Access Kubernetes Dashboard using kubectl proxy remotly for multiple user - kubernetes

I have setup kubernetes cluster in EKS. API server access is in private mode. I have bastion host from which i can run kubectl commands. I want to access kubernetes dashboard remotly.
One thing i can do is ssh -L localhost:8001: # kubectl proxy. this wil provide me an access remotly.
If somone else will execute ssh -L localhost:8001: # kubectl proxy then it will get an error. "error: listen tcp bind: address already in use". Because somebody else is accessing kubectl proxy.
How to solve this issue. I want to access kubernetes dashboard on multiple machine at the same time.


Unable to deploy WSO2 APIM in Minikube Kubernetes cluster

I'm trying to deploy WSO2 APIM on Kubernetes using the pattern-1 described on the github page I have added my minikube ip to my etc/hosts file as follows:
[minikube ip]
I'm unable to access the Publisher and Devportal using this url:
Is there any other configuration that needs to be done? Any help would be great:). Thanks in advance..
First, make sure all your WSO2 pods are running and they're in the ready state.
kubectl get po -n <your_namespace>
This should output.
Then make sure you have enabled Ingress addon.
minikube addons list
Then make sure Ingress pods are running.
kubectl get po -n ingress-nginx
Next, get the Ingress external IP.
kubectl get ing -A
Get the external IP and the Host from the above and add a entry to the /etc/hosts as shown below.
If everything is in place you should be able to access the Publisher by going to
Try to run the below command in the command line.
minikube tunnel

How to locally access influx db deployed on GCP kubernetes

Influxdb 1.8 is deployed on kubernets using helm charts. influx db is deployed as Stateful Set that exposes a service with one running pods. Am able to ssh into running pods using kubectl exec command and its running fine. I can also see databases using influx cli after logging into pods
But i need to access this influx db on my local system to execute queries directly from my system using curl command. Deployed influxdb has no external IP/DNS. It ha internal endpoint that usually starts with 10...*
Can anybody guide me on how can i access influxdb on my local system using curl command?
You can use the kubectl port-forward command. You can use it to either map a Pod or a Service TCP port to a port on your local machine:
> kubectl port-forward service/your-influxdb-service 8086:8086
^ ^
| |
local port remote/service port
While that command is running, kubectl will forward all connections to your local port 8086 to the same port of your InfluxDB service. All traffic will be funneled through kubectl and your API server, so this is not exactly suited for high-throughput scenarios, but should be sufficient for occasional debugging and testing.

Difference between kubectl port-forwarding and proxy

kubectl proxy and kubectl port-forwarding look similar and confusing to me, what are their main differences and use cases?
As mentioned in "How kubectl port-forward works?"
kubectl port-forward forwards connections to a local port to a port on a pod.
Compared to kubectl proxy, kubectl port-forward is more generic as it can forward TCP traffic while kubectl proxy can only forward HTTP traffic.
As an example, see "Kubernetes port forwarding simple like never before" from Alex Barashkov:
Port forwarding mostly used for the purpose of getting access to internal cluster resources and debugging.
How does it work?
Generally speaking, using port forwarding you could get on your ‘localhost’ any services launched in your cluster.
For example, if you have Redis installed in the cluster on 6379, by using a command like this:
kubectl port-forward redis-master-765d459796-258hz 7000:6379
you could forward Redis from the cluster to localhost:7000, access it locally and do whatever you want to do with it.
For a limited HTTP access, see kubectl proxy, and, as an example, "On Securing the Kubernetes Dashboard" from Joe Beda:
The easiest and most common way to access the cluster is through kubectl proxy. This creates a local web server that securely proxies data to the dashboard through the Kubernetes API server.
As shown in "A Step-By-Step Guide To Install & Use Kubernetes Dashboard" from Awanish:
kubectl create -f
Accessing Dashboard using the kubectl
kubectl proxy
It will proxy server between your machine and Kubernetes API server.
Now, to view the dashboard in the browser, navigate to the following address in the browser of your Master VM:

SSH to Kubernetes pod using Bastion

I have deployed Google cloud Kubernetes cluster. The cluster has internal IP only.
In order to access it, I created a virtual machine bastion-1 which has external IP.
The structure:
My Machine -> bastion-1 -> Kubernetes cluster
The connection to the proxy station:
$ ssh bastion -D 1080
now using kubectl using proxy:
$ HTTPS_PROXY=socks5:// kubectl get pods
No resources found.
The Kubernetes master server is responding, which is a good sign.
Now, trying to ssh a pod:
$ HTTPS_PROXY=socks5:// kubectl exec -it "my-pod" -- /bin/bash
error: error sending request: Post EOF
How to allow ssh connection to pod via bastion? What I'm doing wrong?
You can't do this right now.
The reason is because the connections used for commands like exec and proxy use SPDY2.
There's a bug report here with more information.
You'll have to switch to using a HTTP proxy

How to access to the services in kubernetes cluster when ssh to another VMs via proxy?

Consider if we build two VMs in a bare-metal server through a network, one is master and another is worker. I ssh to the master and construct a cluster using kubeadm which has three pods and a service with type: ClusterIP. So when I want access to the cluster I do kubectl proxy in the master. Now we can explore the API with curl and wget in the VM which we ssh to it, like this :
$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/
So far, so good! but I want access to the services by my laptop? The localhost which comes above is refer to the bare-metal server! How can access to the services through proxy by my laptop when cluster is placed in another machine?
When I do $ curl http://localhost:8080/api/ in my laptop it says : refused to connect
which make sense! But what is the solution to this?
If you forward the port 8080 when sshing to master, you can use localhost on your laptop to access the apis on the cluster.
You can try adding the -L flag to your ssh command:
$ ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080
Then the curl to localhost will work.
You can also specify an extra arguments to the kubectl proxy command, to let your reverse-proxy server listening on non-default ip address ( - expose outside
kubectl proxy --port=8001 --address='<MASTER_IP_ADDRESS>' --accept-hosts="^.*$"
You can get your Master IP address by issuing following command: kubectl cluster-info