Get the Last Logon Time for Each User Profile - powershell

I need to get the last logon time for each user profile on a remote computer (not the local accounts). I've tried something similar to the following using Win32_UserProfile & LastLogonTime, however this is not giving accurate results. For example, one this computer, only 1 account has been used in the past year, however LastUpdateTime is showing very recent dates. Some accounts have not even been logged into and should say "N/A", but it doesn't.
$RemoteSB_UserADID = Get-WmiObject win32_userprofile -Property * | Where-Object {$_.LocalPath -like "*users*"} | Sort-Object $_.LastUseTime | ForEach-Object{
$Parts = $_.LocalPath.Split("\")
$ADID = $Parts[$Parts.Length - 1]
$Time = $null
$Time = $_.ConvertToDateTime($_.LastUseTime)
$Time = "N/A"
"[$ADID | $Time]"
Example Output
[Acct1 | 03/13/2022 07:18:19]
[Acct2 | 03/15/202214:59:16]
[Acct3 | 03/13/2022 07:18:19]
[Acct4 | 03/16/2022 11:53:17] <--- only "active" account
How can I go about retrieving accurate (or decently accurate) login times for each user profile? Thanks!

It would help to know for what reason you need that, so that I know how to find a (better) solution for you.
If you need to cleanup your profiles not used for a long time at the target system, then take the last changed date of "ntuser.dat". That is the last logon if you define logon like logging on to a new session. If the user was logged on and simply locked the computer or used standby and then relogs then this date won't change.
Use this to get this date from all users you have access to but possibly not getting real user names
Get-ChildItem \\REMOTECOMPUTERNAMEHERE\Users\*\ntuser.dat -Attributes Hidden,Archive | Select #{Name="NameByFolder";Expression={($_.DirectoryName -split "\\")[-1]}},LastWriteTime
Or this a bit more complex version
Invoke-Command -ComputerName REMOTECOMPUTERNAMEHERE -ScriptBlock {$UsersWithProfilePath = #{}
dir "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList" |
where {$ -like "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\S-1-5-21-*"} |
foreach {$UsersWithProfilePath[([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]$"\")[-1]).Translate( [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value] = $_.GetValue("ProfileImagePath")}
foreach ($Name in $UsersWithProfilePath.Keys) {#{$Name =(dir (join-path $UsersWithProfilePath.$Name ntuser.dat) -Attributes Hidden,Archive,System).LastWriteTime}}}
Depending on what you need you need to change it a bit.
Sorry for the long codelines... it is late here.


ForEach-Object changing result of SearchUnifiedAuditLog

I have a powershell script to retrieve the most recent login for guest users. It works fine.
(Based on
$startDate = "{0:yyyy-MM-dd}" -f (get-date).AddDays(-365) #look 1 year back (not sure what the maximum is, but 1 year seems to work)
$endDate = "{0:yyyy-MM-dd}" -f (get-date) #current date.
$externalUserExtention = "*#EXT#*"
function logtoText($filePath, $msg) {
$msg >> $filepath;
function find_last_login_date($user) {
$lastLoginDate = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -UserIds $user.UserPrincipalName -StartDate $startDate -EndDate $endDate| Foreach-Object {$_.CreationDate = [DateTime]$_.CreationDate; $_} | Group-Object UserIds | Foreach-Object {$_.Group | Sort-Object CreationDate | Select-Object -Last 1} | Select CreationDate
Write-Host "User " $user.UserPrincipalName "| Last Login Date -" $lastLoginDate.CreationDate
logtoText $filePath ($user.UserPrincipalName + "," + $lastLoginDate.CreationDate)
Write-Output $user.UserPrincipalName
Clear-Content $filePath
logtoText $filePath ('Username', 'Last Login DateTime')
#Get All External Users
$allExternalUsers = Get-MsolUser -All | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.UserPrincipalName -Like $externalUserExtention }
ForEach($externalUser in $allExternalUsers) {
The output is as expected:
User | Last Login Date -
User | Last Login Date - 11/04/2020 12:02:12
User | Last Login Date - 12/04/2020 14:22:25
The extra Write-Output inside find_last_login_date is just their for debugging this.
Now when I change it to ForEach-Object it does something weird. Probably it makes sense to the experts, but not to me :-)
ForEach($externalUser in $allExternalUsers) {
ForEach-Object -InputObject $allExternalUsers {
And the output becomes
User | Last Login Date - 10/01/2021 14:05:36 05/01/2021 20:48:45 05/01/2021 16:09:25 04/01/2021 07:36:26 22/12/2020 08:01:07 19/12/2020 10:24:08 18/12/2020 14:20:51 18/12/2020 08:05:55 16/12/2020 17:32:28 14/12/2
020 08:20:56 13/12/2020 07:58:13 11/12/2020 10:58:58 10/12/2020 08:08:28
So it seems to trigger the script to only look for the last login date once and also the select top 1 fails, etc.
Any idea what I am doing wrong? At first I thought it was about the "nested" ForEach-Object but even with the code to do the search inside a function it keeps doing this.
Is it by default doing things in parallel and do I need to wait for completion of all tasks? Something telse?
I'm looking at ForEach-Object to parallelize the above script as it takes a very long time to run on a large tenant.
From the docs :
When you use the InputObject parameter with ForEach-Object, instead of piping command results to ForEach-Object, the InputObject value is treated as a single object. This is true even if the value is a collection that is the result of a command, such as -InputObject (Get-Process). Because InputObject cannot return individual properties from an array or collection of objects, we recommend that if you use ForEach-Object to perform operations on a collection of objects for those objects that have specific values in defined properties, you use ForEach-Object in the pipeline.
ForEach-Object -InputObject $allExternalUsers {
$allExternalUsers | ForEach-Object {

