Error to connect Postgresql DB from Oracle dblink using Oracle Database Gateway - postgresql

I'm trying to connect from Oracle Database (dblink) to Postgresql database use Oracle Database Gateway (dg4msql 19), on the Oracle Database Gateway for MS SQL Server all work fine. On the Oracle DB create dblink, but when try to connect get Error message:
ORA-28500 Oracle ODBC SQL Server Wire Protocol driver Socket closed
08S01 Oracle ODBC SQL Server Wire protocol driver
The server does not support SSL {HY000} !
listener work, tnsnames.ora also give correct answer. May be in initdg4msql.ora file I have to use some string to connect without SSL?
HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO = - I don`t known that is correct for PostgreSQL, or for PostgreSQL should use only ODBC connection?
How correctly use HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO =, or for PostgreSQL should I use only ODBC connection?

The PostgreSQL server is not configured to accept SSL connections.
First, verify that PostgreSQL was built with SSL support: that can be seen from the output of pg_config --configure (should contain --with-openssl).
To configure SSL support, set ssl = on in postgresql.conf and provide a server certificate and private key (parameters ssl_vert_file and ssl_key_file). Reload PostgreSQL to activate.
For details, read the documentation.


Why must I use an odbc-connection type to connect to a postgres database in Power BI?

Whenever I attempt to connect to my PostgreSQL database as a data source, I get the error message below.
Other users have recommended using an odbc connection? Why does an odbc connection work rather than a PostgreSQL connection for a PostgreSQL database in Power BI?
Had attempted to connect to my PostgreSQL database with all the correct credentials, failed with the error message mentioned. I had connected to the same database with an odbc connection perfectly.

DNS ODBC Driver configuration for SSH RDS

I´d like to know if it is possible to connect to my rds database from my local machine (windows) using windows odbc data source. My problem is that I use SSH and i don´t know how can I input the parameters in odbc data source. I need this type of connection because I want to access RDS via vba excel. My database is Postgresql.
If you have a publicly accessible database (not recommended by AWS) and your IP address is allowed, then the normal ODBC connection will work.
By the sound of your setup, you have a private database. In which case, your options are:
Use a different ODBC driver that supports tunnelling.
Devart ( and Cdata ( both have ODBC drivers that support SSH tunnelling.
Neither are free.
Use a VPN and point your driver at localhost

IBM Cloud: Connecting SQuirreL to Databases for PostgreSQL gives SSL error

I provisioned Databases for PostgreSQL on IBM Cloud. Now I try to connect SQuirreL to my database. However, my attempts result in this error:
FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "xx.xx.xx.xx", user "myuser",
database "my-database", SSL off
Is this related to the JDBC driver or any SSL setting? The credentials say sslmode=verify-full, but not sure how to specify it in SQuirreL.
I was able to connect with the standard JDBC driver for PostgreSQL after changing the driver properties:
Simple, but not secure approach:
- ssl=true
- sslfactory=org.postgresql.ssl.NonValidatingFactory
Secure, more effort:
- download the SSL certificate as provided in the credentials
- add ?sslmode=verify-full&sslrootcert=path-to-certificate to the connection URI
Now SQuirrel connects to my database with IBM Cloud Databases for PostgreSQL. This also works with Hyper Protect DBaaS.

SQL Server 2008 R2 ODBC Error: SQL state HTY00

My application server (say and database server (say both are on the same domain. I'm trying to create an ODBC connection from the application server to a SQL Server database on the database server, but at the time of login it generates this error:
Microsoft SQL Server Login
Connection failed:
SQL State: 'HYT00'
SQL Sever Error: 0
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Login timeout expired
I've checked all configuration for SQL Server and tried possible solutions without resolving this issue.
A DSN can be successfully created from my own PC but when attempting this server to server as described above, ODBC is facing this problem.
OK, I have got the solution. Sometimes, if SQL Server can't be found on network by its name while creating DSN in windows, the logging in takes time more than usual which tells ODBC manager that Database Server we are looking for is not responding or responding too late.
Instead of selecting server from the list while making dsn, use 'server-ip\SQLExpress'.
Thats All.

Protocol issue connecting Derby by db2 ODBC

This is a problem when I tried to connect Derby Database by DB2 ODBC
I started the Derby Network Server and created a database named "mydb"
but,after I did as the steps described in an article on IBM's site,I countered a problem on the server side.
Step 1->db2 catalog tcpip node MYDERBY remote localhost server 1527
Step 2->db2 catalog db mydb at node MYDERBY authentication server
Step 3->db2 connect to mydb user abc using abc
Execution failed because of a Distributed Protocol error:DRDA_Proto_SYNTAXRM;
CODPNT arg=112e;error code value=14;Plaintext connection attempt from an SSL enabled client?
What can I do to accomplish or it is unworkable??
Current versions of the Derby Network Server do not communicate with the DB2 ODBC client, as far as I know. You might look here: or here: or here: Derby Database ODBC Connection for some more ideas.
Note: I gave a relatively similar answer to a relatively similar question here: Derby Database ODBC Connection and it was deleted, so for all I know this answer may be deleted as well.