How to automate Azure data factory pipeline deployments - github

I want to automate Azure data factory pipeline deployments.
I have Self Hosted Integration runtimes with a different name in each environment (i.e. SHIR-{environment}).
I have different data sources and destinations for each environment. (i.e. different SQL server names or Hostnames)
How can I perform the automatic weekly deployments to promote changes from GitHub dev branch to stage and stage to production? I don't want to modify these database server names in linked services during the GitHub PR merge.

To set up automated deployment, start with an automation tool, such as Azure DevOps. Azure DevOps provides various interfaces and tools in order to automate the entire process.
A development data factory is created and configured with Azure Repos Git. All developers should have permission to author Data Factory resources like pipelines and datasets.
A developer creates a feature branch to make a change. They debug their pipeline runs with their most recent changes. For more information on how to debug a pipeline run, see Iterative development and debugging with Azure Data Factory.
After a developer is satisfied with their changes, they create a pull request from their feature branch to the main or collaboration branch to get their changes reviewed by peers.
After a pull request is approved and changes are merged in the main branch, the changes get published to the development factory.
When the team is ready to deploy the changes to a test or UAT (User Acceptance Testing) factory, the team goes to their Azure Pipelines release and deploys the desired version of the development factory to UAT. This deployment takes place as part of an Azure Pipelines task and uses Resource Manager template parameters to apply the appropriate configuration.
After the changes have been verified in the test factory, deploy to the production factory by using the next task of the pipelines release.
For more information follow this link


How do I show multiple Azure Pipeline pipelines in GitHub?

We use Azure DevOps for our CI/CD pipelines, but our repositories are in GitHub. We currently trigger the CI pipelines on each push, but there is no link to GitHub so we lose easily seeing the status of a build in pull requests / automatically failing a check if a build fails.
Azure Pipelines has an app on GitHub Marketplace for integrating pipelines with repositories / pull requests. I installed this in our GitHub organization and configured it with the repository access it needs, which then had me authenticate with Azure DevOps, select the project and the pipeline yaml associated with the repository.
This works great and I can see the status directly in a pull request -
The issue is that I have multiple pipelines I would like to run and display the status of in the pull request. We have a monorepo but I only want to build an app if it was modified, so I utilize path filters in the Azure Pipelines yaml so the CI is only run when I need it to. GitHub does not discover/display the status of other CI pipelines I have in the project.
Initially, I tried just setting up another azure pipelines yaml that is triggered by pull requests. When I make a pull request, I see in Azure Pipelines the CI was triggered by 'PR automated for {pr number}', but it does not display it's status in GitHub.
I ended up going to the Azure Pipelines app settings in GitHub, 'revoking' access to the repository, and then immediately re-configuring it with access to the same project as before, but selecting a different pipeline yaml. This worked, it retained the first build I configured and added the second, and now multiple builds are shown in the pull request -
But this does not seem like the intended way to accomplish this. The GitHub app links to the entire documentation for Azure Pipelines, not specifically to docs about the app, and I have not been able to find any info within on how to do this.
Is there a way to add multiple pipelines with the Azure Pipelines app on GitHub, outside of this workaround?

Azure DevOps see included commits in build

we are using Azure Pipelines to build and deploy various projects. We are using Enterprise Github service connection as our git repository source which we are using as part of the build pipelines that are running on on-prem AzureDevops build agent. We are then using on-prem hosted DevOps agents to deploy the service on our on-prem servers.
If we trigger a build we then receive an email notification about all the new commits which are included in the build. Is the same information (what commits are part of the build) included somewhere in the Azure DevOps UI? I was not able to find it and it's really difficult to then determine what I'm actually deploying our various environments as I'm not always the one who triggers each build.

Is it possible to realease a full set of potentially dependant artifacts (microservices) at once?

Traditionally we have to deliver our applications on the test and pre-production platforms one by one (usually by hand using setups). Applications like the front end javascript SPA UI are linked to backend services and their delivery sometimes goes together.
Each service and each application has its own git repository. (we are using on premise TFS 2018 for now )
Then when it is necessary to go into production, we deliver all of the front end services and applications at once that have been validated at once.
We would like to automate our process but we don't know if Azure Devops is suitable.
From what I understand with Azure Devops, we can make an independent artifact for each microservice and each front end application. We can also deliver them independently.
It seems to me that Azure Devops by default allows you to manage the delivery cycle for a particular microservice but not for an assembly making up a complete system, right?
But is it possible to deliver a set of projects each with a particular version? For that, must all of our projects be in the same solution or the same git repository?
Yes, you can use multiple artifacts from different sources (build artifacts, repositories, package feeds, github, docker hub, Azure Container Registry, ++) within a single pipeline or release definition. That's true for both the classic release definitions and the modern multi-stage pipeline implementation.
For example you can define a pipeline or release definition that consumes a front-end web app from a build artifact sourced from RepoA, a back-end service artifact consumed from a container registry originally from RepoB, and say a script library in the form of a Git artifact from RepoC. From there you could deploy each of those artifacts together, or in parallel stages, in sequence, partially, with approvals, conditionally, etc, all from the same pipeline.
The full configuration as code YAML multi-stage pipelines are still in preview, so there are some workflow orchestrations that are a little tougher to implement. But there is enough feature parity with the classic release definitions that I would default to using multi-stage for any net new needs.

Automate multiple builds/ releases in Azure DevOps

We have dozens of code repositories in Azure DevOps, and we're working on a major release strategy.
We have a stable development branch called develop, where code has been tested and peer-reviewed, with features approved by QA. All of our service repositories have a similar structure.
We want to "click a button" and branch from develop across all our repositories to a release candidate branch, that QA can regression test as a complete system... basically a "snapshot" of what we expect is ready for release. We would then build from this code base, release to our QA environment from the corresponding builds, and when certified, deploy to production, then smoke test and merge the release candidate branch into master, then master back into develop.
It doesn't seem like there's an easy way to manage multiple builds or releases in Azure DevOps though. Atlassian's Bamboo supported this concept of "meta builds" but I don't see a way to do this in Azure DevOps. I can't seem to even create a build that is not implicitly linked to a single repository.
How can I automate this and get this workflow working in Azure DevOps?
You can use a Build Task from the Marketplace that queue a new build: the first two found are Trigger Build Task and Build Chain.
You defined an overarching build that queues the single ones and does any additional work.

How to create a test environment with IBM Bluemix Delivery Pipeline?

Using the Delivery Pipeline service, I'd like to deploy my artifacts to staging/QA environments where QA/Product team members can test features/defect fixes before those changes get merged into Production branch.
How would I spin up these temporary testing environments when pull requests are created?
There is currently no way to build off of pull requests. One option would be to have a separate branch that people can merge code into. You can then have a build stage which builds that branch and a deploy stage to deploy to your staging/qa environment. You can then have another stage will does the merge into the production branch. (Note, this stage should only be triggered manually.)