangeOffset.Week : eDateRangeOffset.Month);
// convert DateRangeOffset to 'dateonly' values.
DateOnly dtTo = DateOnly.FromDateTime( DateTime.Today);
DateOnly dtFrom = dtTo.AddDays(daysPrevious);
// Fetch the vehicle trips by date-range.
var result = await GetVehicleMOTripsByDateRange(UID_Vehicle.ToString(), dtFrom.ToString(), dtTo.ToString());
if ((result.Result as OkObjectResult) is null) { **<== this is the fix from the SO link.==>**
return StatusCode(204, emptyMoTrip);
var statusCode = (result.Result as OkObjectResult)!.StatusCode;
if (statusCode==204) {
return StatusCode(204, emptyMoTrip);
**<== this next section allows code to get the result's DATA for further processing.==>**
var actual = (result.Result as OkObjectResult)!.Value as IEnumerable<MOTRIP>;
allTrips = (IEnumerable<MOTRIP>)actual!;
if ((allTrips is not null) && (!allTrips.Any())) {
return StatusCode(204, emptyMoTrip);
<== this next section continues with business-logic related to the result-DATA.==>
if (allTrips is not null && allTrips.Any()) {
switch (blah-blah-blah) {
**<== the remainder of business logic is not shown as irrelevant to the "fix".==>**
Please use browser search for "<==" to find my code-comments.
Please use browser search for "actual" and "OkObjectResult" to see the relevant code fix sentences.

Sequence of Project Deployment in Mule

Does anybody know in what sequence, the mule project are loaded when the Mule starts-up?
It doesn't seem to be in alphabetical order or last updated time.
If you look at the class MuleDeploymentService, you can see the following:
String appString = (String) options.get("app");
if (appString == null)
String[] explodedApps = appsDir.list(DirectoryFileFilter.DIRECTORY);
String[] packagedApps = appsDir.list(ZIP_APPS_FILTER);
String[] apps = appString.split(":");
Description for method File.list states that "there is no guarantee that the name strings in the resulting array will appear in any specific order". So, I guess the answer is in no particular order, or in the order they are listed in using the -app option.

How to reject numeric values in Lucene.net?

I want to know whether is it possible to reject numeric phrases or numeric values while indexing or searching in Lucene.net.
For example (this is one line),
Hi all my no is 4756396
Now, when I index or search it should reject the numeric value 4756396 to be indexed or searched. I tried making a custom stop word list with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc, but I guess it will only ignore if a single number will appears.
You can copy the StandardAnalyzer and customize the grammar (simple JFlex stuff) to reject number tokens. If you do that, you'll need to port back the analyzer to Java since JFlex will generate java code, tho you could give it a try with C# Flex.
You could also write a TokenFilter that scans tokens one by one and rejects them if they are numbers. If you wanna filter only whole numbers and still retain numbers that are for example separate by hyphens, the filter could simply attempt a double.TryParse() and if it fails you accept the Token. A more robust and customizable solution would still use a lexical parser.
Heres a quick sample of what I mean, with a little main method that shows how to use it. In this I used a TryParse() to filter out tokens, if it were for a more complex production system I'd use a lexical parser system. (take a look at C# Flex for that)
public class NumericFilter : TokenFilter
private ITermAttribute termAtt ;
public NumericFilter(TokenStream tokStream)
: base(tokStream)
termAtt = AddAttribute<ITermAttribute>();
public override bool IncrementToken()
while (base.input.IncrementToken())
string term = termAtt.Term;
double res ;
if(double.TryParse(term, out res))
// skip this token
// accept this token
return true;
// no more token in the stream
return false;
static void Main(string[] args)
RAMDirectory dir = new RAMDirectory();
IndexWriter iw = new IndexWriter(dir, new KeywordAnalyzer(), IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.UNLIMITED);
Document d = new Document();
Field f = new Field("text", "", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED);
// use our Filter here
f.SetTokenStream(new NumericFilter(new LowerCaseFilter(new WhitespaceTokenizer(new StringReader("I have 300 dollars")))));
IndexReader reader = iw.GetReader();
// print all terms in the text field
TermEnum terms = reader.Terms(new Term("text", ""));
while (terms.Next());

What is the better way to do the below program(c#3.0)

Consider the below program
private static bool CheckFactorPresent(List<FactorReturn> factorReturnCol)
bool IsPresent = true;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//Get the exposure names from Exposure list.
//Since this will remain same , so it has been done outside the loop
List<string> lstExposureName = (from item in Exposures
select item.ExposureName).ToList<string>();
foreach (FactorReturn fr in factorReturnCol)
//Build the factor names from the ReturnCollection dictionary
List<string> lstFactorNames = fr.ReturnCollection.Keys.ToList<string>();
//Check if all the Factor Names are present in ExposureName list
List<string> result = lstFactorNames.Except(lstExposureName).ToList();
if (result.Count() > 0)
result.ForEach(i =>
IsPresent = false;
sb.AppendLine("Factor" + i + "is not present for week no: " + fr.WeekNo.ToString());
return IsPresent;
Basically I am checking if all the FactorNames[lstFactorNames] are present in
ExposureNames[lstExposureName] list by using lstFactorNames.Except(lstExposureName).
And then by using the Count() function(if count() > 0), I am writing the error
messages to the String Builder(sb)
I am sure that someone can definitely write a better implementation than the one presented.
And I am looking forward for the same to learn something new from that program.
I am using c#3.0 and dotnet framework 3.5
Save for some naming convention issues, I'd say that looks fine (for what I can figure out without seeing the rest of the code, or the purpose in the effort. The naming conventions though, need some work. A sporadic mix of ntnHungarian, PascalCase, camelCase, and abbrv is a little disorienting. Try just naming your local variables camelCase exclusively and things will look a lot better. Best of luck to you - things are looking good so far!
- EDIT -
Also, you can clean up the iteration at the end by just running a simple foreach:
foreach (var except in result)
isPresent = false;
builder.AppendFormat("Factor{0} is not present for week no: {1}\r\n", except, fr.WeekNo);