Create a PowerShell script that would get the last 30 days history logon of Domain Admin member

I would like to write a Power Shell script that would do the following:
- If the user is member of (Domain admins) get me the last 30 days history logon of this user in any Domain joined computer.
I created something now but it still lacks a lot as it reads the security events on the Domain controller and brings the users,time and matches them with the Domain admin group as in the attached screenshot
I would appreciate if someone can help me evolve this script into something useful
$Rusers = Get-WinEvent -Computer dc02 -FilterHashtable #{Logname='Security';ID=4672} -MaxEvents 50 |
` select #{N='User';E={$_.Properties[1].Value}},TimeCreated
$DAUsers = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Domain Admins"
Foreach ($DAUser in $DAUsers){
$DomainUser = $DAUser.SamAccountName
foreach ($Ruser in $Rusers){
$RAUser = $Ruser.User
If ($RAUser -match $DomainUser){
Write-Host $Ruser is domain admin }
}[![enter image description here][1]][1]
# Get domain admin user list
$DomainAdminList = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity 'Domain Admins'
# Get all Domain Controller names
$DomainControllers = Get-ADDomainController -Filter * | Sort-Object HostName
# EventID
$EventID = '4672'
# Get only last 24hrs
$Date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)
# Limit log event search for testing as this will take a LONG time on most domains
# For normal running, this will have to be set to zero
$MaxEvent = 50
# Loop through Dcs
$DALogEvents = $DomainControllers | ForEach-Object {
$CurDC = $_.HostName
Write-Host "`nSearching $CurDC logs..."
Get-WinEvent -Computer $CurDC -FilterHashtable #{Logname='Security';ID=$EventID;StartTime = $Date} -MaxEvents $MaxEvent |`
Where-Object { $_.Properties[1].Value -in $DomainAdminList.SamAccountName } |`
ForEach-Object {
[pscustomobject]#{SamAccountName = $_.Properties[1].Value;Time = $_.TimeCreated;LogonEventLocation = $CurDC}
All the Domain Admin logon events should now be in $DALogEvents
You'll need to group results by name, then export to a file
Thanks a lot for your help, I apologize I was not clear enough. The kind of information I am looking for is pertaining to users who have been utilized for services e.g. (SQL reporting Services, Or Sccm Service ..etc )
This script does what I want but it doesn't run only for domain admin users, it runs for everyone basically and not sure if there's a limit to the time/date.
Is it possible to adjust it to let it run against Domain Admin users for 30 days and print information like. Source IP, User, Target Dc, Date?
Get-EventLog -LogName Security -InstanceId 4624 |
ForEach-Object {
# translate the raw data into a new object
Time = $_.TimeGenerated
User = "{0}\{1}" -f $_.ReplacementStrings[5], $_.ReplacementStrings[6]
Type = $_.ReplacementStrings[10]
"Source Network Address" = $_.ReplacementStrings[18]
Target = $_.ReplacementStrings[19]
I've added couple more of custom objects to get the result that I needed. I think turning this into a function would be great tool to use for auditing.
Thanks a lot to you #Specialist
# Get domain admin user list
$DomainAdminList = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity 'Domain Admins'
# Get all Domain Controller names
$DomainControllers = Get-ADDomainController -Filter * | Sort-Object HostName
# EventID
$EventID = '4624'
# Get only last 24hrs
$Date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-3)
# Limit log event search for testing as this will take a LONG time on most domains
# For normal running, this will have to be set to zero
$MaxEvent = 100
# Loop through Dcs
$DALogEvents = $DomainControllers | ForEach-Object {
$CurDC = $_.HostName
Write-Host "`nSearching $CurDC logs..."
Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $CurDC -FilterHashtable #{Logname='Security';ID=$EventID;StartTime = $Date} -MaxEvents $MaxEvent |`
Where-Object { $_.Properties[5].Value -in $DomainAdminList.SamAccountName } |`
ForEach-Object {
[pscustomobject]#{SourceIP = $_.Properties[18].Value; SamAccountName = $_.Properties[5].Value;Time = $_.TimeCreated;LogonEventLocation = $CurDC}

