I am using netbeans 13 with PHP.
I have these warnings on several files, and do not know how to remove it OR how to tell to netbeans that it is a laravel directive and then it must be accepted ?
This example displays the #enderror case but I have also the same error for other directives.
I am upgrading to jdk 11 and from what I've noticed, the -Xbootclasspath/p option no longer exists. I've tried replacing it with -Xbootclasspath/a, I've also tried using --patch-module(although I've read that it's not recommended in production) or --add-module options instead and none of them seems to work. The reason why -Xbootclasspath/p was added in the first place is the following error:
Could not load Logmanager "org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager"
Do you have any other idea what I should try in order to replace or get rid of -Xbootclasspath/p option? Thanks!
I know there are questions like this on SO, but none of the given solutions helped me.
I also tried to ask this question on netbeans forum, but they haven't responded to my questions, probably because they just don't know answers.
SO community is a "bit" bigger than the one on the netbeans forum, so I hope I'll get some clue.
I'm trying to get SASS working in Netbeans 8.0.2 (Ubuntu). I installed sass, it sits in /sur/local/bin/sass. I set up this path in NB options. I set up paths in project properties. And... nothing happens when I save a css file. Shouldn't there be at least a warning message if something's wrong?
Yes, I have "generate extra information (debug)" and "open output on error" checked. The path to the sass executable is also correct.
And yes, I also have "compile Sass files on Save" checked.
In project properties / Input and Output fields I tried relative and full urls. I also tried using ${web.root} variable.
I use Netbeans for PHP, but I don't think it matters.
None of these solutions work for me, especially that most of them is for Windows OS:
How to use SASS with Netbeans 8.0.1
Cannot get SASS to output .css file in Netbeans 8.0
Netbeans - installing SASS
Please help, I've been trying to make it working for the last 4 hours :(
Please tell me at least where can I find an error log or something.
The log says:
INFO [CPOnSaveHook]: processSavedFile called for Sass type on project
/var/www/html/analytics. INFO
[net.sickill.off.netbeans.NetbeansProject]: fileChanged: ignoring
internal file changes INFO
[org.netbeans.modules.css.prep.process.BaseProcessor]: Not compiling,
file /var/www/html/analytics/src/AppBundle/Resources/scss/admin.scss
not matched within current mappings
But as I said: In project properties / Input and Output fields I tried relative and full urls. I also tried using ${web.root} variable.
I solved my problem.
In the project properties -> css properties -> input/output fields there must not be / (a slash) at the beginning. So it should be e.g. "src/AppBundle/Resources/scss" instead of "/src/AppBundle/Resources/scss" And it should not be a full url (like /var/html/www/project...)
Also, using ${web.root} did not work.
I solved may problem. In project properties -> css prepocessor -> uncheck compile sass files on save:
I am trying to set error_reporting to E_ALL & ~E_STRICT in php.ini of mamp.
But this is not getting affected at all. I confirmed that I am editing right file by setting different error_reporting like E_NOTICE and checked phpinfo to verify the same.
But only ~E_STRICT is not happening.
When I visit my cms (concrete5) it gives me a list of strict errors ( pasting first few below ):
Strict Standards: Non-static method Cache::get() should not be called statically in www/concrete/models/package.php on line 78
Strict Standards: Non-static method Cache::key() should not be called statically in www/concrete/libraries/cache.php on line 117
Strict Standards: Non-static method Cache::getLibrary() should not be called statically in www/concrete/libraries/cache.php on line 121
tried to set error_reporting to E_ALL & ~E_STRICT in .htaccess and also index.php file. none worked.
Solution please.
Concrete5 has a setting that will suppress display of errors and warnings (and notices I presume) -- in the Dashboard -> System & Settings -> Environment -> Debug Settings.
It's possible that you have this set to hide all errors/warnings -- which will override your settings in the config file.
As for #PeeHaa's comment about suppressing errors instead of fixing them, well it's not as simple as that because the Concrete5 CMS itself has a TON of php that will generate notices. I assume this is because of code that was written years ago before certain things were deprecated. For example, there are a ton of system functions that get called statically even though the function is not declared as "static". This was an okay thing to do in older versions of PHP but is now frowned upon. Unfortunately I don't think there's anything you can do about this.
This is unfortunately one of the trade-offs with using Concrete5. It's the best CMS out there, but it is not always the most sophisticated platform for more advanced developers.