Best way to check if object exists in Entity Framework? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 1 year ago.
The community reviewed whether to reopen this question 1 year ago and left it closed:
Original close reason(s) were not resolved
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What is the best way to check if an object exists in the database from a performance point of view? I'm using Entity Framework 1.0 (ASP.NET 3.5 SP1).
If you don't want to execute SQL directly, the best way is to use Any(). This is because Any() will return as soon as it finds a match. Another option is Count(), but this might need to check every row before returning.
Here's an example of how to use it:
if (context.MyEntity.Any(o => o.Id == idToMatch))
// Match!
And in vb.net
If context.MyEntity.Any(function(o) o.Id = idToMatch) Then
' Match!
End If
From a performance point of view, I guess that a direct SQL query using the EXISTS command would be appropriate. See here for how to execute SQL directly in Entity Framework: http://blogs.microsoft.co.il/blogs/gilf/archive/2009/11/25/execute-t-sql-statements-in-entity-framework-4.aspx
I had to manage a scenario where the percentage of duplicates being provided in the new data records was very high, and so many thousands of database calls were being made to check for duplicates (so the CPU sent a lot of time at 100%). In the end I decided to keep the last 100,000 records cached in memory. This way I could check for duplicates against the cached records which was extremely fast when compared to a LINQ query against the SQL database, and then write any genuinely new records to the database (as well as add them to the data cache, which I also sorted and trimmed to keep its length manageable).
Note that the raw data was a CSV file that contained many individual records that had to be parsed. The records in each consecutive file (which came at a rate of about 1 every 5 minutes) overlapped considerably, hence the high percentage of duplicates.
In short, if you have timestamped raw data coming in, pretty much in order, then using a memory cache might help with the record duplication check.
I know this is a very old thread but just incase someone like myself needs this solution but in VB.NET here's what I used base on the answers above.
Private Function ValidateUniquePayroll(PropertyToCheck As String) As Boolean
// Return true if Username is Unique
Dim rtnValue = False
Dim context = New CPMModel.CPMEntities
If (context.Employees.Any()) Then ' Check if there are "any" records in the Employee table
Dim employee = From c In context.Employees Select c.PayrollNumber ' Select just the PayrollNumber column to work with
For Each item As Object In employee ' Loop through each employee in the Employees entity
If (item = PropertyToCheck) Then ' Check if PayrollNumber in current row matches PropertyToCheck
// Found a match, throw exception and return False
rtnValue = False
Exit For
// No matches, return True (Unique)
rtnValue = True
End If
// The is currently no employees in the person entity so return True (Unqiue)
rtnValue = True
End If
Return rtnValue
End Function
I had some trouble with this - my EntityKey consists of three properties (PK with 3 columns) and I didn't want to check each of the columns because that would be ugly.
I thought about a solution that works all time with all entities.
Another reason for this is I don't like to catch UpdateExceptions every time.
A little bit of Reflection is needed to get the values of the key properties.
The code is implemented as an extension to simplify the usage as:
Have a look:
public static bool EntityExists<T>(this ObjectContext context, T entity)
where T : EntityObject
object value;
var entityKeyValues = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>();
var objectSet = context.CreateObjectSet<T>().EntitySet;
foreach (var member in objectSet.ElementType.KeyMembers)
var info = entity.GetType().GetProperty(member.Name);
var tempValue = info.GetValue(entity, null);
var pair = new KeyValuePair<string, object>(member.Name, tempValue);
var key = new EntityKey(objectSet.EntityContainer.Name + "." + objectSet.Name, entityKeyValues);
if (context.TryGetObjectByKey(key, out value))
return value != null;
return false;
I just check if object is null , it works 100% for me
var ID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["ID"]);
var Cert = (from cert in db.TblCompCertUploads where cert.CertID == ID select cert).FirstOrDefault();
if (Cert != null)
ViewBag.Msg = "Deleted Successfully";
ViewBag.Msg = "Not Found !!";
ViewBag.Msg = "Something Went wrong";
Why not do it?
var result= ctx.table.Where(x => x.UserName == "Value").FirstOrDefault();
if(result?.field == value)
// Match!
Best way to do it
Regardless of what your object is and for what table in the database the only thing you need to have is the primary key in the object.
C# Code
var dbValue = EntityObject.Entry(obj).GetDatabaseValues();
if (dbValue == null)
Don't exist
Dim dbValue = EntityObject.Entry(obj).GetDatabaseValues()
If dbValue Is Nothing Then
Don't exist
End If