PowerShell WMI query fails to return username in logon script

I'm trying to get the username of domain users in a PowerShell logon script. Any number of different users may log into the computers in question.
A local user account (let's call it 'syscheck') is configured on Win7/Win8 domain clients for the purpose of running a PS script (PS 2.0/3.0); the script resides locally and is launched by Task Scheduler on user logon. The script needs to obtain the username of the domain user that is logging in.
I've attempted to do this with WMI:
Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UserName
but this does not return anything when the script runs.
If I try this:
The username of the 'syscheck' local account is returned.
Is the domain username not yet available when the script is running on logon?
Perhaps there a way to do this with .NET? Other options?
***** UPDATE August 8 *****
I've tested with the solution provided (thanks Alexander!) but still can NOT retrieve the username of the logged-in user. I believe this is because, as mentioned above, this is a logon script launched by Task Scheduler. The principal for the Task that launches the script is a local account. For some reason, all methods of trying to get the domain username fail.
Here is latest attempt:
First, this is how I call the function:
$indx = 0
do {
$username = GetDomUser
if (($indx -eq 25) -or ($username.Length -ne 0)) {
Write-Output $username
else {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 12
while ($indx -lt 25) # 5 minutes is PLENTY of time for boot...
Now, here's the function:
Function GetDomUser {
$compname = $($env:COMPUTERNAME)
$pattern = '"MYDOMAIN",Name='
$antecedent = #(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LoggedOnUser -ComputerName $compname |
Where-Object { $_.Antecedent -match $pattern } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Antecedent)
Return ([regex]::Match([string]$antecedent[0],"$pattern(.*$)").Value).Split('=')[1] -replace '"', ""
Of course, this works perfectly from the console once the machine has booted.
Is it possible to refresh whatever store the Win32_LoggedOnUser Class gets its data from?
Other options?
Here are previous methods I've tried - all return the username of the principal of the Task that launches the script (or an empty string, which is what D returns).
$usernameA = $([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name)
$usernameB = $(whoami)
$usernameC = $($env:USERNAME)
$usernameD = $(Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $compname | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UserName)
$usernameE = $([Environment]::UserName)
Here's what you could do to find out what's going on:
$cLogonSessions = Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_LogonSession" `
| Where-Object { $_.LogonType -eq $iLOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE }
if ($cLogonSessions -ne $null) {
$cInteractiveLogons = #()
foreach ($oLogonSession in $cLogonSessions) {
$sWmiQuery = ('ASSOCIATORS OF {{Win32_LogonSession.LogonId="{0}"}} ' `
+ 'WHERE AssocClass=Win32_LoggedOnUser') -f $oLogonSession.LogonId
$cInteractiveLogons += Get-WMIObject -Query $sWmiQuery `
| Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Caption"
} else {
$ex = New-Object -TypeName System.NullReferenceException(`
'$cInteractiveLogons is null.')
throw $ex
$cInteractiveLogons | Select-Object -Unique
When $cInterativeLogons is null exception is thrown, it means that no-one is logged on interactively (yet) in which case you can wait and re-check later.
Note that this code is not reliable because LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE wasn't limited to local console logons in XP and earlier versions.
As for actual solution, I'd recommend using some kind of explicit notifications. You could for example make use of events. Subscribe for an event and then emit the event from the user's regular logon script.
The problem was not with the WMI code but rather the state of the machine it was being run on. It turns out that when users are VPNed into their machines (almost always thanks to a VPN client's automated reconnect feature), or have some third-party utility installed (e.g. certain cloud backup services), there are multiple Logons and "the" logged on user is ambiguous.
For now this is working pretty well:
Function GetDomainUser {
$compname = $($env:COMPUTERNAME)
$pattern = '"' + $($env:USERDOMAIN) + '"' + ',Name='
$antecedent = #(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LoggedOnUser -ComputerName $compname |
Where-Object { $_.Antecedent -match $pattern } |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Antecedent | Select-Object -Unique)
Return $(([regex]::Match([string]$antecedent,$($pattern + '(".+")')).Value).Split('=')[1] -replace '"','')
But I had to write addition code to work around cases when the LoggedOnUser cannot be discovered (multiple logons exist), or when no one is logged in.