It's very tricky to get Concrete5 to ignore these errors and load a page (including the Dashboard). Your best bet is to downgrade PHP to the latest 5.3.X until a PHP 5.4.X compatible version is released.
I got this resolved by moving from mamp to xampp on my imac.
issue with mamp:
it does not allow us to use php 5.3 unless we have mamp pro
solution that I used:
I moved to xampp with php 5.3 and everything worked smooth.
If MAMP appears to be ignoring settings in php.ini (eg. E_STRICT) then chances are you are not editing the correct file. You can see which config file is being loaded with phpinfo();
Look for this line:
Loaded Configuration File: /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.4.4/conf/php.ini
Notice how it is in MAMP/bin on my machine. With the default MAMP installation it is easy to mistake the template config files for live config files.
E_STRICT is not ignored by MAMP when set in the correct place.
I'm using Aptana Studio 3 and I've been having no problem in accessing any App Engine Api library such as urlfetch.
However, today I ran into a weird problem of Aptana or maybe I miss configured something:
from google.appengine.api import memcache
The aptana resolve the memcache import. But when I was trying to access the memcache method, the auto assist shows maximum of ONLY 7 Methods while memcache is supposed to have long list of methods.
I've verified the memcache is actually imported to Aptana by:
Uploading to GAE server, and the memcache worked despite of the error highlight.
I opened the memcache file, and the methods are all there.
But, Aptana Studio 3:
failed to resolve the important methods --> get, set, add etc.
but, the 7 methods are resolved --> create_rpc, setup_client, _add_name_space, _decode_value, _is_pair, _key_string, _validate_encode_value
Even the 7 methods which are resolved, only 2 are public while the other 5 are private methods.
I opened the outline view to see what are all the methods listed in memcache python file, and realized the same 7 methods only displayed despite the codes are all there (get, set etc)
Here's what I tried to solve it:
I removed all External Libraries import from project Python Path configuration and then readded back the App Engine folder.
Noticeable change is only 1, in which now the outline view shows me all the right methods from the Memcache python file.
However, despite the outline view is showing correctly, the methods are still not resolved. The same 7 methods are the only resolved methods.
While it's working fine in GAE, but impossible to work on an IDE that keeps highlighting the memcache methods with error.
Can anyone advice on this?
Solution is very simple.
Add full module name 'x.x.x' to forced builtins in preference -> pydev - interpreter - Python.
Restart Eclipse, rebuild or force restore internal info from project -> pydev - > python path - it depends on eclipse and configuration try first working or combo.
See picture of it on this post http://viblogrock.wordpress.com/2011/01/01/pydev%E3%81%A7gae%E3%81%AEmemcache%E3%81%8C%E3%82%A8%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%81%AB%E3%81%AA%E3%82%8B%E4%BB%B6/
Give answer acceptance!
I've updated my Typo3 from 4.5.5 to 4.7.0 and I get several deprecated errors:
ERROR: Content Element type "login" has no rendering definition!
call to undefined error in t3lib_div::view_array
fail to include class.t3lib_htmlmail.php
The install tool gives me "typo3/ext/ directory not writable" but I've the correct right. I've even allow all?????
When I select a CType Element in the BE it give me this warning: PHP Warning
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/typo3_src-4.7.0/t3lib/l10n/parser/class.t3lib_l10n_parser_llphp.php line 95
The solution for 2. is to use the new class t3lib_utility_debug but what is with the other errors?
Edit: 1. http://lists.typo3.org/pipermail/typo3-english/2011-November/078129.html
Edit 2: The solution for the missing class t3lib_htmlmail is to include another class t3lib_mail_message: require_once(PATH_t3lib .'mail/class.t3lib_mail_message.php');
You solved allready: install system extension "felogin"
you solved allready: use t3lib_utility_debug
check where the error is from. Often it is helpfull to search for that file in typo3conf/temp_*.
You could check your filesystem, if your webserver is allowed to write to typo3/ext/. I guess, it is not. But you do not need to. Usually you install extensions to typo3conf/ext/.
Update your language files via the extension manager.
Well, i know it is to late now, but for all others wo think about an update: just activate the deprecation log in the isntall toll and fix that problems first!
Updating from 4.5.X to 4.7.x broke my felogin as well. The reason was that there has been a local extension installation that has been of higher priority than the system one. So if you suffer the same update issue, check for an local installation of felogin in "typo3conf/ext" - and delete it in case it is there. This solved my problem!