I am using CodeMirror and Firepad to create a webapp for collaborative code editor. I want to modify the styling of the cursors. I am able to modify the cursor of the user using the CodeMirror CSS class .CodeMirror-cursor. But I am not able to modify the cursors of other users. I want to add a name at the top of the cursor to identify the user of the cursor. Even before that I am attempting to resize the other user cursors. How can I do this?
I want to drop TreeViewItem into my CustomEditor.
I've implemented a DocumentDropEditProvider that is working well for a "normal" text editor.
But I don't know how to make it work on my CustomTextEditor or its webView.
I couldn't find anything in the documentation.
I've cloned the vscode and run it in debug mode and I don't see any place where a Drag and Drop Listener would have been registered for the CustomTextEditor (besides the one that handles the shift key/editor open).
Is it something that one can do or should I look into using webView instead of treeView to have a better control of Drag and Drop listener ?
Is there an API for VSCode that will allow me to insert a component into TextEditor?
For example, the built-in minimap in the figure below.
Suppose I've developd a custom minimap (in the form of an HTML fragment, or whatever), how do I insert it into the existing TextEditor instead of developing a CustomEditor?
I'm currently developing a vscode extension that highlights snippets of text in specific colors. In order to do that I am creating a TextEditorDecorationType with the color and use setDecoration (TextEditor) on the active text editor.
Now I would like to compare two different colors on the same snippet with each other. Therefore I want to have the editor split in half showing the text document twice, on the left side with the old decoration and on the right side with the new decoration, similar to the git source control:
I figured if it is possible in the source control it should be possible anywhere.
Currently I open a second text editor with the same TextDocument and add the new TextEditorDecorationType to it, yet instead I would like to do it as shown above.
I cannot figure out how to split the editor like that displaying the same content twice.
I would like to create a shortcut to horizontally and vertically align two shapes at once. Currently I have to select both items, click F8, choose the horizontal and vertical align, and click okay. Too slow. I can record a macro which basically just produces
Application.ActiveWindow.Selection.Align visHorzAlignCenter, visVertAlignMiddle, False
... which works great, but it only associates to the current document. Is there a way to make that shortcut work on any document I open or create?
I just created a new template based on the Detailed Network Diagram template but with the macro inserted into it. Seemed to be the only solution.
In word 2007, I'm trying to use the default activex control as check box. I would like the color of text changed after some one check the box it.
I know how to get it done with VBA and checkbox formfield, but how can this be done with checkbox(active control)?
Shortly, is there any way I can retrieve the properties or other object information of ActiveX control check box?
I think this answer is too late for the questioner, how ever i am sending it for those who will face this problem later on.
IF you know how to change check box color in VBA then you can do it in word as well. All you have to do is to insert a check box that you can code your self. to do so.
Generate Developor's Tab in MS Word by clicking word button at the top left of MS WORD 07 Window; Select Advanced; Select Popular; then in the pan opened, check the check box that contains Developor's tab.
Now Click the Developer's Tab, Locate the Control Group and from their, click on legacy tools pull down menu.Click on more controls option at the lowest left of the legacy tools pull down menu. A new Window will open.
Scroll down to find the option Micrsoft Forms 2.0checkbox.
Click to select it, and you are done. You will receive a check box at the place where your cursor was blinking before you startated this process.
This Checkbox is very similar to the Check box from VB. Now if you know the VBA Codes and want to change the properties of check box like color etc. Look at the Control Group in Developer's Tab. Click Design Mode. Now DOUBLE CLICK THE CHECK BOX AND VB CODING FORM OPENS WHERE YOU CAN CODE.
In case you do not know how to code in VB, You can still make some useful changes in check box. Single click on the check box and Then Click Properties Immediately below the Design Mode in the devloper's Tab.
Here you can make changes in properties.