how to get exact user name from get-mobiledevicestatistics in powershell

I have a small script to get all user mobile devices info from exchange 2013 server.
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited |
ForEach {Get-MobileDeviceStatistics -Mailbox:$_.Identity} |
Select-Object #{label="User" ; expression={$_.Identity}},DeviceOS, lastsuccesssync
I just want to get an exact user name instead of a path in AD. How can I do it in expression={?}
Here is another script to do it, it gives me the user name, but all devices belongs to user are not in separated lines, they all in one line...
$EASMailboxes = Get-CASMailbox -Filter {HasActiveSyncDevicePartnership -eq $True -and DisplayName -notlike "CAS_{*"} | Get-Mailbox
$EASMailboxes | Select-Object DisplayName, PrimarySMTPAddress, #{Name="Mobile Devices";Expression={(Get-MobileDeviceStatistics -Mailbox $_.Identity).DeviceOS}} |
I don't have the environment to test this but is this not what you are looking for ?
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | ForEach {
$user = $_.SamAccountName
Get-MobileDeviceStatistics -Mailbox:$_.Identity |
Select-Object #{label="User" ; expression={$user}},DeviceOS, lastsuccesssync
That should output the user for every device they own on its own line. You could then easily export this to Export-CSV or some such thing that way.
We save the $user so it is available later in the pipe. Could also have used Add-Member but the result would have been the same.
If you have the identity field, which looks like this
Then to split on the / and get the third result, you simply request:
PowerShell begins indexing with number zero, so to request the fourth entry in the list, we request index number 3.
OP mentioned that the OU level might vary, meaning that he couldn't count on a fixed position to request the Index. In order to accomodte that scenario, try this method, which will look for the index of ExchangeActiveSyncDevices and then pick the index position before that.
Get-Mailbox -resultsize unlimited|foreach {Get-MobileDeviceStatistics -Mailbox:$_.identity} |Select-Object #{l="user";e={$}}, lastsuccesssync
on e2k13

check if a local user is locked out although he is logged in powershell

I want to check if a user is using an account or locked out from a password protected account.
the command (query user) returns "active" even though the user is locked out.
and the process "explorer.exe" will still be active.
get-WmiObject win32_useraccount -Namespace "root/cimv2" | %{$_.lockout}
this also returns:
It's not very clear what you're asking, but assuming you mean "Show me logged in users whose user accounts are locked", this should do it:
# Get locked local accounts
$lockedAccounts = #(Get-WmiObject win32_useraccount -filter "LockOut=True")
# Get login sessions including disconnected ones
# Get the username, ignore sessions with no username
# Username is in the form "computer\user" so remove "computer\"
$users = #(Get-TerminalSession | select -ExpandProperty UserName | ? {$_})
$users = #($users | % { (Split-String $_ -Separator "\")[1] })
ForEach ($account in $lockedAccounts) {
if ($users -icontains $account.Name) {
write "Locked Account $(account.Name) is logged in"
I haven't tested it completely, but I've tested the bits of it separately and it looks likely to work.
Get-EventLog -LogName Security | where {$_.instanceid -eq "4634"} | %{$_.TimeGenerated} | sort TimeOfDay -Descending | select TimeOfDay -First 1