How to add an Ink annotation to a pdf - fpdf

I know you can do $pdf->annotation('test'); in mpdf, which works perfectly fine, but how do you add other types of annotations? one example is "/Subtype /Ink" on which The annotation() function documentation says nothing about. I also searched for fpdf solutions because i understand that mpdf is only an extension of fpdf, but found nothing.


How to make underline a valid element in tinyMCE

I'm trying to choose what kind of elements that's allowed in tinyMCE for a site in episerver. So far, I've done this and it's working well:
The problem is that I can't seem to allow the underline-element? I've tried both u and underline and I've tried to put it inside the p-tag but nothing is working. All of the other elements are working just fine! Help please:)

Python class/method comment and intellisense

I have seen that the comments I write at the top of my Python methods and and classes is the same text that pops up when I am using them in my code. I have also seen that some formatting hints can be made in the comments, and that will translate into pretty rendering in the popup text (for instance, putting a bunch of "-"'s under a heading makes the font bigger and bolder). What other formatting is there and what are the hints? Specifically, is there "code" formatting that renders in monospace? I like to put code samples in my comments sometimes and that would look great.
Finally, does this all have a name? I tried googling what I was trying to do and it was hard because I didn't know what it was called.

Issue setting data for Radar Chart in iOS charts

I am using the charting library here however I am having a couple of issues.
First, I have no idea how to set the data for a radar chart type and second, I have an error when apply the RadarChart to uiview. The error is
Unknown class RadarChartView in Interface Builder file.
The app still runs and I can see an empty uiview.
I have looked at the demo app and through the documentation but I am still unsure how to actually set any data to the chart.
If you looked at ChartsDemo app, why you still not unsure how to use it? The code is straightforward. Otherwise I am still copy pasting code from ChartsDemo, which is meaningless.
For the class, you need to choose Charts module for your IB:
downloaded library
reembedded it with the option "Embedded Content Contains Swift Code"
In Storyboard where I defined the class for the charts view as "LineChartView", I also have to set the module manually to "Charts".

TabLayoutPanel and gwt-slider-bar

I tried adding a sliderbar using code to a TabLayoutPanel but the sliderbar is not displayed even if it works well on a DeckPanel.
Have anyone succed to do the same thing with this code or using another alternative?
I found a better way to make a sliderbar in a TabLayoutPannel using the class with the CSS and gifs available in the same directory.
I hope this will be helpful

How to implement Quick Fix / Quick Assist for custom eclipse editor?

I have extended org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextEditor to implement a custom editor.
For this editor, I have defined a marker type (org.eclipse.core.resources.markers extension point) and an annotation type (org.eclipse.ui.editors.annotationTypes extension point) to mark specific parts of code in my editor. I use a reconciler to update my annotation model.
Now I want to add a quick fix / quick assist feature. I simply want eclipse, to show a box with proposals, when I hover over an annotated part of the code and replace that part with a given string, when I click on a proposal. Just like the quick fix feature for the java editor.
So, what is the best way to implement this behavior?
I read about marker resolution generators and quick assist processors, but I'm still confused how it all works together...
I would be glad, if someone could point me to the right direction.
EDIT: From what I've understood so far, a MarkerResolutionGenerator is responsible for showing quick fixes in the problems view. To get quick fixes in the source viewer, I would have to set a QuickAssistAssistant for my SourceViewer and implement a QuickAssistProcessor which returns CompletionProposals.
Is this the right way to do it?
EDIT2: I'm wondering if I need Markers at all, or only Annotations, I'm confused...
I finally found out how to get Quick Fix to work for my editor.
I use the annotationTypes extension point to register my own annotation type and the markerAnnotationSpecification extension point to specify the look and feel. In my custom SourceViewerConfiguration class I override getAnnotationHover(...) to return a DefaultAnnotationHover object and getTextHover(...) to return a DefaultTextHover object, so the annotations are shown in my source viewer.
Then I override getReconciler(...) to return a MonoReconciler with my own implementation of IReconcilingStrategy to create the annotations in its reconcile(...) method. And finally I override getQuickAssistAssistant(...) to return a QuickAssistAssistant with my own implementation of IQuickAssistProcessor. The computeQuickAssistProposals(...) method in the processor class computes the quick fix proposals which show up, when I press CTRL+1.
I don't create any Marker objects and don't use a MarkerResolutionGenerator, since the marker concept is much more heavyweight than using only annotations and the functionality which annotations provide fits my needs.
You have to register an extension to the extension point org.eclipse.ui.ide.markerResolution. This extension refers to a markerType (using the markerId), and also a resolution generator.
The latter component is responsible for calculating the possible fixes: it reads the marker, it can check the related files, etc., and creates marker resolution instances. These resolution instances basically process the erroneous files, and hopefully fix the original problem.
During marker resolution, you should not worry about removing the markers, as after the fix is executed, sometimes the validation would run again (e.g. during the build, or if no automatic validation is available, then manually - but it is not the task of the marker resolution to update the list of markers).